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Cultivated Reef

Hypes Edgeless Ridge Islet-Complete


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Oh Gosh the one time that I don't. Maybe Arce did, let me ask him.


No worries if he didnt I was just curious to the coloration :)




ya once a week usually. it loves to eat


What are you feeding?

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Awesome! :)



Thanks alot man. In the morning he hangs out on the sand and hes mostly white but once he goes back to the rocks he looks like he does in the pic. I love the spines too whenever im about to feed the tank they're at attention....so cool looking.


You do man...this seems to be the time of year when they're almost readily available.



Really please tell me you took a pic :o


Yours is a lot more red than mine ever was, even when he was in the rocks. Looking at old pics, mine was mostly just red on his belly and fins not as much on the sides of the body like yours.



If I can find one, I'll probably do it again. Or another cockatoo or both. Can't help it, I'm a sucker for these awesome little waspfish.


LFS had the absolute cutest dwarf fuzzy on Saturday. Arce and I were staring at him forever.


Send it down the NJTP for me. My LFS hasn't had any lions lately. :(

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Rods Corals food and mysis




Yours is a lot more red than mine ever was, even when he was in the rocks. Looking at old pics, mine was mostly just red on his belly and fins not as much on the sides of the body like yours.



If I can find one, I'll probably do it again. Or another cockatoo or both. Can't help it, I'm a sucker for these awesome little waspfish.



Send it down the NJTP for me. My LFS hasn't had any lions lately. :(


That was an awesome specimen you had. Much more white than mine. I think im going to begin my search for a yellow spotted scorpion. I think it would be a cool addition.


I havent seen any lions lately at my LFS either.

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That was an awesome specimen you had. Much more white than mine. I think im going to begin my search for a yellow spotted scorpion. I think it would be a cool addition.


I havent seen any lions lately at my LFS either.


I know, I miss that little fatty. He was such a fun fish, unlike my Wispy who wants nothing to do with anyone. Such different fish despite being from the same family.

Dude a yellow would be perfect for your tank! Good call! They are tough to find but I'm sure your LFS can find you one.

If you get a chance to get a cockatoo don't pass it up. They don't have the colors of some of the other wasps/scorps but they make up for it 10x over in personality. They are expert beggers. I've never had a fish get so excited to see me walk up to the tank


Liveaquaria hasn't even had that many either. Haven't seen any on DD. Only things on DD lately have been Rhinopias. Too rich for my blood. My wife would stab me with the rhinopias if she found out I spent $600 on a fish :scarry:


edit: just checked DD. $700 for a rhino. Yikes

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I know, I miss that little fatty. He was such a fun fish, unlike my Wispy who wants nothing to do with anyone. Such different fish despite being from the same family.

Dude a yellow would be perfect for your tank! Good call! They are tough to find but I'm sure your LFS can find you one.

If you get a chance to get a cockatoo don't pass it up. They don't have the colors of some of the other wasps/scorps but they make up for it 10x over in personality. They are expert beggers. I've never had a fish get so excited to see me walk up to the tank


Liveaquaria hasn't even had that many either. Haven't seen any on DD. Only things on DD lately have been Rhinopias. Too rich for my blood. My wife would stab me with the rhinopias if she found out I spent $600 on a fish :scarry:


edit: just checked DD. $700 for a rhino. Yikes



Yea I was going back and forth about the cockatoo but Ill snag one if I see it for sale. What they dont have in looks they make up for in personality. The yellow spotted is going to be tough as I havent seen one for sale in a long time.


I literally laughed at loud at the Rhinopias comment my wife would totally do the same :lol::lol::lol:

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Yea I was going back and forth about the cockatoo but Ill snag one if I see it for sale. What they dont have in looks they make up for in personality. The yellow spotted is going to be tough as I havent seen one for sale in a long time.


I literally laughed at loud at the Rhinopias comment my wife would totally do the same :lol::lol::lol:


Totally, they are just goofy fish with their big pectoral fins and giant dorsal fin. And are always swimming to get you to notice them. I wish I had a good video of one of my old two cockatoo's begging.

Ya the yellow will be tough but they aren't insanely rare so you might luck onto one, same with the cockatoo.


That's it, I need more wasps. Thanks Eugene for spurring this on lol. Now I'm hunting for hard to find angelfish, wrasses & lions and now let's add some hard to find wasps. :P


Thank you thank you :D:D

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Totally, they are just goofy fish with their big pectoral fins and giant dorsal fin. And are always swimming to get you to notice them. I wish I had a good video of one of my old two cockatoo's begging.

Ya the yellow will be tough but they aren't insanely rare so you might luck onto one, same with the cockatoo.


That's it, I need more wasps. Thanks Eugene for spurring this on lol. Now I'm hunting for hard to find angelfish, wrasses & lions and now let's add some hard to find wasps. :P


Thank you thank you :D:D


I loved that vid..they really have awesome personalities. Ill definitely have to keep my eyes open over the next few months to see if I can score one.


Hey at least we're in this together :lol::lol::D

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pics look great - had to get caught up on a few pages. I know the feeling when it comes to the pistol and the sand... i am pretty sure there is NO sand under the rocks, it's all now at the front left of the tank. Do you siphon the sand often/at all? I get some NASTY stuff if I don't at least move it around frequently.

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I loved that vid..they really have awesome personalities. Ill definitely have to keep my eyes open over the next few months to see if I can score one.


Hey at least we're in this together :lol::lol::D


LOL ya, god the red was a glutton. If any fish had a little hesitation he was there in a flash to gobble up the food. And the cockatoo was such a goof. Had to swim up to the food and inspect it.


Totally! And we aren't far from each other so if I see something at one of my southern fish stores, I'll let you know.


I did manage to score one of my hard to find wrasses yesterday on DD (another maori related to my snooty) so after these guys are out of QT, it's angel, wasp and lion watch 2015!

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pics look great - had to get caught up on a few pages. I know the feeling when it comes to the pistol and the sand... i am pretty sure there is NO sand under the rocks, it's all now at the front left of the tank. Do you siphon the sand often/at all? I get some NASTY stuff if I don't at least move it around frequently.


Thanks alot man. Yea i siphon the top layer of sand every few weeks to remove some detritus.


LOL ya, god the red was a glutton. If any fish had a little hesitation he was there in a flash to gobble up the food. And the cockatoo was such a goof. Had to swim up to the food and inspect it.


Totally! And we aren't far from each other so if I see something at one of my southern fish stores, I'll let you know.


I did manage to score one of my hard to find wrasses yesterday on DD (another maori related to my snooty) so after these guys are out of QT, it's angel, wasp and lion watch 2015!


Thanks man ill definitely let you know if i see anything at any of my LFS.


Congrats on the wrasse bud post some pics soon. Let the search begin :lol:

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Saw this guy at my LFS, Similar to the one kat was talking about the other day but nowhere near as nice. If i could set up another tank i totally would just for this guy. Hope you dont mind me dropping the photo on here.


I dont mind at all :) ....shes a beauty.

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Isn't that one of those micro hermits in a Florida cerith shell? Wow, trust a macro shot to show the different color patterns, look at those striped antennas. Very cool.


I love macro shots that show off details you can't normally see. Lookit his adorable eyes! :wub:

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Wow, he's really cute! I have some similar micro hermits in cerith shells, too. I need to take closer look at mine through the macro lens. Mine don't look like much but if they turn out anything like yours it would be worth the time:)

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Isn't that one of those micro hermits in a Florida cerith shell? Wow, trust a macro shot to show the different color patterns, look at those striped antennas. Very cool.


Thanks alot kat im not sure the species....I honestly dont even remember purchasing him lol.


I love macro shots that show off details you can't normally see. Lookit his adorable eyes! :wub:


Thanks so much kim. I know his eyes are too cool!


Wow, he's really cute! I have some similar micro hermits in cerith shells, too. I need to take closer look at mine through the macro lens. Mine don't look like much but if they turn out anything like yours it would be worth the time:)


Thanks teeny.... You should take a look with your macro almost everything looks amazing at that magnification :happy:

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Saw those red/marble starfish for sale at the LFS today. I nearly got one, but was afraid it wouldn't have enough to eat.


I've got 10 hermits, an urchin, 3 large turbos, and a handful of collonista snails in my BC29. I keep it pretty clean. Thoughts on if a starfish would be a good/bad idea?

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