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Cultivated Reef

System Setup

  1. Cooling a nano

  2. paint for aquarium

  3. ODNO over a 10 gal?

  4. DIY forum title is misleading

  5. looking for 2.5 gal canopy plans

  6. acrylic spacer for refugium

  7. Newbie needs help figuring setup out.

  8. 16'' Cube with built in wet/dry

  9. MH canopy for 18 cube

  10. Aquarium Hood Material

  11. refugium connection

  12. Metal Halides

  13. Ideas for a 2.5 gallon

  14. There is such a thing as too much light

  15. 64W PC + 32W OVDRNO on eclipse 1

  16. DIY Wavemaker with x10 and Linux

  17. First attempt at a DIY stand

  18. sump..

  19. Need ideas for a bow front hood

  20. skimmer

  21. Drilling an AGA Mini Bow 7

  22. help with any mod!

  23. Sump/Refuge water level

  24. U/V Sterelizers.

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