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FS: Florida Ricordia group buy

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I do not understand how any one can be upset when they requested the heat pack?


I would only request a heat pack if it was snowing...most corals are much more forgiving to cold than heat.

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Same thing here :(






I drained the slime out and tossed in the rock remnants, maybe some rics will end up sprouting out? Not trying to crucify you, I appreciate you putting this together, just upset my corals are toast.

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I'm in contact with the diver to see if he will help me cover some of the loss, even if its by selling me more cheaper :S. I just ask that tjose of you with losses give me a chance to find a resolution to this very costly mess.

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I do not understand how any one can be upset when they requested the heat pack?


I would only request a heat pack if it was snowing...most corals are much more forgiving to cold than heat.

The heat packs were requested as a safety, I would assume, considering the temperature fluctuations that have been going on in this part of the country. The problem is that the heat packs were not separated the way they should have been. Mine arrived DOA as well, but that's unfortunately because there was a sheet of paper and only a thin lining of plastic separating the heat packs from the rics themselves. If the heat packs were separated from side-to-side or top-to-bottom and the packages were more adequately lined, this likely would not have happened. I have shipped & received a ton of orders myself in just about all seasons throughout the years, and mistakes are bound to happen; things are bound to go wrong every once in a while. Show me someone with a perfect shipping/receiving record in this hobby and consider my mind blown.


I am not saying this to vent my anger or anything along those lines. I am not even remotely upset. Disappointed, perhaps, but hey, mistakes happen, especially when you're charged with shipping to THIS MANY people. She sent out a TON of packages in a very small time, so it is fairly easy see why human error came into play here. That's the main consideration that needs to be made here. I know I would not have wanted to put myself through taking orders, coordinating items and sending out this many shipments all at once. I still thank her for her effort. Sometimes it's one of these situations in which we learn how the hobby goes is more hands-on. In this case, the lesson is that when a heat pack is involved, there must be considerable space between the pack and the coral so as not to fry it. A mistake is all it was.

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Thank you DC Rabbit for your thoughts and for not ganging up on me. I appreciate that. But here's my question: how come the packages with NO heat packs made it safe & sound & people were thrilled? Now I'm getting Paypal disputes left & right and they're withdrawing money from my account, money I already paid up front. So this is costing me even as I type. As I said, I'm trying to work out something with the diver so that I can replace the losses, but if I keep losing money I won't be able to do anything. This is all very frustrating, and now I see why they say that no good deed goes unpunished.

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I'm sorry to hear people are filing paypal disputes, hopefully they will rethink going that route. You tried to help everyone out as best as you could, I think we all know the risk associated with shipping live animals. If you can work out another deal, please let us know!

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Thank you DC Rabbit for your thoughts and for not ganging up on me. I appreciate that. But here's my question: how come the packages with NO heat packs made it safe & sound & people were thrilled? Now I'm getting Paypal disputes left & right and they're withdrawing money from my account, money I already paid up front. So this is costing me even as I type. As I said, I'm trying to work out something with the diver so that I can replace the losses, but if I keep losing money I won't be able to do anything. This is all very frustrating, and now I see why they say that no good deed goes unpunished.

They arrived safely because there was no heat pack placed too close to the rics to fry the water they were in. I'm sorry people are so quick to file a claim; there needs to be an element of understanding here as to the work that goes into coordinating one of these group buys without a carefully placed system (IE, only X number of shipments per day so as to not stress the shipper). Yet even then with one in place, you will still have impatient unhappy people wanting theirs as soon as possible, threatening theft/dishonesty/etc. So you can either please everyone and sacrifice the meticulous attention you may tend to put into shipping one or two packages per day, or you can play it safe and piss some people off to ensure their purchases arrive safely. I've been in the situation myself and it is unbelievably frustrating.

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I'm sorry Greg but your package has already gone out. In addition, YOU requested the heat pack, I did not offer one.


I dont think it's fair that you are lying either on the paypal claim, stating that other people are complaining of not receiving their packages. I've kept this thread updated with every single move I've made and after all the trouble I've been through, I don't think it's fair for people to BLATANTLY LIE just to get a refund, even when their package was just shipped and they were aware of this.


I say you give your package a chance. After all, I'm not going anywhere and even though this is not my fault, I am offering to make it right for those of you who have had losses. But how can I do that if you lie to Paypal??

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WOW... this has turned into a witch hunt. I'm even getting threatening calls now. My kid answered the phone and began screaming at the top of her lungs! Amazing. And sad.

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WOW... this has turned into a witch hunt. I'm even getting threatening calls now. Amazing. And sad.

Whats the price pp and the most I can request in one shipment? sorry to hear about your loses guys. Be civil and realize mistakes happen. With price break and the amount of time she took; id be a little more thankful. Will someone please post some pics of thriving rics before this thread has a meltdown.

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WOW... this has turned into a witch hunt. I'm even getting threatening calls now. My kid answered the phone and began screaming at the top of her lungs! Amazing. And sad.

This is completely beyond anything that should be done over ricordea. To be fair the day I ordered mine it was 65 degrees during the day and the high 40's at night. At that time I needed a heat pack. We are actually today, when my ricordea arrived, at a freakish 78 degrees. I had no clue that the weather would change that drastically. It's the price you pay when shipping coral. That being said, handle your personal situation with Aly with honesty and a level head. Threats? What kind of disgusting piece of trash are you to make threats? Especially to a child. Animals.


Did I complain to Aly? Yes I did. But not for the couple of DOA's. My complaint was all the ones that survived were blue but I requested no or very few blue. Are they beautiful? Yes. I also got one gorgeous green one too.







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This is exactly what happens when you try to do something good for a group of people that you don't know. IMHO you shouldn't have planned to take such a risk shipping such a sensitive item without prior experience/ running a trail.


If you did receive all your payments through Paypal I would advise that you collect all the info you have of the people who specifically requested heat packs and contest ASAP. It is their fault..though you should have specifically warned that it is not a good idea. You also need to verify that a high percentage of people who did not use heat packs received their items safely. I must say though. One of those pics looks like the item was not packed properly.......(This is why i hate Paypal)


Instead of this developing into a headhunt thread, i would hope that everyone decides to not be cheap asses and takes blame if it is rightfully theirs.



Edit: Just realizing that she does have experience shipping. Must be due to the heat packs......

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WOW... this has turned into a witch hunt. I'm even getting threatening calls now. My kid answered the phone and began screaming at the top of her lungs! Amazing. And sad.

Aly I seen this coming the day you posted this. I said come on Aly you know better than to do this LoL. Dealing with a lot of people shipping corals is a No No to much of a headache. Ricordeas are pretty forgiving with cold but not hot. The 72 hour heat packs are to big and they cooked the ricordeas. Now to the buyers don't blame Aly for putting in a heat pack that YOU requested. She is not at fault for shipping delays. This is why I do not ship corals anymore just not worth it. Aly I still love ya :) keep your head up whybthe teens gang up on you.


This is exactly what happens when you try to do something good for a group of people that you don't know. IMHO you shouldn't have planned to take such a risk shipping such a sensitive item without prior experience/ running a trail.


If you did receive all your payments through Paypal I would advise that you collect all the info you have of the people who specifically requested heat packs and contest ASAP. It is their fault..though you should have specifically warned that it is not a good idea. You also need to verify that a high percentage of people who did not use heat packs received their items safely. I must say though. One of those pics looks like the item was not packed properly.......(This is why i hate Paypal)


Instead of this developing into a headhunt thread, i would hope that everyone decides to not be cheap asses and takes blame if it is rightfully theirs.

Aly has shipped before and shipped to me with no problems. She can't control the weather it was 80 here today tomorrow it will be 30.

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Aly I seen this coming the day you posted this. I said come on Aly you know better than to do this LoL. Dealing with a lot of people shipping corals is a No No to much of a headache. Ricordeas are pretty forgiving with cold but not hot. The 72 hour heat packs are to big and they cooked the ricordeas. Now to the buyers don't blame Aly for putting in a heat pack that YOU requested. She is not at fault for shipping delays. This is why I do not ship corals anymore just not worth it. Aly I still love ya :) keep your head up whybthe teens gang up on you.



It is complete BS that people are pulling their pay-pal payments though as this person is losing tons of money that she shouldn't be!! I also think she should report people from NR that are giving threatening calls. They should be banned, period.

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Wow. What happened here. Be adults and PM Aly if you want a refund. Everybody communicated perfectly when the orders were being placed, what is the need for a dispute without communication! I dont know what Aly decides to do but shipping should not be refunded as that will come straight out of her pocket and that is not fair.


Aly, thank you for taking the time and effort to get rics to us at $8 a pop. The price itself was unbelievable.

The weather has been freaky, there is no way to predict this. Mistakes happen.


I cancelled my order but Aly if you still have some pretty colors left, id like to do the transaction again. Will PM you.

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She's trying to resolve the issue, why not see where that goes before filing a paypal claim?


Yes. Clearly it wasn't her intention. Give her an opertunity to make it right. Anyone calling her house over $100 needs their heads checked. It's a hobby and clearly money spent is not taking food off anyone's plates. Be patient.

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I ordered some that were shipped yesterday, and I'm afraid they'll meet the same fate. However, if that is the case, I will NOT request a refund. I would appreciate an opportunity to work with phishyaly to somehow get some more sent in the future, possibly paying a reduced rate and also I will pay again for shipping. Things happen in life. Put yourself in phishyaly's shoes, I'm sure she feels terrible enough...

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Wow after reading this i think its pretty ####y of some of you to do this to the seller.Its not the sellers fault at all and if didnt promise no doa why complain.Its all part of the hobby.You should be saying thanks for trying...............I wish i could help some how to make better.

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I am working with a diver/collector to get Florida Ricordea at discounted rates. Right now, we would need to purchase 100 in order to get the rate, which is currently $8. If we purchase 200, it goes down to $7. These are all prime ricordea, with multiple mouths and in varied colors which sell at LFS for $12-15 each. Shipping would run $10 flat fee via USPS Priority, or $30 via USPS Express, if your zip code is within their next day delivery zone. Shipping would be from Florida and does not include a heat pack or an ice pack.


Please reply to this thread if interested, so that all communications are kept public and there are no misunderstandings. NO PMs please. Also, please post how many you'd be interested in.


I should have some pictures posted by tonight or tomorrow.


Refer to bold...


Looks like buyer had the option of choosing between express and priority. It also looks like buyer had the option for a heat pack because Aly clearly stated they were not included.


Way I see it if you chose the cheap route and decided to use priority mail the only thing you should be upset about is not having spent the extra money and asked for express mail. Same thing with the heat pack, if you requested one then looks like its on you again.


Aly is a great member of this community and has many people that can vouch for her. She took a chance to make some rics available to you guys at a decent price and you repay her this way? SMH. For all you harassing or being rude I say grow some and act like adults. I can understand being upset about having dead rics but civil communication would have resulted way better I bet.


Hang in there Aly, Im sorry to see you being treated so rudely.

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Guys I think I'm done. I don't have any money in Paypal because every red cent went to pay for the rics, shipping and whatever supplies I used. I also lost a day's pay so my paycheck will be short next pay cycle (I'm a teacher and they pay us every other week), so it'll be a while before I can put money in there. I don't think filing a dispute or a claim will get anyone any money, and I am an honest person, so I think the best thing for me to do is sell off my tank so I can refund everybody, or, for whomever wants, I can also take pictures of everything in my tank and if you had a loss just let me know what you want from it. Keep in mind my stuff isn't "nano" sized because I have a 144 gallon tank, so some of these pieces may be large. Just post on here what you want and I'll send it out. Or if you prefer to wait for a refund, I will gladly send it but it'll probably take me another 2 weeks.


All I ask is that the harassing emails and phone calls stop please. Also, the lies. I have shipped every single package out. Please don't file claims stating otherwise. Thank you.

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