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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Lighting Forum

Discuss the lighting needs of nano reefs, and new technologies.

  1. can i support sps and clams???

  2. broken ballast?

  3. HQI color temp advice

  4. csl 32 w ballast

  5. T8's on a 1 meter tank?

  6. actinics

  7. Car HID's

  8. T8 Dilemma

  9. Powerquad help

  10. Current Orbit 40Wx2 is AWESOME

  11. Orbit PC opion

  12. Clip-on HQI!!!

  13. Lighting for 16-gallon bow

  14. Icecap mounting question

  15. How many "k's" necessary???

  16. 12" CF Fixture?

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