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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Innovative Marine Fusion 10 Club


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I am pretty sure teenyreef has one on his, it was in the 3rd chamber in his and he was running it with water about half an inch under the lip on the inside of chamber 3 effectively. I wish I could chip in on this one, but mine is still in the mail -.-


I knew Teeny had the ghost skimmer, but not the pico 2.0?

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I knew Teeny had the ghost skimmer, but not the pico 2.0?


I asked him about it a few days ago, I believe he is running it in his Pico 4g tank, you can see it in his last pic on page 14, post #334.


Edit: I took a look at it and it actually looks like he has it hanging in the second chamber off of the first chamber wall, my bad tibbsy.

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In my IM10 I've got the IM Desktop Ghost, not the PicoSkim 2.0. My PicoSkim is in my 4g tank, sorry. Tibbsy, I think I understand the problem you're describing. When you put it in chamber 2 the water level is a couple inches below the top of the tank, and the skimmer hangs on the edge of the tank. Could you turn it sideways and hang it on the lower wall between the chambers?

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In my IM10 I've got the IM Desktop Ghost, not the PicoSkim 2.0. My PicoSkim is in my 4g tank, sorry. Tibbsy, I think I understand the problem you're describing. When you put it in chamber 2 the water level is a couple inches below the top of the tank, and the skimmer hangs on the edge of the tank. Could you turn it sideways and hang it on the lower wall between the chambers?

Hey yeah that is my issue. It turns out the pico skimmer needs ~4" of water to run but the way the IM 10 is set up, the second and 3rd chamber have much less than that from the rim - if you go to where the water level is suggested by IM (~1" below the horizontal line in the rear). I have tried putting it on the side, but it doesn't fit well and then obstructs water flow into the 3rd chamber. The way I originally had it, I had the water level in the rear area higher, actually above the baffle. That didn't really do a lot for the rear area, though. I think I am going to try and make a small acrylic extension for the baffle that separates the 2nd and 3rd chamber. Not sure if this will work or not.

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Any new video's en28so?


Wanted to order my nanobox tide but had a chat with a friend of mine who works at the customs office and he told me i have to pay like 140$ extra on taxes... Real bummer...


Still having sleepless nights about what fish i am going to keep. What do you guys suggest (besides clowns)?

Here ya go :

Hello, I was hoping to join the club? :)

Well come on in! You just need a fusion 10g.

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Hi guys,


Do you guys think a ecsenius bicolor would fit in a fusion 10?

I have been going to my lfs and they have one and when you are going to look at the tank he really looks back at you... They kind of interact immediatly.



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That's probably more of a 20g type fish, but I've never kept one myself. I've seen tailspot blennies in 10g tanks but I think the bicolor gets bigger.

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Hi Teenyreef,

you are right they grow to big. Called a friend of mine who has one and it's like 11cm that's like 4". So way toooo big.


Tailspot's are one of my favourite fish! I am only going for one fish in the tank and my other favourites are a springeri dottyback and a yelow tail damsel. Which of these three would fit the best in the 10?



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Nice! I assume the airstone goes in the other section, right? I know Tibbsy had trouble with his Pico Skim because he couldn't get the height right. Let us know how this one works!

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Yes the airstone goes in the other section. I think this one is a little bit bigger (longer) then the pico skim. Haven't received my tank yet. But i am super stoked to try it.

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I am looking to join the club, I am selling off my ADA 60p sumped setup & downgrading to this. My question is for a stand, besides making one what is everyone using? Something from Target, Ikea etc... Any input is appreciated.

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I am looking to join the club, I am selling off my ADA 60p sumped setup & downgrading to this. My question is for a stand, besides making one what is everyone using? Something from Target, Ikea etc... Any input is appreciated.


Was gonna use the kitchen counter then my wife found out and said no. So now I'm using Oceanic stand made for their tanks but the nuvo fits nicely on top:)

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My Nuvo Fusion 10 g arrives tomorrow. I have a question for those of you using a Nano Box Mini Tide to light your Fusion 10 g. Do you experience salt creep Into the base of the Nano Box attachment bracket?


I'm currently using a Nano Box on a CadLights 4 g pico. The rear wall of CadLights small tanks are 1" higher than the front and side walls, so the Nano Box bracket sits high enough above the water to avoid salt creep. But all walls of the Fusion are the same height, so the bracket sits closer to the water. Does that present a problem? I.e., do you have to constantly clean the base of the light bracket because of salt creep?


BTW, I originally ordered a CadLights 8 g Mini 2. The display area is only 7.5" deep (front to back) which is only 0.5" more than their 4 g pico. The rear filter compartment on the Mini 2 is a whopping 4" deep. So just over 1/3 of the tank is taken up by the filter compartment. What were they thinking? Anyway, when I saw that, I ordered a Fusion 10 g. :)

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I have no problem with salt creep. The water level in the Fusion is much lower in comparison to the Cadlights.


Good call on the Fusion over the Cad Lights :) I agree, their back chamber design is a little weird. I've done a lot of modifications to my 4g to get it the way I wanted it, including drilling a new return hole, covering up the bottom inlet, extending the top inlets, and adding a media basket. Now I really like it :lol:

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Thanks TR.


My Fusion 10g arrived today. Blows me away! It's head over heals better than the CadLights 8 g mini 2... both in its design and in the way it is constructed. And now that I have water in the tank and my Nano Box Mini Tide attached, I see what you mean about the water level.


The stock pump is OK but I decided to replace it with my Ehiem compact 300. It has a max flow of only 80 gallons an hour, but since I have a Vortech MP 10 QD on order, I don't need the filtration pump to provide water movement, and slowing down the the filtration should improve biologic filtration. The InTank filter basket is excellent. I will fill it with CerMedia MarinePure 1.5" balls topped off with 50 micron filter material. Once the bio-load increases, I'll install the desktop Ghost skimmer.

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Nice! It looks like mine arrives Monday, putting the stand together tonight & cutting coral off rock from my other tank Sunday in preparation for my old setup going next Saturday.


I am considering barebottom with a 12x12 travertine tile & existing live rock.

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Thanks TR.


My Fusion 10g arrived today. Blows me away! It's head over heals better than the CadLights 8 g mini 2... both in its design and in the way it is constructed. And now that I have water in the tank and my Nano Box Mini Tide attached, I see what you mean about the water level.


The stock pump is OK but I decided to replace it with my Ehiem compact 300. It has a max flow of only 80 gallons an hour, but since I have a Vortech MP 10 QD on order, I don't need the filtration pump to provide water movement, and slowing down the the filtration should improve biologic filtration. The InTank filter basket is excellent. I will fill it with CerMedia MarinePure 1.5" balls topped off with 50 micron filter material. Once the bio-load increases, I'll install the desktop Ghost skimmer.

Awesome! I think you'll be really happy with that setup. I kept the stock pump based on the same logic, but I didn't really consider making it even slower. I still wanted to get plenty of flow through the filter floss and the skimmer.

Nice! It looks like mine arrives Monday, putting the stand together tonight & cutting coral off rock from my other tank Sunday in preparation for my old setup going next Saturday.


I am considering barebottom with a 12x12 travertine tile & existing live rock.

That's great! Have you started a build thread? You can post pics of all your preps and we can hold our breath with you waiting for the tank to arrive :)

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