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TeenyReef's 10g Fusion - ATO Disaster


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Awesome shot of the sleeping wrasse. I noticed my pygmy sleeps the same way, usually nose first into the sand just laying their prone. In the wild how do they survive?


I thought this same thing :lol: It seems like evolution kinda messed up there.

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I always thought wrasse hid themselves in a slime cacoon or under the sand. Never thought it'd be just on its side like that. That's why I love this hobby. Always something more to learn.

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I got some new frag racks from Oceanbox Designs. They look great and take up a lot less space. Here's what my old frag rack looked like:



And here's a top down of the whole tank:


26464543760_9daf543791_b.jpg2016-04-30 IM10 Top Down by TeenyReef, on Flickr


Drool. Like a candy store in your tank. :P So jam-packed with beautiful corals!

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I always thought wrasse hid themselves in a slime cacoon or under the sand. Never thought it'd be just on its side like that. That's why I love this hobby. Always something more to learn.

That's what I thought too, which was why I was surprised to see him like that. But I've never actually seen him when he goes to bed, he just completely disappears.


When I first got him that freaked me out too. I thought he'd gone missing :)


Drool. Like a candy store in your tank. :P So jam-packed with beautiful corals!

Thank you! I'm really looking forward to seeing them start to spread out and fill in.

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During my water change yesterday my PWS was "hiding" or trying to take a nap. Wedged himself into some rock and was very still... but his little yellow eye was still looking around. Creepy!

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I've never been able to find where my 6line sleeps. This is my 2nd one now.

I've never found Fitzgerald's hiding place. I think he just ended up where he did in the video because I was doing a large water change late at night and he fell asleep where he was stuck during the water change :lol:


During my water change yesterday my PWS was "hiding" or trying to take a nap. Wedged himself into some rock and was very still... but his little yellow eye was still looking around. Creepy!


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I'm seeing signs of dinos back in the frag tank. Boo. I really need to sell or give away some of these frags but I'm not going to if there's any chance that someone else might get my dinos.


In better news, this tank is doing pretty well. The parameters are pretty close to where I want them with Nitrates at 3 and phosphates at .11 - just need to get the phosphates down a little bit more!


Ever since I set this tank up I've had problems with the heat going up and down by two or three degrees in the summer, between 79 and 82, as the A/C cycles on and off. So the other day I went up in the attic and found an old computer fan and hooked it up to a 12v power supply and attached it with a piece of wood and some velcro, just to see if it could help keep the temperature under control:


26320171523_36b0eb06a7_b.jpg20160509_210555.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


I set the Apex to control it, turning it on at 79.2 and off at 79.0. Ever since then, the temperature has held rock solid between 78.8 and 79.2. Success! Now I just have to come up with something more permanent than velcro :rolleyes:

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Picture updates! These are quick cell phone pics so the white balance is a little off. But I think it shows how everything is doing fairly well.


Right now, the only thing I'm disappointed in is that the acans have lost a lot of the vivid colors they had when I first got them. I'm hoping that as I continue to keep nitrates low and get PO4 lower that they'll come back, but who knows...


26890637286_2886c13263_b.jpg20160509_202424.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


26890631026_622f429b1b_b.jpg20160509_202254.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


Frag rack pics:


26320167533_053fdf3a3f_b.jpg20160509_202311.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


26890634076_9426c8dc72_b.jpg20160509_202335_001.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


26890635336_8b61aa8a2e_b.jpg20160509_202402.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr

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Looking goo as usual! Acans can be frustrating IMO in fact the other day one of mine decided to just start melting half of it, it stopped about halfway through my large frag I was not happy! As much as I love them they just grow so slow and sometimes the colors are just impossible to keep!

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I'm seeing signs of dinos back in the frag tank. Boo. I really need to sell or give away some of these frags but I'm not going to if there's any chance that someone else might get my dinos.


In better news, this tank is doing pretty well. The parameters are pretty close to where I want them with Nitrates at 3 and phosphates at .11 - just need to get the phosphates down a little bit more!


Ever since I set this tank up I've had problems with the heat going up and down by two or three degrees in the summer, between 79 and 82, as the A/C cycles on and off. So the other day I went up in the attic and found an old computer fan and hooked it up to a 12v power supply and attached it with a piece of wood and some velcro, just to see if it could help keep the temperature under control:


26320171523_36b0eb06a7_b.jpg20160509_210555.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


I set the Apex to control it, turning it on at 79.2 and off at 79.0. Ever since then, the temperature has held rock solid between 78.8 and 79.2. Success! Now I just have to come up with something more permanent than velcro :rolleyes:

I have the exact same problem. Now you got me thinking. Great idea!

Picture updates! These are quick cell phone pics so the white balance is a little off. But I think it shows how everything is doing fairly well.


Right now, the only thing I'm disappointed in is that the acans have lost a lot of the vivid colors they had when I first got them. I'm hoping that as I continue to keep nitrates low and get PO4 lower that they'll come back, but who knows...


26890637286_2886c13263_b.jpg20160509_202424.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


26890631026_622f429b1b_b.jpg20160509_202254.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


Frag rack pics:


26320167533_053fdf3a3f_b.jpg20160509_202311.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


26890634076_9426c8dc72_b.jpg20160509_202335_001.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


26890635336_8b61aa8a2e_b.jpg20160509_202402.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr

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Looking goo as usual! Acans can be frustrating IMO in fact the other day one of mine decided to just start melting half of it, it stopped about halfway through my large frag I was not happy! As much as I love them they just grow so slow and sometimes the colors are just impossible to keep!

Thanks! My rainbow melted and lost about a quarter of a polyp but I put some hydrogen peroxide on it and it seems to have arrested the problem. I just wish I could figure out how to get them to color up the way they were when I got them! I know it could just be that they're going to morph no matter what but I guess that's the challenge!
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Thanks! My rainbow melted and lost about a quarter of a polyp but I put some hydrogen peroxide on it and it seems to have arrested the problem. I just wish I could figure out how to get them to color up the way they were when I got them! I know it could just be that they're going to morph no matter what but I guess that's the challenge!

Hmmm. Maybe lower the intensity of your LED? I know that you feed them right?

My Acans are coming today. Hopefully mine won't fade.

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This tank is pretty neat. It has me thinking about changing my next build.. This guys has no fish in there and doesn't seem to feed his tank frozen foods right? Must help tremendously with nutrients since he doesn't have any fancy equipment to begin with. I am jealous..





I am also jealous of teeny's fusion. Teeny- just to remind you... Your tank was the exact one that pushed me toward the fusion 10. Not only that, but it was the tank that got me back into the hobby after I took a year. I saw what was possible with a tiny tank. I want to go bigger, but I am liking how easy it is to care for such a small tank. Small water changes, small dosing amounts, small everything. Love it!

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What is that incredibly bright green acan looking thing in the first picture?


Acros are all alive and look healthy and the rest of the tank looks fantastic, nuff said. :)


Have you seen this 10g SPS reef? http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2555250 :D

Those are the blasto merletti's :)


I hadn't seen that tank, I don't hang out on RC very much, but it looks great. It's a lot like what I'm trying to do with my 4g frag tank. Minimal filtration, no fish. I'm interested to see how it goes through the first six months. I really struggled with algae growth as the tank matured. He makes some great points about how much effect small changes in position can affect lighting intensity, and how quickly parameters can change in these small tanks. Thanks for the link!

I have the exact same problem. Now you got me thinking. Great idea!


Thanks! I'm still trying to figure out where to put the frags :)

Hmmm. Maybe lower the intensity of your LED? I know that you feed them right?

My Acans are coming today. Hopefully mine won't fade.

Good luck! The internet wisdom says to lower the lighting intensity but it's actually not that bright on the sandbed in this tank. And I've tried shading them without improvement.

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Picture updates! These are quick cell phone pics so the white balance is a little off. But I think it shows how everything is doing fairly well.


Right now, the only thing I'm disappointed in is that the acans have lost a lot of the vivid colors they had when I first got them. I'm hoping that as I continue to keep nitrates low and get PO4 lower that they'll come back, but who knows...


26890637286_2886c13263_b.jpg20160509_202424.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


26890631026_622f429b1b_b.jpg20160509_202254.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


Frag rack pics:


26320167533_053fdf3a3f_b.jpg20160509_202311.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


26890634076_9426c8dc72_b.jpg20160509_202335_001.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr


26890635336_8b61aa8a2e_b.jpg20160509_202402.jpg by TeenyReef, on Flickr




I think you saw me post on reefernanoman's page, but now that I have one of these fusions I seriously do not understand how your tank is not bigger :lol: It is AMAZING how you've scaped this one - from the coral selections to placement.

Thanks! My rainbow melted and lost about a quarter of a polyp but I put some hydrogen peroxide on it and it seems to have arrested the problem. I just wish I could figure out how to get them to color up the way they were when I got them! I know it could just be that they're going to morph no matter what but I guess that's the challenge!

All of my acans (except the green ones) seem to turn orange. not red, orange :lol: I still love them, but I can't seem to keep the colors. But I'm really good at turning them bright orange.

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I just found the tail spot blenny wrapped around the intake grill of the MP10. There was nothing visibly wrong with him and he looked fine yesterday. I guess these things just happen sometimes. RIP Squidward :(

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