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Coral Vue Hydros

Chris' CAD Lights 45g Shallow : Another Re-Scape (Video)


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oh noooooo :tears::tears:


Im really really sorry man. But what happened I thought they were in the 12 gallon?


BTA died in the holding tank and nuked the water. I pulled the other fish out (into a different holding tank), but they were looking pretty bad. Was running a carbon reactor, but it wasn't enough.

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BTA died in the holding tank and nuked the water. I pulled the other fish out (into a different holding tank), but they were looking pretty bad. Was running a carbon reactor, but it wasn't enough.


Unreal...Im sorry man. I just did something similar when breaking down the zeroedge but I placed the fish and coral in separate buckets for that very reason.

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Unreal...Im sorry man. I just did something similar when breaking down the zeroedge but I placed the fish and coral in separate buckets for that very reason.


Yeah, that would have been smart. I hate learning lessons in this manner.




Thanks Kat. After this morning, I was pretty ready to just PBITAWA. Fortunately I had already begun the process of setting up the tank at home. Now it's sitting there, half full of water, smelling like the ocean... Girlfriend will definitely not let me leave it fallow at this point. So I'll have to at least get it up and running.


P.S. I finally scraped all the coralline off the left side of the tank. No more duality for me...



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Yeah, that would have been smart. I hate learning lessons in this manner.


Thanks Kat. After this morning, I was pretty ready to just PBITAWA. Fortunately I had already begun the process of setting up the tank at home. Now it's sitting there, half full of water, smelling like the ocean... Girlfriend will definitely not let me leave it fallow at this point. So I'll have to at least get it up and running.


P.S. I finally scraped all the coralline off the left side of the tank. No more duality for me...



Wow, that looks awesome there. And I'm loving your table, lantern and runner :D

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Yeah, that would have been smart. I hate learning lessons in this manner.


Thanks Kat. After this morning, I was pretty ready to just PBITAWA. Fortunately I had already begun the process of setting up the tank at home. Now it's sitting there, half full of water, smelling like the ocean... Girlfriend will definitely not let me leave it fallow at this point. So I'll have to at least get it up and running.


P.S. I finally scraped all the coralline off the left side of the tank. No more duality for me...




The tank looks awesome in that space chris....almost as if it should have been there the entire time. I cant wait to see this tank reborn...its going to be fantastic.


Stay the course :closedeyes:

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Yeah, that would have been smart. I hate learning lessons in this manner.


Thanks Kat. After this morning, I was pretty ready to just PBITAWA. Fortunately I had already begun the process of setting up the tank at home. Now it's sitting there, half full of water, smelling like the ocean... Girlfriend will definitely not let me leave it fallow at this point. So I'll have to at least get it up and running.


P.S. I finally scraped all the coralline off the left side of the tank. No more duality for me...



LOL....PBITAWA....I had to google that one....


Time to just move forward man......it looks great there!

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please don't give up, though!



Wow, that looks awesome there. And I'm loving your table, lantern and runner :D



A skimmer is always a must in a QT tank, otherwise doing partial WC daily, sorry to hear!




The tank looks awesome in that space chris....almost as if it should have been there the entire time. I cant wait to see this tank reborn...its going to be fantastic.


Stay the course :closedeyes:



So sorry to hear about the lions. The tank looks great at your house though.



Just really sucks this all happened!!


I will also agree the tank looks really good in that room. And hope you stick with it!



Good luck! Sorry for your loss.



LOL....PBITAWA....I had to google that one....


Time to just move forward man......it looks great there!



Thanks for the support guys. This was a pretty tough ordeal for me. The monetary aspects are tough, because I had actually just decided I had acquired everything that I wanted. I haven't even bothered to try and tally everything up. That would be too depressing. But the really stinger is just the feeling of defeat, watching all those beautiful animals die because of a mistake I made.


I felt like I owed it to the surviving creatures to bring them back to their former glory, and so I had to rebuild.


Everything is set up now, and has been running for a few days. I re-scaped the tank today, and am waiting for the water to clear. The massive die-off really did a number on the populations of bacteria, microfauna, and all those other little critters that help balance water quality. So I've basically been experiencing new tank syndrome, which you all know is the same as "ugly-tank syndrome." Lots of algae, lots of brown, slimy junk. I'm hoping that as everything repopulates, it'll help knock that stuff down again.


I'll grab a photo sometime tomorrow if the water clears up, so ya'll can see what we're working with. I'm pretty much down to zoanthids and some really sorry looking acans. The remaining fish are doing well... so that's a plus!

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Oh how I have been there. My old breeder totm crashed because of something so dumb. Took me long time to get back into things but hanging in there was worth it. I now have that love for the hobby back and just keep learning as I go. Hang In there we all f up in this hobby. If it was easy everyone would have a reef tank. What fun would that be lol.

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Thanks for the support guys. This was a pretty tough ordeal for me. The monetary aspects are tough, because I had actually just decided I had acquired everything that I wanted. I haven't even bothered to try and tally everything up. That would be too depressing. But the really stinger is just the feeling of defeat, watching all those beautiful animals die because of a mistake I made.


I felt like I owed it to the surviving creatures to bring them back to their former glory, and so I had to rebuild.


Everything is set up now, and has been running for a few days. I re-scaped the tank today, and am waiting for the water to clear. The massive die-off really did a number on the populations of bacteria, microfauna, and all those other little critters that help balance water quality. So I've basically been experiencing new tank syndrome, which you all know is the same as "ugly-tank syndrome." Lots of algae, lots of brown, slimy junk. I'm hoping that as everything repopulates, it'll help knock that stuff down again.


I'll grab a photo sometime tomorrow if the water clears up, so ya'll can see what we're working with. I'm pretty much down to zoanthids and some really sorry looking acans. The remaining fish are doing well... so that's a plus!



So glad to see you still in it.

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Oh how I have been there. My old breeder totm crashed because of something so dumb. Took me long time to get back into things but hanging in there was worth it. I now have that love for the hobby back and just keep learning as I go. Hang In there we all f up in this hobby. If it was easy everyone would have a reef tank. What fun would that be lol.



Glad to see your post, Chris and looking forward to what comes next.





So glad to see you still in it.



Glad you are moving forward with the tank Chris. How's it looking today? Starting to clear up at all?



The water has cleared up pretty well, but it's obvious that the crash did more than just kill corals and fish. It was basically a total system reset. I've got algae for the first time since the initial cycle. I'm still losing zoanthids, but it's okay, because only the really expensive ones are dying! The cheapos are doing great!


Having the tank at home is tough as well because I'm gone all day, so I can't tinker. I'm going to need to shift the light program so that they're on for a longer duration when I'm home.

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Just ordered a new power supply and (another) new driver for my MP10. I was tempted to grab the Gyre, but it sounds like they're upgrading it later this year, so I'll hold off.


I'm anxious to start adding stuff back into this tank, but I'm going to wait until I'm sure things are stabilized.

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Just ordered a new power supply and (another) new driver for my MP10. I was tempted to grab the Gyre, but it sounds like they're upgrading it later this year, so I'll hold off.


I'm anxious to start adding stuff back into this tank, but I'm going to wait until I'm sure things are stabilized.

Let's see the new aquascape!


Cursed MP10. Mount the driver in a plastic bag in a sealed box in a sealed container in an airtight vacuum bag in a ziplock bag.

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Cursed MP10. Mount the driver in a plastic bag in a sealed box in a sealed container in an airtight vacuum bag in a ziplock bag.


Seriously... That's actually not a bad idea. Maybe I'll do something like this:



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Seriously... That's actually not a bad idea. Maybe I'll do something like this:



Or just mount it outside the stand? On the back?


I have an AIO so it's just on the door of the stand

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My clowns are looking very depressed since their anemones died. They don't have anything to hang out in, so I'm tempted to go buy another BTA. One of my local fish stores is pretty famous for their BTAs. They're super expensive, but gorgeous, and I can always sell clones down the line. Hm....


Here are some of their nems. Any favorites?



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