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Living Room Nano Peninsula


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4 hours ago, ReefahBarra84 said:

Dude, your tank has been an inspiration for me.

I'm doing something similar in my place, but a bit different.  Awesome tank man, just badass in general 

Hey there! Thanks for the kind words, and for dropping by! 


Post up a link to your build, would love to follow along! 

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I definitely will sir! 

BRS has this in stock currently, that along with the Eshopps M overflow.  I'm not sure whether to go that route, or the acrylic version. Lol...I had a question for you though, what are you doing for nutrient Control? Also, when are you planning on trimming some corals back? I'd be interested in grabbing some stuff from you. 

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35 minutes ago, ReefahBarra84 said:

I definitely will sir! 

BRS has this in stock currently, that along with the Eshopps M overflow.  I'm not sure whether to go that route, or the acrylic version. Lol...I had a question for you though, what are you doing for nutrient Control? Also, when are you planning on trimming some corals back? I'd be interested in grabbing some stuff from you. 

Most of that is going to come down to your style and needs/wants. I simply just wanted to share a guideline about what I did to hopefully help others along the way. While the Eshopps overflows are an easy solution, there are a million different ways to achieve the end result! 


For nutrient control, I started by trying to use a refugium, but nothing really grew! Turns out my corals are using up most of the "extra" in the water. I do skim pretty heavy, and I have a super light bio load (one blenny and a clownfish pair.) I also water change about once a month. Every tank I've had has been different, this one is no exception. After about 3 years I've figured out how to jive with it, and can tell when it has needs. 


I've just gone through and done a massive trimming. I've either traded, sold, or thrown away everything. Never fear, it wont be long before I'll have to do it all over again. Once i move the colonies into my new setup, I anticipate they will grow even faster! 


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1 hour ago, teamschreiba said:

Looks incredible and can’t wait to see the new setup. Hope you’ve been well!

Woah! Total blast from the past!


There are a few tanks that really inspired me on this build, yours being one of them. @brad908 was another one that was constantly throwing together new builds/tanks with different themes and ideas. 


The new tank (I hope) will be just as nice. If the fish acquisitions speak to the niceness already, I think I'm on track! 


Doing well, btw, moved into Hyattsville, MD, so just across the DC border. Are you just lurking, or do you have a tank setup/plans for a new tank setup? 

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18 hours ago, YHSublime said:

Woah! Total blast from the past!


There are a few tanks that really inspired me on this build, yours being one of them. @brad908 was another one that was constantly throwing together new builds/tanks with different themes and ideas. 


The new tank (I hope) will be just as nice. If the fish acquisitions speak to the niceness already, I think I'm on track! 


Doing well, btw, moved into Hyattsville, MD, so just across the DC border. Are you just lurking, or do you have a tank setup/plans for a new tank setup? 

Thanks I appreciate that!  Your tank is a 1000x better than any of the ones I had previously though!


And yes, I've started making purchases for another nano setup.  I hope to get a tank journal up soon...


I'm still in Alexandria so not too far away.  

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1 hour ago, brad908 said:

Getting back in the game next month 🙌🏼🙌🏼

Fantastic! Looking forward to the deets!


47 minutes ago, teamschreiba said:

Thanks I appreciate that!  Your tank is a 1000x better than any of the ones I had previously though!


And yes, I've started making purchases for another nano setup.  I hope to get a tank journal up soon...


I'm still in Alexandria so not too far away.  


I'm really having fun with this one. I plan to continue running it, but I also have never been a big fan of more than one tank at a time. Looking forward to another build thread to follow!

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/1/2020 at 2:57 PM, YHSublime said:

If you're talking about the tub with fish other than clowns in it, then yes! That's one of my 3 rock/fish cooking/holding tubs. It'd be pretty sweet to run as a top down, but it would mean I paid quite a bit of money for a tank (and getting it moved into my basement) and stand. That and my SO would probably have a bit of a fit if I ended up keeping these any longer than I already have, she's been very patient! 


Glad you like the aquascape, I call it: "Throwing the rock in so it's not a mound in the middle of the tank!" 

where's the new updated full tub shot?  


Is it anywhere near becoming full tank shot yet?

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On 6/15/2020 at 8:55 AM, mitten_reef said:

where's the new updated full tub shot?  


Is it anywhere near becoming full tank shot yet?



Oh boy, it's been a whirlwind of a month, or maybe two months. Got to feeling pretty sorry for myself here. 


Work got super busy, and I swapped over to my new batches of ESV. I don't know if they're just stronger or mixed worse or who knows, proper, for the first time since I've been doing this? I also found out my doser wasn't working for a period of time, and my alk got down to 5.4 dKH. Then when I got it back up, I overshot and it went up to 9.7 dKH. I'm back to 9 dKH, but still higher than I normally keep it. 


I've bleached out most of my acros, especially the colonies, and lost a few as well through the ordeal. It'll be months before it bounces back to anything along the lines of it's old glory. 


I added a non QT'd fish to my batch of angelfish, and it wiped out my tub of angelfish. 


I ended up deciding to take a vacation (first real check out vacation in about 3 years) which was great! On the drive back from the beach I got a flat tire, and then when I got back home found a lump the size of a tennis ball one of my dogs throat. An emergency vet visit later and spending a few days thinking my dog was going to die from cancer, I got the great news that it was only a serious infection, and it looks like the antibiotics are working about a week later. 


Now that things are starting to mend up a bit, I've made some changes. I realized I hadn't done a water change in a while, so I've done 3 water changes on the nano since things started going down hill. I also ordered a pallet of salt. I realized I'd not checked my RO/DI filters in a very, very long time, so I changed those out, and the membrane. As expected, they were all spent. I'm back to testing my alkalinity daily, but I'm shocked how the consumption tripled, and then almost is back to where I started months ago. I have also seen a tremendous amount of coraline algae growing since I've stopped cleaning the sides of the tank. When I move to the tank downstairs, possibly sooner than later, I have ordered a calcium reactor. 


Thinking my woes were over, I finally ordered a trio of Pyramid Butterfly fish that was meant to be delivered this past Friday. I didn't get the box until Saturday morning, and one was dead, and two didn't make it past the 24 hour mark, both of which were gasping at the top of the bag when I finally got them. 


I have 3 tubs downstairs, the one that had my angelfish in it is going fallow for 90 days. The other one I'll combine the rock with the fallow tank, and have to reset the clock on the QT again. I'll move my remaining fish (a powder brown tang and a maroon clown) into a QT tank and will sacrifice a bit of live rock. I plan to put everything through copper from here on out, so I also plan on ordering a huge invert order to put through my fallow QT period with the rock. 


Anyways, whats up with all these words and no photos? Why am I depressing you with all these sad stories? I'll get some updates here in a bit, it's not all doom and gloom!

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29 minutes ago, YHSublime said:



Oh boy, it's been a whirlwind of a month, or maybe two months. Got to feeling pretty sorry for myself here. 


Work got super busy, and I swapped over to my new batches of ESV. I don't know if they're just stronger or mixed worse or who knows, proper, for the first time since I've been doing this? I also found out my doser wasn't working for a period of time, and my alk got down to 5.4 dKH. Then when I got it back up, I overshot and it went up to 9.7 dKH. I'm back to 9 dKH, but still higher than I normally keep it. 


I've bleached out most of my acros, especially the colonies, and lost a few as well through the ordeal. It'll be months before it bounces back to anything along the lines of it's old glory. 


I added a non QT'd fish to my batch of angelfish, and it wiped out my tub of angelfish. 


I ended up deciding to take a vacation (first real check out vacation in about 3 years) which was great! On the drive back from the beach I got a flat tire, and then when I got back home found a lump the size of a tennis ball one of my dogs throat. An emergency vet visit later and spending a few days thinking my dog was going to die from cancer, I got the great news that it was only a serious infection, and it looks like the antibiotics are working about a week later. 


Now that things are starting to mend up a bit, I've made some changes. I realized I hadn't done a water change in a while, so I've done 3 water changes on the nano since things started going down hill. I also ordered a pallet of salt. I realized I'd not checked my RO/DI filters in a very, very long time, so I changed those out, and the membrane. As expected, they were all spent. I'm back to testing my alkalinity daily, but I'm shocked how the consumption tripled, and then almost is back to where I started months ago. I have also seen a tremendous amount of coraline algae growing since I've stopped cleaning the sides of the tank. When I move to the tank downstairs, possibly sooner than later, I have ordered a calcium reactor. 


Thinking my woes were over, I finally ordered a trio of Pyramid Butterfly fish that was meant to be delivered this past Friday. I didn't get the box until Saturday morning, and one was dead, and two didn't make it past the 24 hour mark, both of which were gasping at the top of the bag when I finally got them. 


I have 3 tubs downstairs, the one that had my angelfish in it is going fallow for 90 days. The other one I'll combine the rock with the fallow tank, and have to reset the clock on the QT again. I'll move my remaining fish (a powder brown tang and a maroon clown) into a QT tank and will sacrifice a bit of live rock. I plan to put everything through copper from here on out, so I also plan on ordering a huge invert order to put through my fallow QT period with the rock. 


Anyways, whats up with all these words and no photos? Why am I depressing you with all these sad stories? I'll get some updates here in a bit, it's not all doom and gloom!

That’s a lot for one month-ish. 

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12 minutes ago, mitten_reef said:

That’s a lot for one month-ish. 

It really is. 


Baby steps for a bounce back. I'm thankful that I have a job that affords me the luxury of things like reef tanks, and I'm thankful that my best goodest doggo is doing better. Haven't wanted to throw in the towel yet, so that's always a good sign! 

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18 hours ago, Reefkid88 said:

Man that is unfortunate bud.. Hopefully everything bounces back and this thing gets back on track. 


13 hours ago, Amphrites said:

Jeez, I'm glad your dog is on the mend... That's some abysmal luck otherwise.

Glad to be back to some sense of normal. Here’s my #1 dude resting up, and then a photo of all 4 of us in our natural habitat.





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  • 4 months later...

I don't know if you're still lurking or not on here but I'm getting ready to drill my Mr aqua 22 and I had a question about your water level. It looks to be about 1inch below the rim. Would I be assuming correctly? 

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  • 5 months later...
On 11/6/2020 at 4:22 PM, ReefGoat said:

I don't know if you're still lurking or not on here but I'm getting ready to drill my Mr aqua 22 and I had a question about your water level. It looks to be about 1inch below the rim. Would I be assuming correctly? 

Hey, about that. You've probably worked it out since then, sorry I didn't catch it! 

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Hello Nano-Reefers! It seems like forever since I've updated or even been around, because it has been! 


Almost this time last year I ran into a pretty shitty bout of luck and happenstance. Through the process I lost just about all my SPS and took a step back from the hobby while I decided what to do with the tank. I nearly had it sold, but the buyer backed out, and I'm really glad that they did, TBH. After that, I resigned myself to water changes more frequently and just basic husbandry, with the idea that I would stop constantly monitoring my different levels and things that I generally don't like to do. 


I've started to recoup my acros, but have also taken the time to fill in the space with some more softies and LPS. I am nowhere near the insane amount of SPS I had prior, but still pretty good. 


Now I'm "back" reefing, I've pretty much filled in any little bit of free space that might have been available, and I have also swapped my sump out this month. 


I plan to keeping this journal updated again, so here's a recent FTS!



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3 minutes ago, Reefkid88 said:

Oh mer gerd,I'm glad your back bud. I have missed seeing updates on this tank. 


 How is the big tank or is that a no go now ? 




Big tank was sold, I lost thousands of dollars in fish, and we put an HVAC in, there was just so much humidity in the basement it was borderline Waterworld. Back to nano all the way!

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4 hours ago, A.m.P said:

Glad you're getting back into (/stuck with) it, the tank looks great, looking forward to seeing the occasional update on it!


Haha, not really stuck with, I do enjoy it. I guess so much that I've set up a Mr. Aqua Chic, an 11.4 gallon cube also in my office. 



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