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Coral Vue Hydros

Living Room Nano Peninsula


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  • 2 weeks later...

These might seem like a lot of the same photos again to folks, but I wanted to capture what the tank looked like in the AM with just the T5 bulbs going. These are 100% edited to show you what I see IRL under 100% blues. The colors are so striking, and it really does take about an hour for the bulbs to warm up into the groove. Once the LED's pop in, they are set to be very white heavy, so it balances everything out during the day. I can 100% say that the addition of T5's has accelerated SPS colors to a whole new level. 































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  • 2 weeks later...
29 minutes ago, joshthebox said:

Love the rics! Those red mouths look awesome against the green body!! Both of your tanks are amazing. 

Thanks! Been hard at work cultivating!

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15 hours ago, Reefkid88 said:

That frag tank though !!! 


 Finally I am getting back into the hobby after a year. I cannot wait. 


That's great to hear! This hobby has a way of sucking you back in again, and again, and again. I took a very short break, and was always thinking about it, lol. Do you have a build thread? 

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5 hours ago, YHSublime said:


That's great to hear! This hobby has a way of sucking you back in again, and again, and again. I took a very short break, and was always thinking about it, lol. Do you have a build thread? 

Yeah,life is driving me insane with nothing to keep me from going nutty lol. I have my old thread,but nothing for the new one. Its just going to be a standars 10g turned into a AIO with a G4 XR15 with diffuser and a few other goodies. 


 Probably mainly sps with some softies and lps mixed in. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lots of updates in the works over here. The nano is chugging along, 40ml a day of each ESV solution for alk and calc, and I'm still maintaining 7.5dKH Having a 3.5 gallon ATO has been a bit challenging, and I'm officially out of space, everywhere. From the tank space to the sump space, I've squeezed as much as I can everywhere it can go. 






So I started shopping. Low key shopping. The same way I knew I wanted a Mr. Aqua 22 to build this tank with, I knew I wanted a Deep Blue 60 or 80 rimless if/when I stepped up. And as if the stars aligned, within a few hours of serious contemplation one Saturday morning, after deleting a WTB post on my local forum, a DB80 Rimless popped up. So I went and picked it up. The only flaw on this tank was 2 about 12" long scratches down the front. Normally this would have been a deal breaker, but when the tank was filled with water they were not really noticeable. My current nano has a ton of scratches the same way, and while I know they are there, they're not the main attraction to anybody else. 


Now I knew I wanted to run this as a peninsula, so of course I had some things to start working out, primarily the stand. When it came to the sump, another deal popped up a few weeks later. A SCA 150 with an aluminum stand, and a Trigger Systems - Triton 44 V1 Sump. While I only wanted the stand and the sump, I sweetened the pot and bought everything. Then I debated for a few weeks which tank I was going to setup. 


Based on the weight, and the way my floors run, I opted to go with the 80 gallon over the 150. I moved the couch out of my office, and started bringing in the "framework pieces" to get moving. 




With a big work trip in the books, I ordered all my plumbing before I left, so when I returned, I'd have everything waiting. I removed the painted backing, took out the overflow, and plugged the holes with bulkheads. Originally I wanted to silicone in a glass piece over the holes, but for some reason a lot of folks thought that was risky, I will have rockwork over it anyways.


I ordered a Fiji Cube 1600gph overflow box which I drilled for last weekend. I'm getting ready to setup the lighting, and have a top being built with a dramatic live edge. When that is ready, I'll put the tank on the stand and plumb. Once there are no leaks, hopefully right away, I'll transfer over the nano and the frag tank. 



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  • 3 weeks later...

Holy returm nozzle batman,that thing is COVERED in some serious algae lol. Those piecea are looking amazing though,especially that HW !!! 


 I hope to be like you when I grow up with this new T5 setup 🙂 lol. 

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11 hours ago, Reefkid88 said:

Holy returm nozzle batman,that thing is COVERED in some serious algae lol. Those piecea are looking amazing though,especially that HW !!! 


 I hope to be like you when I grow up with this new T5 setup 🙂 lol. 

The only algae in the tank is coraline! That’s GSP on the return and the overflow, just no polyps out bc the water level😉

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26 minutes ago, schg said:

That is amazing! 😆


9 minutes ago, Reefkid88 said:

I was going to say whew doggy !!! Tank looks super incredible regardless. 


Thanks, here's a better idea of the overflow/return from the side, it grows down the glass sides as well, so I have to trim it up regularly. 


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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, schg said:

Looking amazing, as always! When is the transition to the new tank happening?


Gracias, picking up the top tomorrow 🙂 I have some things to work out plumbing wise, but I think this weekend is a safe bet! 

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