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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Kat's METROpolitan: Retired May 2018


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Thanks everyone. Been a busy (frustrating) day dealing with technology. It's supposed to make our lives easier right but onboarding new technology is a PITA. Gosh. Spent pretty much ALL day integrating a new email account from a 3rd party to my gmail. After that on boarding social media accounts into management platforms and finding out that the limitations just don't go away even if you pay for premium management softwares and apps. Very frustrating. Sometimes it seems that our systems are designed not to let small businesses succeed. I am determined however!


Expecting 6-10 inches of snow in the next 24 hours - holy crap! I have coffee and wine. I think I'll be okay. There is cat food and heat. If the electricity goes I have the furball to cuddle up with. Bogi hasn't been eating well - today is the 3rd day. I started him on Hemp based CBD yesterday in the hopes that he would do better and get the munchies but even though he is crying for food, he is unable to eat more than a few bites. Sometimes I think he will be fine as he manages to finish half the bowl but then won't eat for nearly a half a day after that. It is likely his thyroid medication that needs adjusting, so I'm going to try that. He likes to eat his dry treats but because of his dehydration issues (kidney failure) he should really not be eating too much of those or he throws up and is constipated. It seems like clockwork - every 10 days or so he has a few days of issues - throws up, won't eat, cries. I was hoping the CBD would help in those days. Maybe I have the wrong CBD.


I was intending to work on the tank yesterday and today but didn't - maybe tonight.

I spotted the 2 gobies again - they are living apart and one is really skinny but they both ate today so that is good.

Should measure all parameters today too. For the time being all dosers are online and the reactor is running 3-4 chemipure blue nano packs.

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Good luck, Bogi!!


We have family visiting from the Dominican Republic getting here tomorrow. Apparently they're going to get here early to 'enjoy the storm', because they only see snow when they visit during the winter so it's very rare for them :P They'll probably spend the day next to the fireplace..

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omgomgomg -panics-


Any chance of recovering or a backup? Or will you have to rebuild all the info?

I think I'll get most of it back including photos. Google backs everything automatically so I'll get my contacts and everything back even on the temp phone once I set up the email accounts

But I don't want to sync to the temporary phone only to wipe it because I have the temporary phone already synced with stuff i need for work. Sigh. It's complicated. I'm getting sassy text messages. WHO COULD THAT BE!

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Anybody want some nitrates? ;)


When are you going to fly to Texas and help me plumb my tank Kat?

6-10 inches of snow coming down right now papa Veng - planes are prolly grounded.

Are you home finally? ready to get started?

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Me! ME! I want nitrates! I'm actually dosing them to keep up :unsure:


Also - gorgeous. And that slimer's going to start a plot for world domination up there on its own...

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I told them my phone died - who is this?

"Your next boyfriend"


I should say "send me a nekkid pix first"


*Hits send* Sorry about the bulge in the side of your phone. Quid pro quo Kat. :P


I just re-scaped.....



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6-10 inches of snow coming down right now papa Veng - planes are prolly grounded.

Are you home finally? ready to get started?

You should have flown in last night ahead of the storm! Oh well. Yes I'm home now, and hopefully will be for a little while. I'm going to try to plumb this weekend. I've been fighting a cold this week, but hope to be over it soon.

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