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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Invertebrate Forum

Discuss the care of invertebrates: anemones, shrimp, snails, crabs, etc.

  1. Shrimp/Goby Pairing

  2. Cleaner shrimp

  3. Help! Star fish dead

  4. CUC Introduction

  5. Linkia starfish

  6. Compaitability

  7. Feeding pistol shrimp

  8. A pair of Randalli Shrimp?

  9. she looks so sexy in blue

  10. Shaking Peppermint Shrimp

  11. Emerald crabs sluggish??

  12. Clams and Water Changes?

  13. Macro algae?

  14. Designer BTA's and Coloration

  15. sexy shrimp

  16. Pom Pom Crab

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