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Yoshii's 5.5g Macro Reef


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it was a type of seagrass yea I don't remember what. Pretty sure I got it from Russ. I had a larger blade turtle grass in the beginning but it waned.

Yeah, seagrass is pretty sensitive and has a lot of extra requirements compared to algae

Which is too bad, it's so pretty. I'm settling for Caulerpa prolifera :lol:


You'd better celebrate! You're too young to not party! :)

Well I had a midterm on Monday, so no partying on my bday :P

Finals are coming up soon, but maybe I'll find something to do after finals, during spring break

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Yeah, seagrass is pretty sensitive and has a lot of extra requirements compared to algae

Which is too bad, it's so pretty. I'm settling for Caulerpa prolifera :lol:


Well I had a midterm on Monday, so no partying on my bday :P

Finals are coming up soon, but maybe I'll find something to do after finals, during spring break

Are you on the quarter schedule or something? Finals at Berkeley are in late April/early May. Not that I have any because I've been done with classes for a couple years. :) Good luck with finals!

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Are you on the quarter schedule or something? Finals at Berkeley are in late April/early May. Not that I have any because I've been done with classes for a couple years. :) Good luck with finals!

Yeah, quarter system sucks :( There's 10 weeks in a quarter, then finals.

I think Berkeley is the only UC on semester system (not 100% sure?)

The Monday after spring break we start the next quarter :tears: and then don't get out til mid-June


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More than anything though I miss having pipefish. Too bad my 28gal is a little on the small side for them.

Realized I missed this!

Three words: Blue Stripe Pipefish ;)

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Scored some clear netting! :happy:

Turns out we needed to use it for an experiment in class and my professor gave me some



I wasn't able to make it to Ace to get framing material this weekend. We'll see when I have the time

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Love the FTS! What is the tan one in the back? Looks like it could grow into a forest in no time.

Thank you, that one is a type of Dictyota, obviously a larger version than the more common small "invasive" one that sometimes plagues peoples tanks.

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really giving me the itch to set up a large macro tank again. But with better filtration.


More than anything though I miss having pipefish. Too bad my 28gal is a little on the small side for them.


You could do a CB banded flagfin pipefish, like mine. They come trained to eat frozen mysis which is sweet.

Yoshii, I love the FTS. The new scape is great. You have some really neat macros.

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You could do a CB banded flagfin pipefish, like mine. They come trained to eat frozen mysis which is sweet.

Yoshii, I love the FTS. The new scape is great. You have some really neat macros.

I didn't know you could get CB Banded pipes, where'd you get them from Dawn?


Thanks :) Always hoping to add more to the collection!

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Mostly updated the first post, I still need to put together a macro list and start FTS progression pics

Honestly I'm kinda swamped ID'ing algae for my algae class, so the full macro list probably won't be up for another few weeks. Good thing is the class really helped me to be able to ID almost any algae :)

It's just an interesting class in general. Being a macro nerd, I felt kinda bad not knowing that a lot of green seaweeds (Caulerpa, Halimeda, etc.) are "siphonous" and don't actually have cell divisions, they're just like one big cell. Well I guess that's what college is for, learning :P

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I had 14 different macros once. They just started fadeing for some reason. Now I'm down to like 5 or so. But they seem to do well. I hope yours do good for you.

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I had 14 different macros once. They just started fadeing for some reason. Now I'm down to like 5 or so. But they seem to do well. I hope yours do good for you.

Hmm, maybe you didn't have enough nutrients at the time?

Thanks, I hope so too :)

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Maybe, they were in my seahorse tank. I think some macros outcompete others. And I feed them mysis heavily.

Yeah some do, but usually they die off more one by one, and some fade faster/slower than others.

Sometimes you just never know! At least you still have some cool ones :)

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I GOT THE JOB! omgomgomg omgomgomg

I'll get able to stay on campus in the apartments for the next academic year because I'm going to be an RA (resident assistant)!

Basically instead of getting paid, I'll get a "free" single room (as opposed to the triple I'm in right now) and a meal plan and textbook money B)

I'm already getting the itch to get another tank with the extra space :o

So that means 2 less loans for next year...which also means I'll probably bring my car! FINALLY I can go to the LFS whenever I feel like and it won't take me 3 hours :happy:


The only potential problem is MACNA. Job training starts in August, and I'm not sure if I can go to MACNA, or if there's training going on during that weekend. I emailed my new boss about it, but I'm really crossing my fingers I can still go. Being in the same city as MACNA is the only way I'll ever be able to go to one, so it would really suck if I couldn't go.

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Congratulations! RA is a good job and it says a lot about your personality and character to get a job like that, but your friends here on N-R already knew all that :)


Here's hoping the training schedule doesn't conflict with MACNA! fingerscrossed

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Congrats, Yoshii!!!!

Congratulations! RA is a good job and it says a lot about your personality and character to get a job like that, but your friends here on N-R already knew all that :)


Here's hoping the training schedule doesn't conflict with MACNA! fingerscrossed

Are you going to MACNA, Teeny?

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Congrats, Yoshii!!!!

Are you going to MACNA, Teeny?

I wish! But no, not unless I can somehow come up with an excuse to take a work trip to SD that just happens to coincidentally be at the same time as MACNA :D. But I won't know whether that will happen until maybe a month before.


I'm actually going to be in SD for a day later this month for a work trip on the way to Hawaii. Fly in Sunday night, hold meetings Monday morning, and head to HI later in the afternoon. So I'll wave to you as I'm going by the campus, Yoshii!


So you never know, it could happen! I'd love to actually meet all the N-R peeps face to face someday :)

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Congratulations! RA is a good job and it says a lot about your personality and character to get a job like that, but your friends here on N-R already knew all that :)


Here's hoping the training schedule doesn't conflict with MACNA! fingerscrossed

Aww thank you! :blush: It's going to be a lot of work but I think I'll like it :)




Congrats, Yoshii!!!!

Are you going to MACNA, Teeny?

Thanks! :)


Are you going, Stella?


I wish! But no, not unless I can somehow come up with an excuse to take a work trip to SD that just happens to coincidentally be at the same time as MACNA :D. But I won't know whether that will happen until maybe a month before.


I'm actually going to be in SD for a day later this month for a work trip on the way to Hawaii. Fly in Sunday night, hold meetings Monday morning, and head to HI later in the afternoon. So I'll wave to you as I'm going by the campus, Yoshii!


So you never know, it could happen! I'd love to actually meet all the N-R peeps face to face someday :)

Aw it would be great if you could come!


Wanna let me hide in a suitcase so I can go to Hawaii? :ninja:


That's why I'm so excited for MACNA, I wanna meet you guys! I've met some local SD reefers like Sancho

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Good news! :D I'm most likely going to MACNA!

My boss just emailed me back:

"In terms of the training, we have not scheduled anything for that weekend as of right now. Typically, in the past, RAs have had the majority of the weekends as free time. I cannot guarantee that for this year but if the schedule is similar, I do not see any issue with your attendance to the event."

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This thread needs some tank picturs -_-


I'm pretty busy tonight, but I spotted my black stomatella out on the rocks tonight and snapped a few pics

They'll be up in a few

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