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Kat's Birthday Party


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I have some friends/acquaintances in rural areas that are being subjected to hateful comments because of the color of their skin. A friend with a daughter in HS said her daughter's gay friend was verbally assaulted by the students that have been classmates for years. Been reading some FB posts mentioning the same thing all over the country. The folks spewing the hate don't even know who those people voted for, and a couple did vote for Trump. But the new reality is that folks feel they have a licence to openly voice their racist, xenophobic, misogynistic commentary. This is the denigration of civility, of our society.


These are sad times.


Same thing happened after Brexit. It seems like a lot of people with some worrying stuff rattling around in their heads suddenly felt emboldened after hearing it become part of the mainstream political discourse. Then, when the result comes in and tells them that a lot of other people feel the same....

It may not be true that every Trump voter is a racist but it can certainly be said that every Trump voter considered his racism to not be an automatic bar from becoming President. That is sad enough.


And this is before you get to misogyny, climate science, Putin's agenda, Trump's views on freedom of speech etc.


Sad times, indeed.

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Q- is it safe or possible to remove a glass baffle from a glass sump? Can i just slice the silicone using a very sharp blade?

Easy way...slice the silicone with a razor on both sides, then get some fishing line and start at the top of the glass and in a sawing motion work it down to the bottom.


Ps wear gloves

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Up early. :) So when exactly is moving day?

Actually it was a late night and then I had to get up early again. Running on 4 hours of sleep right now, lol ;)


RODI is getting moved today, Arce is coming over to help with that. Got a 40B in the trunk of my car right now. Moving wise I think I'll be mostly moved in this week, except for the tank. The 40B should be ready to go in a few days.


FIOS gets installed this week too, can't decide if I should move over and just spend the days here with my computer and the tank for as long as I have the tank, or should I not move till the tank moves over. Hmmm.

Okay, I just solved my own Q, the Apex is connected to this computer so no I'll spend my days here witht he tank and computer till the tank moves.

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Howdy folks. Still 'moving'. Lol. Got the 40B set up yesterday and Arce installed my RODI unit.

Marc Levenson was in town for a Reef and Reptile show. Got an in-person delivery of a part for the RODI install. :wub:



Marc took some cool pictures of my tank, the iPhone7S results were remarkable. He posted one on IG, I can't imagine getting colors that great from my phone ATM. I forgot to turn off the T5s when we left for dinner so by the time I got back at around 2am, the tank was still awake. And boy was it awake! PE was great! I'm curious about it though - the light was on, and my SPS typically show PE at night so can they tell time? It was bright as hell in the tank so why did they behave as if it was dark?


I took the opportunity to take some pics


















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Cool. What's the little pickle / cactus coral in the pic that's 2 above the tang photobomb?

That is so funny but it looks like a little gerkin!

Good luck Kat with the final tank move!

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Cool. What's the little pickle / cactus coral in the pic that's 2 above the tang photobomb?


That is so funny but it looks like a little gerkin!

Good luck Kat with the final tank move!

:lol: It's my ORA Spongodes, fighting back against 5 years of being crowded by other corals.


Beautiful pictures Kat! Hope the move is going OK :)

Thanks Teeny.

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Pics looks great. Interesting how the polyps seem to be on a schedule rather than sensing the light.

Raises questions and answers about the lunar cycles and all. How do animals know seasons, coral spawning occurs at the same time every year, how? How does my cat know daylight savings is in effect?

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Moon's gravitational pull, change in the water temp, and few other things keep the corals on time. (part of the reason my lights are on 2-Midnight-ish).

As for the cat-Bogi is just picking up on your ques on when food is given. My cats are set on their time, but if I was home all day food is when I walk through the door next or rummage in the kitchen.

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Corals have a sort of internal clock, for lack of a better term. That's why you'll get PE regardless of the lights.


I posted an article about it years ago. Not gonna bother to try and find it, though. You'll just have to take my word for it.

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What's the status on the move?


If you accidentally break any coral bits, don't throw them out... I'll take them. ;)

I'm still in the middle of some shenanigans that mandate i don't make water till those are done. So while I did make half a bucket of RODI today, the 40B has yet to be filled. I have 5G old water ready to take over there, I think I might take my brute too. I should be done with the shenanigans by Sunday at the very latest.


My coral bits are likely to be chunks...

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Wow, you really are breaking off big bits...


Is everything moved now?

Haven't touched anything actually. Been growing this 'frag' for a year. :D

Making water tomorrow. I've got the RODI working, took over some salt today and a pump. Yay.


WOW :o one lucky recipient, whomever that is! I wish it was me ;)


Hope the move is going well, tank or otherwise.

It's been on hold for someone for a while. :)

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