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Sunstar's Nemesis III - March 2019 - looking... mature...


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I just found something in the water that should not be in the water - stray current. the problem has been removed..... damage was done though

OH NO!!!

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We will get through it. I am to blame for the problem and I am looking to a solution to prevent it happening again. a light I hung over my tiny refugium fell into the water. I believe my bird might have knocked it ins ince he has decided to land on my tank this week.



Now something I need to blow off steam about.


My mum, she honestly means well; but as a friend often said, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."


There is a petition floating around to ban the royal Tang - "dory" She thought I would be happy because I was "upset" about the possibility of children wanting it. So she signed it. I am anything but happy with her. I am annoyed as hell.



Basically I told her that, banning the fish would open the door to banning other fish, other creatures in the end, no one can have pets because a child may want one and not take care of it. What she mistook as me being upset for children to have was a post about awareness, about understanding that a tang cannot be kept in tiny tanks - and that they need highly involved care. Not to mention they can grow up to a foot in size.


What I was asking for was understanding and an urge to educate oneself on the care of a tang. Do I know tang care? Nope, I don't have one. I want one, but I do not have a tank for it, and may not for a very long time. But I want the opportunity there when I get to it.


Its not just Children to worry about - I mean who here has seen my post about the catastrophe of a tank we had at work because my boss sees fish little more than living ornaments and not as lives that are worthy of the care they deserve. Education on keeping these animals is important.


I also told her to keep in mind what happens after a ban is enacted. Lets say the tang ban goes through then what? SHe wants to protect the fish in the wild from children, but if the keepers of beautiful reefs have to give up their tangs, chances are they are not going to the wild. Maybe some will end up in tang sanctuaries, however its a huge possibility that those tangs will be destroyed. Because putting them back into the water may introduce pathogens, parasites and whatever that is not endemic to an area. So her act good intent my see the fish that have been kept, cared for and loved for years in beautiful reef replicas dead.


She has not thought it through very well. So I blasted her with basically what I have said above. Especially letting it weigh heavy on her that currently captive fish will see destruction. And that it could pave the way for other pet bans...She is saving nothing by that petition.




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They're petitioning to ban royal tangs?! That sucks. I would love to have one one day so that petition better not go through. If pet stores were just responsible sellers and made sure they went to good homes who could give proper care, a bunch dying in crappy small, unsuitable set ups wouldn't be a problem (at least to a lesser extent). I totally agree that if they ban one thing they'll ban another, and pretty soon we'd have limited options. In my opinion there's really nothing wrong with keeping fish in captivity as long as they'll live long happy lives. My friends all argue the opposite against my tanks. At least in the tank they don't have to compete for food, be eaten by something else or battle diseases. Pretty posh life if you ask me. Sorry to rant :lol: I'd get mad at my mom too if she signed a petition like that.


I hope the stray current didn't do any permanent damage. Have fun at TFcon! :)

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They're petitioning to ban royal tangs?! That sucks. I would love to have one one day so that petition better not go through. If pet stores were just responsible sellers and made sure they went to good homes who could give proper care, a bunch dying in crappy small, unsuitable set ups wouldn't be a problem (at least to a lesser extent). I totally agree that if they ban one thing they'll ban another, and pretty soon we'd have limited options. In my opinion there's really nothing wrong with keeping fish in captivity as long as they'll live long happy lives. My friends all argue the opposite against my tanks. At least in the tank they don't have to compete for food, be eaten by something else or battle diseases. Pretty posh life if you ask me. Sorry to rant :lol: I'd get mad at my mom too if she signed a petition like that.


I hope the stray current didn't do any permanent damage. Have fun at TFcon! :)


In canada at least.


I am trying to decide how much water to put for my tank this weekend. I go through nearly 2 gallons a day with my evap due to my fans, top off is frequent. - esp when running fans and I am going to have to leave htem running. I think I will have to put hte 5 gallon bucket on my desk and leave it for the weekend. trying my new aqualifter finally.

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not that much, a 2 gallon can last me most of a week without fans. we are just really hot last few days that the tank has gone up to 81 WiTH fans.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not fishy... but Starscreamy


PART of my collection. It is in dire need of dusting.

I added new lights to the shelves. I originally had the top of each cabinet lit. there are two more dark cabinets. I will post them later.


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since 2004 - its part of my collection. I have one more full display and a half display, as well as two shelves in another. I got one, then another, decided I wanted another and it snowballed from there.

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I wanted to celebrate something, bought a bottle of red wine this time. Put it on my husband's desk and ran off to use the bathroom. bottle fell and smashed. Heart broken.

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I wanted to celebrate something, bought a bottle of red wine this time. Put it on my husband's desk and ran off to use the bathroom. bottle fell and smashed. Heart broken.

:/ I cannot like this post.

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I wanted to celebrate something, bought a bottle of red wine this time. Put it on my husband's desk and ran off to use the bathroom. bottle fell and smashed. Heart broken.


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My purple montie is slowly returning purple. It bleached out badly just before TFcon. It still has polyps so hasn't died. I hope both bits recover.


my trumpet broke off its magnet. I will be trying to fix that in a few days. Its on my frag rack looking all huge.

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Nothing has changed life wise, although I am struggling with bleacking in some of my corals. One montipora has bounced back from bleaching a few months ago, while the purple one may be slowly recovering - at least the one that is in the middle rock.


I am still having issues with my zoanthids. I am assuming some sort of bacterial infection has made its rounds. I admit summer is my hardest time of year for keeping a tank, and I am glad I had the fans because this summer would have seen a heat related crash. There were days my tank went up to 82 WITH fans.



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