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Sunstar's Nemesis III - March 2019 - looking... mature...


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my shrimp is MIA this morning, no evidence of it existing at the moment. Not sure if it died and was cleaned up, but surely something inedible would be around... unless a nem got it.

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I am not going to admit it to my husband - yet, but I got another shrimp. this one seems more lively and robust, he also has survived first night and well, the gumdrop is not too pleased... everyone converges onto him when I feed him with his stick.

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Oct. 1 2016


This now is the 11th month in the life of Nemesis III and what do I have to say to this point: Recovering from summer 2016 but still looks like hell.


For starts year in review will happen toward the end of this month when I go over my ups and downs - this is where I will outline my accomplished and my setbacks.


October 1 2016 FTS



But a roll call, if I will.


Hermit Crabs: - they'll get a pic later when I can make a cologue


Tarzan & Audrey


Tiny Tick







Knockout, Breakdown & Fugu







Knockout, Breakdown, Moustachio and Jazz are new inmates. Sadly the first choice for Moustashio did not survive. it did not seem very viable when I dripped then finally put it in. This newer guy seems quite interested and even last night picked at my fingers as I went in to scrub the glass.


Feeding time is nuts now. When I feed Fugu, I have to really be direct and fast because Breakdown and Knockout make a bee-line for Fugu's meal. Not only are the clowns all eager for the shrinp, but the shrimp wishes to delve into the meal as well. At which point fugu says frag this and zips off to hide elsewhere. Two nights ago I had Fugu, Knockout, Breakdown, Moustashio, Scarlet and Tarzan all occupying 9 square inches of water. Fugu O_O Not a happy fish. Fugu I am pegging as an introvert.


Knockout and Breakdown are swimming together but just two nights ago, I saw them doing dominance displays. I can't describe it other than some sort of crazy vibration at each other. Nothing really physical - yet. The female will be called Knockout in the end.


Now to the corals.


Blastomussa spreading onto base rock.



I noticed the other night that my blastomussa, a coral I got for free because it was a tiny forgotten fragment at the back of a SPS tank - it must have fallen off and would have died. It has grown from one head to 25 - 30 heads with some now growing onto the base rock itself - success!



My blood red carpet nem split a while back. both halves have recovered. One stayed within the vicinity of where it had been thriving for the past 11 months while the other one has decided to hang out at the top of the rock structure.


Posted previously: This thing is getting HUGE!


My trumpet has blown my mind with how much it has grown. from two heads when I put it in this tank to something that is nearly three inches across; and sadly it lives on my frag rack as it broke off where I had it a couple months ago. Fugu doesn't mind. Fugu often hides under it.



Fugu's Favourite hiding place



Alternative Hiding place




Hanging out with Jazz.


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The tanks looking good! I loved watching my clowns work out who would be what sex. It was settled before they even made it into the tank! Fugu! :wub: Love his hiding spots

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OMFG, do I have a black hole in my tank? One of my clowns completely vanished in teh two hours between me going to bed and deciding frag this and getting up. a search of my carpet has revealed nothing. underdesk, in sump, nothing... I think a micro carpet might have got him. Crabs are all accounted for and are busy just browsing. Nothing is behaving in the OMG food in water manner. I am quite upset..

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OMFG, do I have a black hole in my tank? One of my clowns completely vanished in teh two hours between me going to bed and deciding frag this and getting up. a search of my carpet has revealed nothing. underdesk, in sump, nothing... I think a micro carpet might have got him. Crabs are all accounted for and are busy just browsing. Nothing is behaving in the OMG food in water manner. I am quite upset..

Sorry maybe he just decided to sleep in this morning?


Hopefully he shows up soon!

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Sorry maybe he just decided to sleep in this morning?


Hopefully he shows up soon!


He finally showed up, mostly just the vertebra. The hermit crabs are taking care of what the anemone just spat up.


I will post pictures soon.... amusingly they were using Scarlet as a table.

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I have spent the afternoon making an attachment for my trumpet coral to go back onto that magnet float. I got it back on, hopefully it cures over the night and the shrimp keeps off it. the connection looks bloody ugly, I hope this thing fattens up and globes a bit more. so far its done well.


I guess it will get to a point where I will cut a branch off for keeping and sell the rest.


The trumpet is that big thing on the frag rack.




A murder Most horrid and a meal celebrated... Clownfish demise... "Om Nom nom nom - this clown tastes funny"



Two hermits fighting over the spine on the back of another crab - like deranged art. "Finally we got some backbone"


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so I decide to scrape the glass with the mag float, and freak my fish out. it nearly landed in my beer, but its back in the water, poor bastard.

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Which one jumped? Glad it's ok :) Yesterday I was trying to catch the blenny I have in QT and man can it jump! It got several inches out of the water.

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So he likes beer - don't we all like beer?

I suppose... I guess I can give him that, because it did lose his mate... I'd probably launch myself into the drink to drown my sorrows :P

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