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Kat's Birthday Party


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Cool shots. The short depth of field makes it artistic and shows the 3 dimensionality, but you might try closing down the aperture a bit to get a little more of the coral in focus. It's a balancing act, but would make the focus more forgiving.


BTW, what's the acro in the last shot?

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Want us to bring Pepe over for awhile? He may eat up your aptasia.

Qui est Pepe?


Kat, Peppermint shrimp are more worthless than tits on a bull at eating Aiptasia anemones. I've been reading that Molly Miller blennies eat them, dunno.

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I'm gonna agree with the bunny. I don't know why anyone even bothers with those things. I kept them in my first few tanks.. The only thing they ever ate were zoas, or whatever I was trying to feed my corals. Never touched aptasia.


Can't say anything bout Molly millers, though. I've never had one. And I'm not sure I'd risk a blenny with clams...

Which brings me to my question. When did you get a deresa?

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Qui est Pepe?


Kat, Peppermint shrimp are more worthless than tits on a bull at eating Aiptasia anemones. I've been reading that Molly Miller blennies eat them, dunno.

Pepe is a peppermint shrimp. NYfishiea tankbif aiptasia free. I read about the Molly Miller blenny too, and the article was from Matt Pederson who certainly knows a thing or two about fish.

I'm gonna agree with the bunny. I don't know why anyone even bothers with those things. I kept them in my first few tanks.. The only thing they ever ate were zoas, or whatever I was trying to feed my corals. Never touched aptasia.

Can't say anything bout Molly millers, though. I've never had one. And I'm not sure I'd risk a blenny with clams...

Which brings me to my question. When did you get a deresa?

There are videos online where peps annihilate aiptasia.

Got the Derasa a year ago, June 2015 from RAP, it was an itty bitty lil clam and now it's rather big. These guys grow mighty fast.

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I've seen the videos too and damn if I've had 1 Aiptasia killed by the damn things. I had a Copperband as well, wouldn't touch the damn things. I asked GARF which ones they used and never got a response from them. So next on I get will be out of Indo or Sri Lanka since the one I got out of The Philippines was a dud. I'm very curious about the Molly Millers too, they should be pretty cheap, freight out of Haiti is dirt cheap.

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Bunny, Leroy, of GARF fame died a few years ago. I think SallyJo runs it now, and I don't know how familiar she might be with that stuff. That might be why you haven't heard from them.

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Oh that's your personal Voldemort is it? :D


Sally Jo does indeed run GARF now, but based on her Facebook postings, well let's just say that GARF is not what it used to be. Reminds me of frozen time.

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Oh that's your personal Voldemort is it? :D


Sally Jo does indeed run GARF now, but based on her Facebook postings, well let's just say that GARF is not what it used to be. Reminds me of frozen time.


Frozen time? So you're saying it hasn't changed? So it IS what it used to be... :lol:

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I don't know what a Voldemort is, but I guess.


As for SallyJo's Facebook, I don't know. But the website was always "frozen in time". That site was just awful! So confusing to navigate, nothing was ever located on its own page. Everything was just jumbled into one giant mass.

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I agree with you about the unorganized website at GARF. When I first came into the hobby, it was one of the few sources of Internet information. I was definitely inspired by her "Bullet Proof Reef" and have used varying aspects of it to design my systems.


Keep on trucking.

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Oh yeah, GARF has been a consistent resource throughout the years. I've used the grunge on more than one tank, and like you, have used many aspects of Sally Jo's bullet proof reef in most of my builds. There are things I don't agree with. But like skinning a cat, there is more than one way to reef.


Now what was the comic book that always had keep on truckin in it? I thought of it as soon as I read your post, but can't remember the name....

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This was one of the casualties from the Fiji shipment. I managed to save a small piece that did not RTN like the rest of the colony did.

The color is nowhere close to the original but it's looking happy and hopefully will change soon


Veng LE. I can't believe how beautiful nature is in real close up


Another one of the pink lemonade


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Time to play around with some settings on the camera. Pics could use a bit more stopped down as the carp says.


For your reference:



Micro frag of the Shades of Fall, taken at 1:1, handheld. No cropping done to the picture and is pretty much straight conversion from RAW to JPG. Shutter speed on 5/6 of the pics at 1/80 with the exception of the first shot, which is 1/60. Dropped shutter speed to keep the exposure close to the same as the others.

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Time to play around with some settings on the camera. Pics could use a bit more stopped down as the carp says.


For your reference:

Micro frag of the Shades of Fall, taken at 1:1, handheld. No cropping done to the picture and is pretty much straight conversion from RAW to JPG. Shutter speed on 5/6 of the pics at 1/80 with the exception of the first shot, which is 1/60. Dropped shutter speed to keep the exposure close to the same as the others.

Thank you EBN. I'll work on it.

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