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I purchased a pearly jawfish about a month ago. He is a terrific little fish and is very fascinating to observe. I have done quite a bit of reading on them, and I am seriously considering setting up a new tank deseigned just for a small community of pearly jawfish. I am wondering what experiences any of you have had with them, and any advice on a set-up dedicated to them. What different types of substrate you used and how they were layered, any information on they're breeding in captivity etcc etc. I have not decided yet on what size tank I might use.



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Brian, I don't have pearlys but do have a pair of blue spot jawfish. Currently they are in a 10 gallon with an eclipse hood. If one wanders into the others territory they may flare their gills or lock mouths. No serious harm so far - but I am planning a larger species only tank for them - thinking a 36x36 or 48x48 square tank shallow. They do steal building materials from one another so keep a lot of smal bits of LR rubble, crushed coral and shells so they have enough to keep em busy. Blue spots are prone to a mysterious infection (I had one and bought a second from a healthy batch) but the regular pearly ones are much hardier and can be collected in tropical US waters to my knowledge. The blue spots come from mexico / sea of cortez and have limited collection areas and times. Jawfish are mouthbrooders and have been aquacultured in limited numbers.


For a decent overview of them here's a link to an article from reefkeeping on them:




And I can't resist posting a pic of one of my little guys they are so cute:

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