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The NPS garden; my NPS coral/macroalgae tank (with pictures!)


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10 minutes ago, banasophia said:

Well he may still come back... I wouldn’t be surprised, and I hope he does. 🙂 This is a great community and someone on that other thread did point out everyone here was positive and just trying to help.


Personally I think it can just be hard when you’re new and doing lots of research and coming up with what you think are really neat ideas for something new to try and more experienced people don’t even seem to give the ideas a chance, like the distiller idea. On one hand, the experienced people are encouraging you to do it the tried and true way, and that is valuable, but I think sometimes it’s good for someone with a new set of eyes to bring up new considerations. With the distiller, for example, maybe it could work... I don’t know if anyone has actually tried it yet... everyone always pushes really hard for making your own RODI, which I personally didn’t like when I tried to set a filter up myself. Everyone does things differently, and how we get our water is another example of that. Maybe I’ll do a bit more research on it and try a distiller, though for right now I’m getting my water from my LFS, and that seems to be working. 

I can put some respek on that. I like it

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As a Marine Engineer, I saw much merit in the distiller for up front cost.  Salt water distillation was the only source of drinking water for many years on ships.  From an engineering point of view,  considering the energy cost to evaporate water, it is definitely not the most cost effective way in the long term.  For a 10G reef tank, it would be cheap enough.


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25 minutes ago, ReefGoat said:

Oh I'm not judging at all. I think it's fair game now

I know but I should be more considerate to the thread's originator.  I am kind of oblivious some times and had not realized that he moved to a new forum.  Still if he comes back, I want him to know that I did not hijack his thread intentionally, I just got excited to share my story about my motorcycle journey.

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Just now, vlangel said:

I know but I should be more considerate to the thread's originator.  I am kind of oblivious some times and had not realized that he moved to a new forum.  Still if he comes back, I want him to know that I did not hijack his thread intentionally, I just got excited to share my story about my motorcycle journey.

No big deal! I personally don't think he will come back. I wouldn't let it bother you. If you ever feel like hijacking my tank journal. You're more than welcome. 

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14 minutes ago, banasophia said:

Well he may still come back... I wouldn’t be surprised, and I hope he does. 🙂 This is a great community and someone on that other thread did point out everyone here was positive and just trying to help.


Personally I think it can just be hard when you’re new and doing lots of research and coming up with what you think are really neat ideas for something new to try and more experienced people don’t even seem to give the ideas a chance, like the distiller idea. On one hand, the experienced people are encouraging you to do it the tried and true way, and that is valuable, but I think sometimes it’s good for someone with a new set of eyes to bring up new considerations. With the distiller, for example, maybe it could work... I don’t know if anyone has actually tried it yet... everyone always pushes really hard for making your own RODI, which I personally didn’t like when I tried to set a filter up myself. Everyone does things differently, and how we get our water is another example of that. Maybe I’ll do a bit more research on it and try a distiller, though for right now I’m getting my water from my LFS, and that seems to be working. 

We like new ideas here, and Nano-Reef has had some awesome innovations over the years (I remember when someone on here started modifying LED bulbs with colored LEDs to produce reef lighting and sold quite a few...now PAR bulbs are everywhere!) but a lot of times we encourage newer reefers to stick with the 'tried and true' until they learn the ropes, so to speak.  With the distiller, a quick google search for "distiller reef tank" found a couple of forum threads where it was discussed that home distillers draw a large amount of power for only a few gallons a day--and if he's worried about not being able to pay for water usage with an RODI then the spike in power bill needs to be considered.  The goal of my posts was to give him things to think about rather than to shoot down every idea.  I've learned the hard way that rushing into things in this hobby just costs more money in the end so I try to help others not make the same mistake.

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4 minutes ago, vlangel said:

I know but I should be more considerate to the thread's originator.  I am kind of oblivious some times and had not realized that he moved to a new forum.  Still if he comes back, I want him to know that I did not hijack his thread intentionally, I just got excited to share my story about my motorcycle journey.

Don't feel too bad, the thread was already kind of hijacked... :blush:

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1 minute ago, ReefGoat said:

No big deal! I personally don't think he will come back. I wouldn't let it bother you. If you ever feel like hijacking my tank journal. You're more than welcome. 

Ah thanks.  I will gladly drop by but will try to control myself, LOL.

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I'm so confused. :huh: I just didn't want him to waste money or burn down his house with some unknown cheap hong kong distiller. Oh well..



2 hours ago, vlangel said:

The long answer is I love motorcycles.  I have been riding motorcycles since 1975 and not many girls rode back then.  I sold that bike in college. I however missed it so bad that in 2000 I convinced my hubby that I could ride a motorcycle to work and our son who was home from college and had a part-time job could drive the car.  Motorcycle insurance is cheap if you only carry liability so this was the cheapest option.  Dave, who did not like motorcycles relented and I bought a '82 Suzuki 550 cc.  About a year and a half later he decided that he would learn to ride if I found a bike he could fit, (he is 6ft 6in tall).  I was networked and had him a '76 Honda 750 in a matter of months.  I rode his bike to the school parking lot and taught him to ride.  We were really enjoying our new hobby, (taking long trips) when he got cancer.  My old bike was burning oil and he was afraid we might not be able to take many more trips and he wanted me to have my dream bike.  It was a beautiful teal and silver Suzuki Volusia VL800.  I put over 70k miles on that bike on roadtrips across the country with Dave!  He had a left leg amputation but never had a recurrence of cancer for which we give praise to our Lord Jesus Christ.  We have rode from our house to or through all the lower 48 states and its been amazing.  I will see if I can find a photo of that bike.  Anyway my username is a reference to that bike.

2003 Suzuki VL800



You are so much cooler than me... lol! 😜 We bought a 150cc scooter over the summer so my husband can get to school super easy as its just down the road and scooter/motorcycle parking is nice and close. It is so much fun we already joking around how it is going to be the gateway drug to a real motorcycle. 

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1 hour ago, Tamberav said:

I'm so confused. :huh: I just didn't want him to waste money or burn down his house with some unknown cheap hong kong distiller. Oh well..

Sometimes people just need to make their own mistakes or try things their own way... I love getting information and guidance, but may still do something a different way. Then I worry people will be upset I didn’t take their advice, or I did things differently. I didn’t take things slow, for example - I cycled fast, I stocked fast, I added my Biota mandarin to my Biocube 16 only one month in, I feed heavily, I have skimmers in both tanks. Some people could (and do) criticize me for that, or they might be offended or mad I didn’t listen if they told me not to do it, but the challenge is that there are lots of ways to do things, and lots of variables that influence our decisions and actions. Ultimately we are responsible for our own tanks and their inhabitants... 

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2 hours ago, Tamberav said:

I'm so confused. :huh: I just didn't want him to waste money or burn down his house with some unknown cheap hong kong distiller. Oh well..




You are so much cooler than me... lol! 😜 We bought a 150cc scooter over the summer so my husband can get to school super easy as its just down the road and scooter/motorcycle parking is nice and close. It is so much fun we already joking around how it is going to be the gateway drug to a real motorcycle. 

Nah, I am actually pretty much like everyone else but I did always have a dream of riding to the west coast on a bike.  I think Dave and I have 1 more really big ride left in us to go to Alaska!  That one will require a bit more planning...we don't want to run out of gas in the canadian boonies where there could be lions and tigers and bears, O my!  Ok, so tigers are pretty unlikely but maybe a mountain lion. 😉

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14 minutes ago, vlangel said:

Nah, I am actually pretty much like everyone else but I did always have a dream of riding to the west coast on a bike.  I think Dave and I have 1 more really big ride left in us to go to Alaska!  That one will require a bit more planning...we don't want to run out of gas in the canadian boonies where there could be lions and tigers and bears, O my!  Ok, so tigers are pretty unlikely but maybe a mountain lion. 😉

Your bike is gorgeous! Sounds like you’ve had lots of adventures; you and your hubby must have many incredible stories to tell. Glad to hear he is in remission, and to know the story behind your name. 🙂 

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Well I guesss if we’re gonna hijack it, we may as well go all out. I could use a margarita!!!  🏍🍸🏍🍸🏍


@AlmightyJoshaeus, if you come back, join us for margaritas and stories about cross country motorcycle adventures. And of course we would be happy to redirect our discussion back to your tank. We like you, and your tank. Come back!!! 🙂 

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7 hours ago, vlangel said:

I know but I should be more considerate to the thread's originator.  I am kind of oblivious some times and had not realized that he moved to a new forum.  Still if he comes back, I want him to know that I did not hijack his thread intentionally, I just got excited to share my story about my motorcycle journey.

Hey motorcycles are all good............hi jack away and well I saw this thread from day one and then saw the tank pic.......where are the corals at ?


I know everyone is a beginner at one point but there is no need to go and call a forum a bunch of bad people.......I have had nothing but good things from people on this forum......


1 hour ago, HarryPotter said:

Is this a new lounge? 


Not even close................

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I obviously missed something.


We went from discussing RODI units to suddenly someone being mean.



I didn't see anyone being mean, rather many offering a ton of advice and experience.

Isn't that why we are on nano?

To learn and share our experiences?


Sometimes ppl take things wrong when it comes to reading responses. We can read into things because there is no tone to typing.



Anyways I enjoyed reading everyone,s stories on how they chose their names.


@vlangel very cool bike and ya in the 70's female riders weren't common. Kudos to you!


@HarryPotter - are you a Harry Potter fan?


@WV Reefer I always wondered if the WV was for West Virginia





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2 minutes ago, Clown79 said:

I just caught up with what happened.


It's a shame he feels ppl were being mean.


No one was, we are a pretty damn friendly group. 


It's true, and very helpful.  Can't help how people interpret what you type I guess.

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5 minutes ago, Lula_Mae said:

It's true, and very helpful.  Can't help how people interpret what you type I guess.

At some point or another we have all or will take something the wrong way.


we aren't talking so we often have no idea if a person is being mean, sarcastic, egotistical, funny, or just not a good writer etc etc.


I don't think anyone was intentionally being mean, people are pretty blatant when we are not being nice aka Derrick's thread.

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9 minutes ago, Clown79 said:

At some point or another we have all or will take something the wrong way.


we aren't talking so we often have no idea if a person is being mean, sarcastic, egotistical, funny, or just not a good writer etc etc.


I don't think anyone was intentionally being mean, people are pretty blatant when we are not being nice aka Derrick's thread.

Well now I guess I need to find and read Derrick’s thread. 😯😬😂

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6 minutes ago, banasophia said:

Well now I guess I need to find and read Derrick’s thread. 😯😬😂

Let's just say he's the reason that deleting posts and threads was eliminated, at least for a while (not sure if it's back yet).

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Nothing malicious going on.  Someone read enough to talk a lot.  We all like attention.  I do have a problem with the OP though.  He is trying to represent himself as an Advanced/expert hobbiest at r2r.   That I have a problem with.   

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