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Coral Vue Hydros

Kat's Ol' Max


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:unsure: Based on conversation with Ben, I thought it might be important to list out my electrical connections exclusively for my tank.


I have a 4-outlet wall socket which controls

-RSM control panel

-1 Doser

-2 power strips


RSM control panel 1 main connection controls 6 things

-2 Vortechs

-Stock T5s and moonlights with cooling fans


-2 Eheim filter pumps


Power Strip #1 controls


-3 LEDs

-Apex Jr which controls 3 things


--Fuge light

--Fuge Fan


Power Strip #2 controls


-Sump pump

-Phosban reactor

-1 dosers




For reference, I have nine, about to be ten.


  • Return pump
  • MP10
  • MP10
  • Main lights (power)
  • Main lights (controller)
  • Main lights (fan)
  • Fuge light (power)
  • Fuge light (fan)
  • Fuge light (controller)


I'll be adding a new pump soon to run my ATS.

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Okay I need to clear up some of this as I am a scientist.

The Arnold thing is impossible unless he was on a PSMF as humans have a protein ceiling of around ~40%. If you consume above this threshold you'll undergo a sickness call Rabbit starvation. This has to do with the nitrogen content of protein and urea poisoning. read more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_starvation


Anyways Zeph I think there is better sources of nitrogen for your tank. I'll hit up your thread after you make your big statement with my own thoughts on nutrition for your clams and now your NPS.


btw I see what you did there Zeph, drumming up views for your own thread by posting on Kat's page. Interesting trick ha ha. :P


edit: Arnold would never have undergone a PSMF unless he was cutting (no he is not emo, :lol: )


Oh trust me he has done it. THis is used very short term in the last week or two before a major contest. It is in no way possible much longer than that.


Edit: Oh..I posted my nitrate thoughts on Kats thread because she yelled at me for letting my reef get up to 4ppm, so i felt an explanation was needed. THanks for the response. ;)

Edited by ZephNYC
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True. Zephs system is infinitely more stable than mine, plus he does daily water changes. Plus he's been trying to get nitrates up to even 1ppm for over a month. I would venture to say he might have had a freak rise, which may not have lasted very long. He has a super clean system. Of course you would never know that if you looked at his sandbed.

Yeah, I've seen many pictures of his setup. His large water volume has a LOT of advantages over our setups. Realistically, his setup has nearly 100 times the water of my 10 gallon. That 10 gallon does after all, only hold about 6 gallons of water where his total volume is in the 500 gallon range IIRC.


Even without an ATO, his salinity probably stays extremely constant, probably more so than I could achieve with a top of the line ATO (though I do it by hand).


Maybe one day I'll bite the bullet and pick up that 110 rimless I keep looking at.


Maybe I'll make my own tank thread some day too, lol.

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Oh trust me he has done it. THis is used very short term in the last week or two before a major contest. It is in no way possible much longer than that.

That's why I edited my post about cutting for competition. I know you're a BB so you understand. btw I should have state PSMF stands for Protein Sparing Modified Fast.


Sorry Kat about this kinda off topic stuff, I don't want the stick (or maybe I do...)

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Yeah, I've seen many pictures of his setup. His large water volume has a LOT of advantages over our setups. Realistically, his setup has nearly 100 times the water of my 10 gallon. That 10 gallon does after all, only hold about 6 gallons of water where his total volume is in the 500 gallon range IIRC.


Even without an ATO, his salinity probably stays extremely constant, probably more so than I could achieve with a top of the line ATO (though I do it by hand).


Maybe one day I'll bite the bullet and pick up that 110 rimless I keep looking at.


Maybe I'll make my own tank thread some day too, lol.


I missed that part where Kat talks about my sandbed !!!! HEY!!! I want you to know that there is not even a TRACE of cyano in the seahorse system anymore, due to all the caulerpa taking over. ALso in my reef I BARELY have any...a teeny weeny bit on the zoa frag rack and a small patch in the 210. How dare you!!!!!

He he heheheheh..

EDIT...theres a flip side to having a big tank too. Like right now I am trying to lowere my nitrates from 4ppm to 1-2ppm. If I had a nano this would be a sinch.

Edited by ZephNYC
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Yeah, Gnocchi is very cute, I wish wish wish wish wish I had a pair. She's still too small to sex correctly and I would hate to make a mistake.



Great pic!!! Could get a gay couple and they could adopt. :)

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Martin, how are you hon, sleep much at night with monsters inside your tanks?

Ehh, can't complain.


I sleep with one eye open and a gun under my pillow. Never a dull moment!

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Ya know, over the period of about a week and a half I have taken every rock out of the tank and freshwater dipped. Managed to piss off everything in the tank but found nothing!


After much deliberation I've come up with two plans of attack:



Drop a pistol in their with direct orders to seek and destroy.



Drain the whole tank, chuck everything out the window, fill with freshwater, add one small rock and a betta. This is especially intriguing to me because I am a huge fan of minimalist tanks.

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Deleted User 3
And you've worried me that I might be starting electrical fires.


I'm happy to consolidate this list of electricals, if I only knew how.


I don't have a lot of things to plug in, but i got a surge protector with 2 sockets plugged into one outlet (a plastic part goes into the other), with 6 outlets on it.. and i use 6/6,


1. t5ho's

2. Led strip

3 & 4- Koralia 425

5. Filter

6. Heater


And so far nothing has happened... I don't think i should be plugging so many things in one outlet, but thats less than yours!

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