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Coral Vue Hydros

Dr. Felicia's Predator Paradise - Retired


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Just so pretty. The colors, the contrasts, the livestock.

Thank you :) I'm pretty happy with the mix of colors, corals, and livestock :D



Limpets too? I'm 95% confident that both of those are likely to have come on a frag from my tank. The limpets are the best little hitchhikers I ever got and I hope they breed well for you too. They do such a better job of eating the green algae film than snails. The collonistas stay on the rock scape eating whatever they eat and maybe once a year may be to blame when the wavemaker stops spinning. Outside of that I hear they're really good for the tank's microfauna. If all that did come from me, keep an eye out for the 1/4" whitish chitons. They're also pretty fabulous.


Congrats again on the PhD and graduation! You are beaming in that photo.

Oh fun! Well thank you for the fun hitchikers then! Interestingly enough the limpets seem to mostly being staying in my sump although I've seen a couple up in the tank. I'll keep an eye out for the chitons! I love chitons :)


And that you! Yeah I was pretty thrilled about graduation :D

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Ok, so I finally got around to sorting through all those photos I took a few nights ago. Here they are!



Let's start with another quick FTS.

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Ok next, some coral shots.

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This gorgonian is really growing. The two stubby little branches are brand new growth.

27388483331_13face3d31_k.jpgIMG_4192 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


26850986834_50ac8c9058_k.jpgIMG_4171 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


27460190525_7c71826c60_k.jpgIMG_4169 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


26850987584_c8ff1c3d23_k.jpgIMG_4165 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


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I was trying really hard to get a decent shot of the Tomini tang because she's been doing really well, but she just moves too dang fast! Here are a bunch of the mediocre photos I was able to get of her.

26852804773_f3fe2f5e8d_z.jpgIMG_4543 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


27183518300_9dfd289510_z.jpgIMG_4529 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


26852805233_3de62b7cce_z.jpgIMG_4512 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


27183519560_1770c51919_z.jpgIMG_4478 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


27460178785_2faae23a5d_z.jpgIMG_4338 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


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27183533190_0bc6caade0_k.jpgIMG_4094 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr




Falkor was being quite the ham as usual. He loves to pose for photos! :D

27460177155_4426745f8c_z.jpgIMG_4405 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


27460180305_a19541dfa9_k.jpgIMG_4321 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


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Here are a couple shots of the clowns in their BTA palace.

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Draco was also being a huge ham as usual.

26850979074_ab742b1a49_z.jpgIMG_4335 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


26850980024_71decefe69_k.jpgIMG_4318 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


27460185455_31e1b8b116_k.jpgIMG_4253 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


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The antennata is shy sometimes, but she was out and about for photos this time :) Mushu was the one being the lurker this time around.

27388492291_36139baed6_z.jpgIMG_4426 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


27183515180_d1718961ed_z.jpgIMG_4373 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


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27183531300_db495f1e09_k.jpgIMG_4103 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr

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Since most of the fish were out being photogenic, I also got a bunch of fun shots with several of the fish together.

27360913352_fb2cff3b1b_z.jpgIMG_4545 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


27388488851_f43ce328e6_z.jpgIMG_4501 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


27460176685_a14a4efe5f_z.jpgIMG_4418 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


26850981394_e4d5e7c375_k.jpgIMG_4282 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


26852819113_f584e6d2bd_k.jpgIMG_4277 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


27460184155_37e957d342_k.jpgIMG_4271 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


26852825513_72a65b62ae_k.jpgIMG_4218 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


26850990124_b5a45b8725_k.jpgIMG_4110 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


27388513741_6270fd8d96_k.jpgIMG_4107 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr

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Oh, and if you notice that the derasa is gaping a bit in these photos, I'm aware of the issue. Its been acting like something is aggravating it lately, but the other two clams are perfectly healthy. The derasa is still light and touch responsive and it opens everyday, so I think its ok, just a bit annoyed. I ended up rearranging the clams to move it to a slighlty different spot and its seems to be doing a bit better now. I'm thinking the big green nepthea might have been irritating it. This tank is getting to the point where everything is so grown in that corals are touching and irritating each other at times.

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This tank is filled with gorgeous and wow!

Thanks so much, Annette!


great photos! so crisp and clean. I love the tomini tang. Makes me want to get one but 3 tangs is pushing it in my tank =P. And i never see a tomini as nice as yours at the fish stores.

Thank you! I was being overly critical of this set of photos. I didn't turn off all the other lights in my apartment, since I was just snapping these real quick, so they have reflections and stuff. Glad you like them!


Yeah I've never really been that into tangs, but I've definitely come to love my tomini. She's a great fish and really awesome at eating algae. I had been wanting one for a while, but it seemed like all the ones coming in looked sickly or not very nice. I ended up settling for a kole tang, but then that one died suddenly. I seemed healthy at first, but I think it had some sort of internal parasite. I wasn't in any hurry to replace the kole, and then on a trip to the LFS I saw this tomini that looked great and decided to take her home. She's been super hardy and healthy and I love her coloring :)

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I dont see any reflections in the photos so good job hiding / avoiding them!


I like the bright orange color on the tomini more than a kole. But as you said, the key is finding a healthy one that's the right size. I seen ones that are way too big already or ones where the color is dull. Glad you found a good one.

ooo forgot to ask, any clues / insights as to why one of your bubble tip retained its bubble shape while the other one RIGHT next to it did not???

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I dont see any reflections in the photos so good job hiding / avoiding them!


I like the bright orange color on the tomini more than a kole. But as you said, the key is finding a healthy one that's the right size. I seen ones that are way too big already or ones where the color is dull. Glad you found a good one.

ooo forgot to ask, any clues / insights as to why one of your bubble tip retained its bubble shape while the other one RIGHT next to it did not???

Well thank you! :)


Yeah, the bright pop on the tomini's fins are really pretty and I really like the pure white tail. Yeah, the key is definitely patience. It seems like finding one that is the right size and healthy definitely takes a while. Tangs can just be so delicate! I'm just glad this one has been healthy for me. Knock on wood!


Oh, and yeah I have absolutely no idea what determines the shape of BTAs. I have like 8-9 of them all in one big clump and from day to day, they'll change shape. One day they might all be bubbled, another day they'll all be stretched out, and then other days some are bubbled and some are not. It makes no sense to me because the lighting and flow is not changing day to day.


So beautiful! Everything has filled in so much, and looking so healthy :)

Thank you, Teeny :) It is so crowded in there now! I've got lots of corals running into each other, which is the look I was going for, but its leading to a bit of coral warfare. I'm just letting things do their thing and see who wins :lol:

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Ok, so I finally got around to sorting through all those photos I took a few nights ago. Here they are!







Wow! So many awesome pics here. But this one's my favorite. Looks like the lionfish is imitating a clownfish by sitting on a leather. :lol:

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I always think your lions should be so much bigger then I see them next to Falkor and remember they are just little guys. Love the photos.

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Wow! So many awesome pics here. But this one's my favorite. Looks like the lionfish is imitating a clownfish by sitting on a leather. :lol:

Thank you! Yeah the lionfish love to perch on things, which is always very cute :)


Great set of pictures, everything looks just perfect in there.

Thank you, Mark! I'm happy with how its all filled in :)


^^ this...


Love the bushy look of everything :)

Thank you! I'm trying to be patient and just enjoy my nice filled in tank :D


I always think your lions should be so much bigger then I see them next to Falkor and remember they are just little guys. Love the photos.

Yeah, they're pretty small. The antennata and the dwarf zebra eat really well, but they seem to be very slow growers. Their bodies are around 2.5". The fu manchu is the biggest right now, but he's pretty much full grown at about 4". Eventually the other two will end up bigger than him, but it'll take quite a while at the rate they're growing. Falkor is the one that's growing like crazy! I wish he'd slow down a bit :lol:

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Thank you! Yeah the lionfish love to perch on things, which is always very cute :)


Thank you, Mark! I'm happy with how its all filled in :)


Thank you! I'm trying to be patient and just enjoy my nice filled in tank :D


Yeah, they're pretty small. The antennata and the dwarf zebra eat really well, but they seem to be very slow growers. Their bodies are around 2.5". The fu manchu is the biggest right now, but he's pretty much full grown at about 4". Eventually the other two will end up bigger than him, but it'll take quite a while at the rate they're growing. Falkor is the one that's growing like crazy! I wish he'd slow down a bit :lol:

Well if he out grows your tank I'm sure he would find a good home with my beasties. Lots of room here with plenty of caves to hide in.
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Well if he out grows your tank I'm sure he would find a good home with my beasties. Lots of room here with plenty of caves to hide in.

That's definitely a good option to have. I'm just super attached to him at this point. I'm just not sure exactly when I'll end up doing an upgrade and if he gets too big before then, then he may have to go to a new home. He's getting big, but so far he doesn't seem cramped and he's very well behaved with my other fish so hopefully he can stay in this tank for quite a bit longer. I'll just have to see what happens :)

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Oh, and if you notice that the derasa is gaping a bit in these photos, I'm aware of the issue. Its been acting like something is aggravating it lately, but the other two clams are perfectly healthy. The derasa is still light and touch responsive and it opens everyday, so I think its ok, just a bit annoyed. I ended up rearranging the clams to move it to a slighlty different spot and its seems to be doing a bit better now. I'm thinking the big green nepthea might have been irritating it. This tank is getting to the point where everything is so grown in that corals are touching and irritating each other at times.

I wonder if you need more nutrients for it? It looks pale too or maybe it's just the photos. I hope it will be ok for you!!!!!


Otherwise everything looks fantastic! The tang is really doing a great job of keeping the algae away. I didn't see any!!! omgomgomg:D

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I wonder if you need more nutrients for it? It looks pale too or maybe it's just the photos. I hope it will be ok for you!!!!!


Otherwise everything looks fantastic! The tang is really doing a great job of keeping the algae away. I didn't see any!!! omgomgomg:D

Yeah, its definitely pale too. I've been trying to figure out what's going on with it for the last couple weeks. That's what got me looking at its foot and shell and then I found those little snails and panicked. Well those turned out to just be collinistas, which are harmless, so I'm really not sure what's bothering the derasa. The other two clams are 100% healthy and they're all right next to each other. I moved the derasa in case the nepthea was bothering it and it maybe seems a tad bit happier, but not really much change. Its still responsive to touch and shadows, so it doesn't seem like its on its way out or anything. Its open everyday as well and has full mantle extension, no pinched mantle or anything. I wouldn't think nutrients would be an issue because there are always plenty of nutrients in this system. The lighting hasn't changed at all either. I'm so baffled.


Thank you! There's definitely some patches of hair algae that I manually remove once in a while, but the tang does a great job for the most part. There are just some stubborn hair algae patches that she can't quite handle :)

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How about a Lily update for her fans? :D Lily turned 6 years old on May 15th, but you'd think she's still a kitten with all the energy she has. Her hobbies include napping, plotting how to kill the aquarium (because it steals my attention), playing with things like crinkle balls, box sitting, chewing on house plants, and watching out the window. :lol: One of her latest hobbies is a new-found interest in watching TV. Her all time favorite show is Downton Abbey. My theory is that she wishes she was British nobility and wonders why she doesn't have a lady's maid.


"Yes! Put on Downton Abbey!"

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Riveted to the show.

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She also seems to like Animal Planet shows like "My Cat from Hell" and "Dr. Jeff: Rocky Mountain Vet".

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27513955825_32b97e5387_z.jpgIMG_3941 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


Ok and here are a bunch more photos of her being adorable as usual :wub:

27513954425_4cee3aa2f7_k.jpgIMG_1999 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


27513964035_67ff29d050_z.jpgIMG_3286 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


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This was how Lily felt when I was spending all my time writing my thesis. I'd piled some binders of information on the chair and she collapsed next to them in disgust and boredom :lol:

27237723570_7d660623e5_z.jpgIMG_3506 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


27237723160_a38a9f9255_z.jpgIMG_3524 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


27237722750_9f1fc35b31_z.jpgIMG_3544 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


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27237719990_7cd819b639_z.jpgIMG_3928 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr


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27441817701_c0396da12d_z.jpgIMG_4624 by Felicia Svedlund, on Flickr

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Lily is adorable!! How much does she weigh? Just to get a sense of size... She looks pretty big next to that tv!

Lily is actually a pretty small cat, she's just super fluffy. She only weighs 8 lbs. The TV isn't very big since I just have a small living room in my little 1 bedroom apartment. The TV is a 32".


This is how I feel all the time with Lily :)

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Lily is actually a pretty small cat, she's just super fluffy. She only weighs 8 lbs. The TV isn't very big since I just have a small living room in my little 1 bedroom apartment. The TV is a 32".

This is how I feel all the time with Lily :)


She is little!! My cat is 16lbs... :blush:

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She is little!! My cat is 16lbs... :blush:

Yeah she's definitely a petite little thing. She free feeds all day and I just give her as much as she wants to eat, but she doesn't really eat a ton. She's really not food motivated and she plays a ton, so she's never had an issue with getting chubby, which is odd for house cats.

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