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Coral Vue Hydros

AI prime wifi LED


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So far we've had one person actually test this light on the forum post. Can someone else please verify the par levels on this light as well? We've also heard of people having success with the Prime growing sps as someone earlier had mentioned that his encrusting monti was doing extremely well with Primes. I think this whole issue might be getting blown out of proportion.. If corals are growing well, what's the issue?

Maybe I'm just trying to justify my purchase was worth it after seeing all the negativity on this light these past few days..

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I think the issue is them modifying their original numbers. Regardless if this light will grow SPS at a certain depth with a certain coverage I think the them doing that is the main issue. Just measured it directly under the light, the sensor was 11.5" from the light (not under the water surface yet) and I was getting a reading of 260-265, so where did they come up with 500 in the first place.

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Thanks for measuring CrazyEyes. I'm sure 260-265 par with my two par38 lights will still be plenty for my Nuvo 16.. But I understand how this is frustrating when they've changed the par numbers.

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I can't believe Im actually thinking about buying another one instead of trying to sell the one I have now and going with something else.

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Anybody hear back from AI about this new par info and what they plan on doing for the many people that bought this light based off the previous par info. Smh they now say par is based off open air readings do they think people are growing house plants.

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So has anyone approached AI about getting a refund on the light now that the advertised performance is clearly incorrect?


I have sent them a message.


AI would not do anything like that, you'd need to take it up with the retailer you purchased it from.


Why wouldn't they? That would be the proper thing to do unless they want a suit on their hands. This is false advertising cut and dry. Now they are caught. I'm not going to sweat it over $200 but someone might and I doubt they will want to deal with that headache.


Hey either way this is a cool light for a fuge or a nano. The control really is on point.

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Do you not realize the variability of PAR readings under water? Lensing effect can make small or dramatic differences to PAR readings depending on the surface turbulence. Take the readings with no flow, and you might was well do it in air as the overall difference would not be that great (sure, there are some losses from reflection once the angle of incidence increases to a point, but it won't affect peak PAR measurably). PAR readings in air is pretty much the defacto standard for reporting on fixtures. It takes all variability out of it, and allows the manufacturer to do it easily. There are very few companies that actually do readings under water.

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Do you not realize the variability of PAR readings under water? Lensing effect can make small or dramatic differences to PAR readings depending on the surface turbulence. Take the readings with no flow, and you might was well do it in air as the overall difference would not be that great (sure, there are some losses from reflection once the angle of incidence increases to a point, but it won't affect peak PAR measurably). PAR readings in air is pretty much the defacto standard for reporting on fixtures. It takes all variability out of it, and allows the manufacturer to do it easily. There are very few companies that actually do readings under water.


I'm not worried about the underwater measurements nearly as much as the fact they switched the peak power on the website several months later. Seems shady doesn't it?

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When AI claims whatever number whether it's 260 with a 30x30 spread or 500 with an 18x18 spread. Is that figure for directly under the light? I just don't see this light having a 30x30 spread. We hung this over a 36x18 tank and I can promise you it wouldn't look very good over a 30x30 cube.


I'm not worried about the underwater measurements nearly as much as the fact they switched the peak power on the website several months later. Seems shady doesn't it?

That's exactly what I tried to tell the vendor who I bought the light from. Yeah I'm sure my apogee meter isn't as accurate as the meter they used, but I still think that's a mute point when we're talking about them changing their original claims.

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When AI claims whatever number whether it's 260 with a 30x30 spread or 500 with an 18x18 spread. Is that figure for directly under the light? I just don't see this light having a 30x30 spread. We hung this over a 36x18 tank and I can promise you it wouldn't look very good over a 30x30 cube.

That's exactly what I tried to tell the vendor who I bought the light from. Yeah I'm sure my apogee meter isn't as accurate as the meter they used, but I still think that's a mute point when we're talking about them changing their original claims.



I'm surprised the vendor didn't see your point.


Hell I'm just going to keep mine for a fuge light. A decent PAR38 which is what I planned on using is like $40. What is another $160? lol

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So my question is this, if I was to add another prime, would it actually increase the PAR or just give me a larger spread?

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If you spaced them evenly along the tank, then you would increase coverage more than PAR. Peak PAR won't increase, as that's found directly under the fixture. You will see an increase in PAR where the light pattern overlaps. If you placed them directly side by side, then you would increase peak PAR considerably directly under the fixtures, but the area of coverage would increase on a little (at least compared to the other way).

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If you spaced them evenly along the tank, then you would increase coverage more than PAR. Peak PAR won't increase, as that's found directly under the fixture. You will see an increase in PAR where the light pattern overlaps. If you placed them directly side by side, then you would increase peak PAR considerably directly under the fixtures, but the area of coverage would increase on a little (at least compared to the other way).

Makes sense, the tank is 20x15 so I'm honestly not terribly worried about the spread all that much, I only plan on growing SPS 12x12 section anyways so my plan was going to be place them direct next to each other.

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Makes sense, the tank is 20x15 so I'm honestly not terribly worried about the spread all that much, I only plan on growing SPS 12x12 section anyways so my plan was going to be place them direct next to each other.


I think these things will grow some coral. They are sweet looking lights. Seem well built and I think the control method will be widely adapted by the industry. It is just so easy and nice.


If you want to buy another let me know. I can ship mine out tomorrow.

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AI says "A light to rule all others". You get what you pay for and if anyone expected Radion, NanoBox, or Hydra performance from these 200.00 toys, it seems that they were mistaken.

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I'm about to have a $200 paperweight.


Edit: this tank is starting out wonderfully, this light isn't up to par (har har har) and my tank looks like a goddamn planted FW tank with all this hair algae growing because of these rocks leaching phosphates.

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Honestly, I'm quite happy with the light. My mount was fine right out of the package, the my ai app is easy to use and my corals seem to like it so far. Sure, the color isn't like my nano box, I blame that on the whites and no lime, but for my 15 gallon tank it's strong enough.

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Partially Submerged

AI says "A light to rule all others". You get what you pay for and if anyone expected Radion, NanoBox, or Hydra performance from these 200.00 toys, it seems that they were mistaken.

None of these lights is perfect, but they are a lot more expensive. Chances are the AI Prime is still the better value all things considered. I am seeing a lot of people complaining about abstract numbers and measurements. From what I have read in this thread, people say,


a. the light looks great, and

b. corals seem to like it.


We won't be able to judge the actual quality of the Prime until we have some growth reports from people who have used it for a couple of weeks or months consistently.

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So I think it's crazy that they would change the numbers honestly and that should be addressed.


I was interested in one of these lights for a future tank and this par number conversation of how low it truly is is very interesting to me. I recently borrowed a par meter for im the local reef club (apogee) and used it and got readings on my lights which wre super low I thought. My lights aren't good, I know this, (current orbit marine) but they are a fluval edgr and the sand bed is a whopping 8-9 inches from the light. Sps are all growing and encrusting and anything like acans or blastos that I try to put higher than the sand bed start to bleach.


It made me realize that sometimes we focus too much on the numbers and what everyone says u need for corals to live and grow. The most important things are what you see in your tank and not in the readings from a par meter. I have spoken to a lot of people about this and some have told me they have had lps growing in areas only reading 20-30 par. So AI changing their numbers is a major mistake and bad business, but for everyone who has bought the livht and is using it, let your tanks tell you how well it's working, not the information that the par may not be as high as you thought. The features really are unbeatable in the price range and that's the main reason I went withh the cheapo orbit that I did as well.

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I think I stated this earlier in this thread. A friend of mine has SPS encrusting in his BC29 under this light, in areas where he's getting a reading of 50 PAR. You can have the most stable system ever without the light they're not going to grow so maybe it will be enough light. Time will tell I guess.

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