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Cultivated Reef


  1. Jawfish

  2. Maybe an Emerald Crab?

  3. Starfish hitchhiker?

  4. What is this doohicky?

  5. Pinktail Trigger fish

  6. Ouch...I ripped a mushroom in half!

  7. Fragged!!!!!!!! :)

  8. GSPs burnig my Yellow Polyps?

  9. corals,or no corals,that is the question

  10. Possible Seaslug/Nudibranch

  11. Hitchhiker From Hell ID

  12. cleaner shrimp died

  13. my personal cleaner

  14. are these aiptasia?

  15. Cluster Dusters?

  16. Violet feather duster

  17. New fish pecking order

  18. sea apples! Death to the tank?

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