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DT's ADA 60F Shallow Reef


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ADA 60-F Cube Garden (24"x12"x7") ~8.5 Gallons
Aqua Illumination Hydra LED + Director setting
EcoTech VorTech MP10
Tunze Osmolator Nano 3152
Marine Magic Dosing Pump

Takashi Amano Nature Aquarium
and many nano reefers here including...
JayPagi's shallow reef
teamschreiba's nano reef

ESV B-Ionic Calcium Buffer System
Alkalinity - 12ml / day
Calcium - 12ml / day

Korallen-Zucht ZEOvit Nano Power - 1 drop / bottle / week
Seachem Reef Zoo Plankton - 0.5ml / week
Hikari Mysis Shrimp, Ocean Planton, Blood Worms - once / day
Nutramar Ova - once / day for Spotted Mandarin

01/21/14 - FTS and random photos [click image for more photos]
01/16/14 - Fish and corals growth and color update [click image for more photos]
12/17/13 - Corals are coloring up nicely, top view photos & FTS [click image for more photos]
12/13/13 - Swissguard Basslet showing its face, sexy shrimps and three new acroporas [click image for more photos]
12/09/13 - Purple dottyback's one day visit [click images for more photos]
12/05/13 - Zoas & palys from "buddythelion" & other shots [click image for more photos]
11/26/13 - One month before/after SPS comparison [click image for more photos]
11/20/13 - Macro photos taken with new lens & FTS [click image for more photos]
11/09/13 - Hid AI Hydra LED Light's power cable in the wall
10/20/13 - Finished tank cycle

Orchid Dottyback
Swissguard Basslet
Spotted Mandarin

Cerith Snails (5)
Astrea Snails (5)
Porcelain Anemone Crab
Blue Porcelain Crab
Nassarius Snails (12)
Red Flower Rock Anemone
Candy Stripe Pistol Shrimp

ORA Mint Pavona frondifera
ORA Purple Undata Montipora
ORA MIMF Purple Green Acropora
ORA Red Planet Acropora
Evergreen Staghorn Acropora loisette
Idaho Grape Montipora undata
Raspberry Lemonade Table Acropora
ORA Supernatural Capricornis
Purple Haze Montipora
Tyree True Montipora undata
Tyree Flower Petal Montipora
ORA Pink Stylophora
Blue Matrix Acropora papillare
Mint Acropora horrida ?
Purple Acropora horrida ?

Acanthastrea lordhowensis
Splatter Yellow Hammer

Pink Panther
Blood Orange
Daja Vu
Granny Smith Apple
Hawaiian Sunset
Hyper Phoenix
Purpleberry Fantasy
VDM Morph
Golden Phoenix
Mandarin Orange

Green Encrusting Gorgonian
Green Spotted Mushroom
Multi-color Ricordea
Orange Rhodactis

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The stand is combined two IKEA BESTA units with glossy door panels.


I don't have filtration. I hope to rely on live rocks and 10% water change weekly. Hope it will be fine. Fingers crossed! If it fails, I may add a sump and skimmer in the future.

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Maybe you should do 30% water change weekly? Sounds better, I would think so.


I do 70% water change weekly for my ada 8g. And there's filtration but I don't clean that part...Lol.

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Really? Isn't that going to be too much?


I guess if the Nitrate and Phosphate values get too high, I will do more %. So far, both values are looking good, 5ppm Nitrate and 0-0.03ppm Phosphate, but I don't have much live stock in the tank either. I will definitely pay attention to it. Thanks! :)

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Nice Poppy Pipes you got in your tank! I bet its PIA to clean the Coraline algae if it's inside the pipes. If I build a sump for my tank, I may get ADA Pipes as well. :)

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Lolol I see, thanks. Well yeah if there ever is coraline algae, I'll just buy a new set of pipes for $20 shipped on ebay. :)


But anyways, for my next setup, I'm going 60f with mp10, no filtration just like yours but different lighting.

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Really? Isn't that going to be too much?


I guess if the Nitrate and Phosphate values get too high, I will do more %. So far, both values are looking good, 5ppm Nitrate and 0-0.03ppm Phosphate, but I don't have much live stock in the tank either. I will definitely pay attention to it. Thanks! :)

Psst - 5ppm Nitate isn't ideal for SPS already and you have a low bio load. You're going to need to do larger water changes if you aren't running filtration.


With that said, gorgeous tank!

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Thanks guys! :)




Psst - 5ppm Nitate isn't ideal for SPS already and you have a low bio load. You're going to need to do larger water changes if you aren't running filtration.

With that said, gorgeous tank!


Thank you defender.TX. My tank Nitrate level is within 5ppm and it's pretty stable. It doesn't go beyond 5ppm, except when the tank just finished cycle, that was 10ppm.


I will start doing 2 gallons water change this weekend to see if the Nitrate level will stay even lower.

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Thank you defender.TX. My tank Nitrate level is within 5ppm and it's pretty stable. It doesn't go beyond 5ppm, except when the tank just finished cycle, that was 10ppm.


I will start doing 2 gallons water change this weekend to see if the Nitrate level will stay even lower.


What test kit are you using? If you want you should check out the Red Sea Nitrate Pro Kit - incredibly accurate down to .25ppm. If you're using an API kit you're Nitrates might actually be lower than you think.


Two gallons seems like a pretty good place to start. When it comes to Nanos with no filtration it's pretty normal for people to change up to 70-90% a week. However, just keep in mind that the more water you change at once the more you need to be dead-on with the new water's salinity and temp. As a bonus, if you do that large of a water change you basically don't ever need to dose calcium or alkalinity if you use a good salt mix.


How's the Hydra working out for you? I absolutely love that light and want to replace the lights on my Nuvo 24 with them but I know that at 3' length one Hydra would be pushing it and I can't afford two.

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I use API saltwater test kit. I will purchase the Red Sea when it runs out. I test the water almost everyday so it will run out quickly. :)


Thanks for the advise again. I am currently using Instant Ocean Reef Crystal now and will start using Bioassay Laboratory Formula when IO runs out. I heard BLF reef salt is very good thats why I want to change it.


I like Hydra but I have never used other LEDs so I can't say if others are better or not. 3' seems very wide for Hydra in my opinion. I am currently running the light 11" above water and my tank is about 2' wide, I have already noticed a little bit of different color on both sides. I think it's mainly because the red and green colors are in the centers so it can't really spread to the sides, but both of these color are not critically important for corals anyway and sometimes creates algae problem, so I just turn them down until center and sides are not noticeable different. If in the future, I have some corals that needs green or red color, I can simply place them closer to center, so I wouldn't think it is a drawback for this fixture. It actually creates more possibility in terms of placement of corals.


AI is also very helpful. I have contacted them couple times regarding the lighting questions, they responded quickly and had given me some advises on how to setup the color.


I am currently running the light as below...


Sunrise 12pm
Sunset 11pm
Ramp Time 2 hours


Day Time:
White 35%
Violet 60%
Red 12%
Green 16%
DBlue 62%
Royal 64%
UV 42%


Night Time:
Violet 5%
DBlue 5%
UV 5%


Lunar & Weather both ON


Since I just introduced two SPS into the tank yesterday, I am also doing 50% acclimation for 1 month right now.

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I use Controller now and have Director pre-ordered. I don't like controller, the keys are too sensitive to touch. It acts normal when you connect to a computer USB or any device with USB power, but when you connect it to wall outlet it starts to acting weird. I think it's the high current that cause the controller too sensitive.


I can't wait to have the Director, then I can play around the color setting even more. It will be able to ramp up and ramp down each individual color in different ramp times.

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Well, I used to have an ai nano with the wireless controller and I remember you can adjust the touch sensitivity level.


It can adjust the sensitivity level but I still can't get it working right. It's either too sensitive or not responding very well. :(


I just connect it to my computer's USB port, it works well when connecting USB port. It has pretty good wireless range.

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I only wanted 2 but my friend who breeds these guys forced me to take 3 saying that I can just return one once they are paired. He has hundreds of these guys in different tanks!

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I had another reef tank back in college, then changed it to planted tank (still has the planted tank with Crystal Red Shrimps). Recently decided to come back to do a reef tank again. :)

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