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Waterbox Nano Owner's Thread


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11 hours ago, StevieT said:


Skimmers take at least 2 weeks to break in.  I would give it more time.  You can try and do this outside of the tank if you wish.  Get some dirty tank water and run it in a bucket.

Pointless when there’s one that’s quieter and works out of the box.

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Seems like all their tanks (nano) are AIO's? 


It seems to be a reoccurring theme in this post about the pump issues. You think they would have figured it out before they released these aquariums?




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On 1/8/2019 at 5:18 AM, Fishy snowman said:

Another quick pic.  A5BE76C9-912C-49AF-AEEF-935BA1977D49.thumb.png.bc27f016e54db8d831b10fa34e2e55b9.png

This reminds me of the "matterhorn" at Disneyland. I love the choice of the flower anemone's. I may have to do a tank full of them one of these days.

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Hey guys, I just got the waterbox 20 cube and have it set up. I really want to point the nozzle for the return pump across the back wall instead of shooting straight at the front glass. Is there a way to do that? Like an extender loc line or something?

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5 hours ago, msummerf said:

Hey guys, I just got the waterbox 20 cube and have it set up. I really want to point the nozzle for the return pump across the back wall instead of shooting straight at the front glass. Is there a way to do that? Like an extender loc line or something?

I would contact vivid aquatics he is very helpful. They sell adapters and connectors for lines. “Lock line” won’t match up with the brand on the tank. That’s my understanding anyway. 

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What are you guys using for skimmers in your WB 20? I really like the Cadlights PLS-50 Elite 2 Skimmer that one of you modified for yours, but I'm scared of paying that much and breaking it trying to mod it or something. The main thing is I want a quiet one. 

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2 hours ago, msummerf said:

What are you guys using for skimmers in your WB 20? I really like the Cadlights PLS-50 Elite 2 Skimmer that one of you modified for yours, but I'm scared of paying that much and breaking it trying to mod it or something. The main thing is I want a quiet one. 

That was me. It’s def worth the risk in my opinion. I’ve had the Tunze 9001 in the past and it’s far superior to that. Can’t speak to any other nano skimmers though.


It does require a little finesse to get dialed in, but what skimmer doesn’t? It is absolutely inaudible in my experience. No noise at all unless I have my ear right to the collection cup.


There is some margin for error in modifying it, just go slow grinding away the extra material and keep test fitting. Grind a little more then makes it fit as the acrylic may expand slightly over time as submerged.


Good Luck


White Collar removed from skimmer body



Non-structural lip that has to be ground down



Fruits of my labor



Smells like warm death


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@shaner014 man yeah that’s awesome, I think I may have to give it a go. I know you said you had 81 mm when the plans only say 80 so hopefully mine is like yours and not less. I’ll have to borrow a tool that can measure it first and make sure mines the same. But I’m prolly going to take the plunge cause it definately looks far better than any other option. I’m surprised it isn’t super loud since I’m guessing the sides are up against the glass, but I’ll give it a try and see how it works out. Thanks for the pics that helps!

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47 minutes ago, Chicago Nano Guy said:

Just set mine up BONSAI 


Very nice, I like it a lot! Where did you get that piece? The rock has a nice simple and modern look to it. I want one now!

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Just an FYI, get the intank media tray. It seems to be a cheaper version than the ones they make for the IM tanks but it’s still very useful.

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On 2/24/2019 at 10:06 AM, flypenfly said:

So I gave up on the tunze 9001 after a week, would not stop microbubbling although it did start skimming. Interestingly the Nuvo Skim mid size will fit but it makes mounting a light in the middle back impossible.


The Nuvo Skim desktop though is the bomb dot com. It was perfect out of the box and skimmed right away without any micro bubbles. I am returning everything else and getting another one for both my Peninsula 20 and WB15

I have not had any luck with the tunze 9001 also. Can you post some pics of the back chambers? I have a IM desk top reactor and Zetlight UFO light and it was tight with the tunze  skimmer. From the measurements it looks like the Nuvo midsize skimmer will be tight.  Thanks for you help

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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone bought one of the nice acrylic/netting lids for any of the cubes? I have a waterbox 20 cube and want a nice lid, but wanted to get some feedback from someone who has one. Thanks!

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Well I didn’t buy one. After my email to them was ignored and never answered.

i decided to just make my own. I’m pretty happy with it. I might make another one tho. I can do a couple things a little better. Not as nice as they make but for about a sixth of the price and three hours of my time. I’m happy they ignored me.



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On 6/10/2018 at 11:07 AM, Raindog3030 said:

Looking good!  How do you like the flow of the stock pump, or did you upgrade?  I just ordered a 10 gallon for my wife!

where did you get that mesh lid at?

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Alright, I'm very new owner of a Waterbox Cube 7. This would be by 2nd tank. Got it on a clearance deal @ Saltwater Aquariums. Although, this model is discontinued, I just love the fact it qualified with full merit for the space which was my primary requirement. 


I just received the shipment y'day. Checked it thoroughly for damages, and so far so good. Will be starting my build thread on it shortly. 


And interestingly, I got the AquaTop 82 GPH pump. I think I will be OK with that as I have a Koralia Nano 240 GPH doing the needful within!


I'm in the processing of setting things up, so the build will be posted in a day or two. 


I wanted to ask fellow Cube 7 owners -

  1. If you have an InTank media basket, which chamber do you use for it? 
  2. What's a good protein skimmer for this little tank? Anyone using one?

Thank you so much for the insights, friends! 🙂

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So my WB20 has been going for 2 months now. (first tank) So my nitrates stay around 12 ish and my phosphates hang around .06. From what I read I need to get this down a little bit. Only thing I run is the chemipure blue in the intank media basket plus filter floss. So I have room in my middle chamber to add 1 thing and I'm debating. All the research I've done is skimmers on nano tanks just suck for the most part and I don't want to deal with all the adjustments, etc... So my other options is a small media reactor or a drop in algae scrubber. Which would you guys recommend? If it's the media reactor what should I run in it that would work with my chemipure blue? Thanks! 

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On 4/10/2019 at 12:37 PM, shaner014 said:

WaterBox 20 Cube

NanoBox Duo

Cadlights PLS-50 Elite V2

MightyJet Desktop Return

MP10 - ReefCrest intensity 7/12





I'm quite literally out of words! Hot darn! This is fantastic... what a splash of colors. Absolutely gorgeous!!!

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On 1/8/2019 at 6:15 AM, Fishy snowman said:

Just wanted to Share my 4 gallon Waterbox.  Been running since September. So far so good 


wow, this is exactly what i’ve been thinking about doing.  AIO 4 gal with RFAs only.   actually i found this thread after searching “waterbox 4”.  do you have a build thread?  i would love some more info on this setup...light?  heater?  pump still working well?  any problems with the tank?  other things you dislike?  

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anybody running the AIO Frag 28.2 or the sumped Frag 45.2?  And how do you like it?


I'm debating between those 2 and having a hard time deciding.  I like the idea of having an AIO and then having a large ATO reservoir and room for storage in the stand but I generally prefer having a sump and all the extra room in there for equipment and fuge.   The ATO reservoir for the Frag 45.2 is tiny (2.9g).  Not sure how long that would last.



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