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Bloomin' Tank of GeNRosity


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I know it's a bit late, but I don't use a drill in drywall cause I don't have one. I usually stabby stabby the wall by hammering a screwdriver wherever I need a hole... :blush:

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I was thinking so as well. Only saw it when I put the pic in Photobucket then I saw the line of balls there, like in waiting before it takes the spotlight.


That's cool! It actually looks to me like a hidden cup coral! I love those!!!

I have actually put Aptasia Rx on 3 aptasia, none of them were fat like that. And if I see the suckers popping up through the hole in the rock again, I WILL superglue it!! I didn't have any in my shipments two times before with KPAquatics but they were brought in some how a year ago. I just had the wonderful curlique anemone which has grown so beautifully in Gertie's tank.




YIPEEEEEEEEE!! Just checked ammonia. Zeroooooooo!!!! but nitrate is out of the ballpark, to the moon & back.


This photo is awesome and so is ZEROOOOOOO ammonia!!! woo hoo!

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Unfortunately most experiences with blue gudgeons don't end up like that. There are about half a dozen species all sold as 'blue gudgeon' and most of them don't transition well into captivity unless they're basically the only fish in the tank. :(


Well, then it's a no on that one then.

WOW! That's soooo pretty. Such vibrant color and so clean. Couldn't tell, is that a bare bottom? I need to upgrade! Damn, I need to go bak to work :unsure:


I'd add substrate though but yeah, wow! Gorgeous!

I have a diadema basslet (Bessie). She is pretty visible most of the time. Will dart into her tunnel when startled bit always come right back out. She can be somewhat aggressive though, especially to new inhabitants. and has been known to eat smaller peppermint shrimp. But she adds great color and character to my tank.


I'll have to look that up. I hadn't heard of that one.

I know! Whodathunk it could be a centerpiece coral. But it soooo is :wub:.


And I don't even feed it, it gets whatever's in the water column. Maybe twice in 2 yrs I gave it a piece of mysis.

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That's cool! It actually looks to me like a hidden cup coral! I love those!!!


This photo is awesome and so is ZEROOOOOOO ammonia!!! woo hoo!


I thought I heard that nitrite and nitrate take the longest to establish? But I mean is the cycle from ammo to nitrite faster than nitrite to nitrate? Today, all glass is covered inside by brown diatoms I guess. FUGLY Tank. It's ugly but I don't know if I should just leave it or get out a razor. If diatoms usually go away then I'm thinking leave it but it's so ugly, I feel like I'm being a bad tank keeper.



A diadema basslet is also known as pseudochromis something or another and dottyback


Is it this one?






No difference in Nitrate, 2 days so far at the worst reading with nitrite and nitrate. Should I do a 12g water change tomorrow? Or put 3/4 a capful of the bacteria again? I just want to ensure it keeps moving along and doesn't get stuck.

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I thought I heard that nitrite and nitrate take the longest to establish? But I mean is the cycle from ammo to nitrite faster than nitrite to nitrate? Today, all glass is covered inside by brown diatoms I guess. FUGLY Tank. It's ugly but I don't know if I should just leave it or get out a razor. If diatoms usually go away then I'm thinking leave it but it's so ugly, I feel like I'm being a bad tank keeper.




Is it this one?








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Mr. Microscope

Diatom outbreak. Probably time to add some snails. They might suck for algae control, but they sure can mow a tank of diatoms like no one's business. At least that's that I've discovered.

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Is it safe to put them in when nitrites are at 3 and and nitrates are at 80. Both finally went down after being at the same level for 2 days. So glad to not have nitrates bloody red. I can probably put the skimmer up now, right?



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Moving quickly now. At 40!! I'm going to do a water change today later since the water is finally heated and get the skimmer in. That means I can tell Frank he can send the nems next week!!! And I need to order some snails and get them in after I pay for my car tomorrow.



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Doing a 12 g water change on these 40 nitrates. I'll be curious to see what it says tomorrow. And tomorrow I order a clean up crew.



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Updated tank shot after water change. I have to say, ammonia was the longest part, everything was quick after that. I say 15 days this was cycled. Not horrible at all for such lively rock.




Also look at the cute black sponge I found, when I made the picture bigger I can see the openings.




Lots of algae.




I'm loving this macro rock.




Fuzzy but the rose coral is filling in every day.



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Oh em gee. This rock is incredible. Your tank is so badass. Im jealous. Can you get this rock in Canada?


Now I hope I can make a bad ass scape of some kind to showcase the leathers and the rock flower anemones and gorgs. Of course while trying to keep the best looking sides front facing and not cover up some tihngs.

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Oh em gee. This rock is incredible. Your tank is so badass. Im jealous. Can you get this rock in Canada?


I don't know if they do Canada. gulfliverock.com is the website

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Oh, I forgot to advise, I'm at 20 nitrate after the water change earlier. I forgot to mention. So 12g brought it from 40 to 20. That's a huge difference.

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Umm, I am up late. Insomnia time :( I forgot what I asked.


If I had any worms open. I was just thinking the typical tiny feather worm on rocks, I forgot about these little ones.

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Aye! Those be the ones. They are awesome to see :) Another critter which I forgot about, that I like, which aren't present in my Tank are the Barnacles. The Smaller Variety. I Like to see the little Feather like "Hands" reach into the water and draw back in any food that they can filter in. Pretty neat stuff to watch :D

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If I had any worms open. I was just thinking the typical tiny feather worm on rocks, I forgot about these little ones.

I'm getting several on my rock also and I hope more show up. BTW, if you develop any hair type algae on the rocks (from the pics it looks like you might have some), throw in a bunch of Mexican Turbo snails. Two of them cleaned all the hair algae off my little 5 gal in about 3 days. Using my superior math skills, that would be 16 for your tank Hahah.

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Aye! Those be the ones. They are awesome to see :) Another critter which I forgot about, that I like, which aren't present in my Tank are the Barnacles. The Smaller Variety. I Like to see the little Feather like "Hands" reach into the water and draw back in any food that they can filter in. Pretty neat stuff to watch :D


I haven't seen any yet but I did see them in my 8g back when.

I'm getting several on my rock also and I hope more show up. BTW, if you develop any hair type algae on the rocks (from the pics it looks like you might have some), throw in a bunch of Mexican Turbo snails. Two of them cleaned all the hair algae off my little 5 gal in about 3 days. Using my superior math skills, that would be 16 for your tank Hahah.


Yeah, I'm going to to an lfs tomorrow out of town and am going to ask for some. For now I have maybe 5 snails I can take out of Gertie's tank and a couple from the 10g. They're big ones, just can't remember what they're called. It's not to soon to put them in if I'm at 20 on nitrates? Or should I put them in after one more water change? I probably won't do another until Sun or Mon night since I did one today, but even if I get some snails I can put them in Gert's tank for the moment.

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