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The Girlfriend Pico: Getting Creative With Dongs...


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Today is the day we are going to do a water change and add some corals. omgomgomg

My hot date got cancelled unexpectedly so @Mariaface agreed to come over yesterday and drink my wine instead. :D 

We also went shopping which turned out to be an epic fail :( she should post about that. 


The kitten was sleeping pretty much all day yesterday. I was worried that she might be sick but she wasn't warm, she was just unable to stay awake. This is very strange for a kitten who normally never stays still for any length of time. There were 2 things that were different yesterday - I had a bunch of catnip out and she licked it and I had also played with her a lot at about 6 am. And I brushed her teeth with a chicken toothpaste (yuck). Maria and I figured she was just really really high. She couldn't keep her balance, she was woozy when she was perched on something. Her eyes were sleepy, she's normally very wide eyed. This went on for the whole day till bed time so I was very concerned.


I slept on the couch last night, I'm not sure why but I wanted to be in one room with her, so that maybe she would want to sleep and feel comforted.

WELL! She's been getting into my succulents! :o

I saw her lick the jade plant and when I googled it it says it causes problems. I woke up this morning and there was dirt on the window sill where I keep the plants, she's been getting into them for sure! It is warm this week so I moved all of them except the spider plant outside to my balcony and I'm trying to figure out a way to keep them indoors and protected from Calleigh. @gena


She seems better today but I hope she hasn't eaten something that will be really bad. Hopefully Maria will help me identify the plants I have. 

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8 minutes ago, metrokat said:

Today is the day we are going to do a water change and add some corals. omgomgomg

My hot date got cancelled unexpectedly so @Mariaface agreed to come over yesterday and drink my wine instead. :D 

We also went shopping which turned out to be an epic fail :( she should post about that. 


The kitten was sleeping pretty much all day yesterday. I was worried that she might be sick but she wasn't warm, she was just unable to stay awake. This is very strange for a kitten who normally never stays still for any length of time. There were 2 things that were different yesterday - I had a bunch of catnip out and she licked it and I had also played with her a lot at about 6 am. And I brushed her teeth with a chicken toothpaste (yuck). Maria and I figured she was just really really high. She couldn't keep her balance, she was woozy when she was perched on something. Her eyes were sleepy, she's normally very wide eyed. This went on for the whole day till bed time so I was very concerned.


I slept on the couch last night, I'm not sure why but I wanted to be in one room with her, so that maybe she would want to sleep and feel comforted.

WELL! She's been getting into my succulents! :o

I saw her lick the jade plant and when I googled it it says it causes problems. I woke up this morning and there was dirt on the window sill where I keep the plants, she's been getting into them for sure! It is warm this week so I moved all of them except the spider plant outside to my balcony and I'm trying to figure out a way to keep them indoors and protected from Calleigh. @gena


She seems better today but I hope she hasn't eaten something that will be really bad. Hopefully Maria will help me identify the plants I have. 


Oh no! Calleigh! :( Maybe this is a situation where those glass boxes we saw would be a good idea? Keep the succulents trapped in there with a lid, where she can't get to them?

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On the topic of lighting: We don't want to cook the pico, so a smaller PAR bulb seems best, right? What do guys think? I'm kind of partial to the second one :P 


For a 5 LED PAR30 bulb (15W), we're looking at two spectrums:


Option 1: Two blue LEDs, two cold white LEDs, one purple/UV LED



Option 2: Two blue LEDs, three white LEDs




(Yes, I'm using ebay pictures, don't judge!)



I guess the real question here is: Do we want our dongs to be pink via coralline, or lighting? :lol:

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I like the second too.  But I don't get the whole 22,000K thing either.  I mean black light posters were cool back in the day, but it doesn't look natural to me.  Not to knock anybody that doesn't agree, it's just personal tastes.

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I ordered the first one, but in real life it looks closer to the second to me. Overall, I'm happy with the color. There's pics in my thread if you want to see what it looks like, the pictures are a bit too blue though. 

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On 10/21/2017 at 7:15 AM, metrokat said:

Today is the day we are going to do a water change and add some corals. omgomgomg

My hot date got cancelled unexpectedly so @Mariaface agreed to come over yesterday and drink my wine instead. :D 

We also went shopping which turned out to be an epic fail :( she should post about that. 


The kitten was sleeping pretty much all day yesterday. I was worried that she might be sick but she wasn't warm, she was just unable to stay awake. This is very strange for a kitten who normally never stays still for any length of time. There were 2 things that were different yesterday - I had a bunch of catnip out and she licked it and I had also played with her a lot at about 6 am. And I brushed her teeth with a chicken toothpaste (yuck). Maria and I figured she was just really really high. She couldn't keep her balance, she was woozy when she was perched on something. Her eyes were sleepy, she's normally very wide eyed. This went on for the whole day till bed time so I was very concerned.


I slept on the couch last night, I'm not sure why but I wanted to be in one room with her, so that maybe she would want to sleep and feel comforted.

WELL! She's been getting into my succulents! :o

I saw her lick the jade plant and when I googled it it says it causes problems. I woke up this morning and there was dirt on the window sill where I keep the plants, she's been getting into them for sure! It is warm this week so I moved all of them except the spider plant outside to my balcony and I'm trying to figure out a way to keep them indoors and protected from Calleigh. @gena


She seems better today but I hope she hasn't eaten something that will be really bad. Hopefully Maria will help me identify the plants I have. 

Oh yikes!  The woozy reaction would have had me very concerned.  In my research I remember some succulents are bad.  Jade sounds familiar.  If I remember right, the only really safe succulent is Hens and Chicks.  But research it because I'm not positive.  My recommendation is to hang those plants so they are out of her reach.  Or put them on a shelf she can't get to.  That's what I've had to do with my cats.  Hopefully she's feeling much better today :).

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@metrokat and I had an agenda this weekend!


We wanted to take our Dong-filled physics experiment and make it bigger! Because, you know. Bigger dongs! :lol:


We went on a late-night girls' trip to Target this Friday, in the hopes that their kitchen section would have a wider shallow container. And we almost got away with a chips & dip container, but it turned out to be too wide for the spot where we wanted to keep the pico. We now know that Calleigh wants to lick everything, and that includes salty water!


This container was too wide:



This container was too tall:



Even the lamp I picked up was dinged!


So yes, Friday's shopping adventure turned into a huge fail :P



Kat outdid herself on Saturday, though! She found a beautiful dome for the top, and located these shallow containers at IKEA:




I'm going to keep the final product a surprise for now... :ninja: 

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10 hours ago, gena said:

Oh yikes!  The woozy reaction would have had me very concerned.  In my research I remember some succulents are bad.  Jade sounds familiar.  If I remember right, the only really safe succulent is Hens and Chicks.  But research it because I'm not positive.  My recommendation is to hang those plants so they are out of her reach.  Or put them on a shelf she can't get to.  That's what I've had to do with my cats.  Hopefully she's feeling much better today :).

She was better on Saturday and is 100% back to her rambunctious self now.  I checked with my homeopath and started her on homeopathy for toxicity/poisoning Saturday itself. I'm working on keeping her out of the plants, the succulents have been removed but...



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Upgrade! :lol: 


I guess we decided we wanted MOAR so we went on a hunt for bigger containers while still keeping the physics and Bell Jar Pico concept going. Finding larger containers proved difficult as Maria reported in an earlier post. The bottom container was either too tall or too wide or too shallow. The domes were either too tall or too skinny. I went to home goods 3 times, and a trip to Ikea, plus target with Maria, Michaels. I bought anything and everything that might remotely work. On Saturday we narrowed down all the new choices to two and then after deliberation we went with this upgrade:




The cloche has an adorable bird handle. While the top down view will no longer look like a snowglobe, we went with it anyway. I also have the same size cloche without the bird on it so maybe we might change the dome out again before the deadline. Just have to see how this works out first.


Leak test (yes those are my Bogi sketches on the wall there). The cloche is sitting on one half of a plastic photo frame that I also got from Ikea. The base container has a bubble in the middle and we have to raise the cloche anyway to allow water movement and the magic of physics.



We worked very late into the night Saturday on the new setup. Brainstorming the positioning for the bigger dongs :D , coral placement, the platform the cloche will sit on. Then we finally did the transfer and realized we made a few mistakes. More on that later. What surprised us though was the water volume. We thought our original pico was 3/4 of a gallon. Nuh uh. It was barely 1/4 :o

This new container is almost 3/4 of a gallon of water, not including the displacement by the rocks and sand. So the volume is extremely tiny but at least more than the original. Maintenance on this setup is quite difficult, needs 2 people. Yesterday though, during the 3rd do-over to correct the mistakes from Saturday I was able to drain the pico and fill it back up without too many issues. Spilt some water and such but that's okay.


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I love the bird handle, how girly. And considering this contest is about a creative container, I feel confident that even if we swapped it out to the same size cloche without the bird handle, we are still extremely creative with the concept of this pico.


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51 minutes ago, metrokat said:

I love the bird handle, how girly. And considering this contest is about a creative container, I feel confident that even if we swapped it out to the same size cloche without the bird handle, we are still extremely creative with the concept of this pico.


Cloches? Dongs? Succulents? What is this place :blink:


Seriously though new tank looks great. I love the concept. Have you guys shown how you do water changes on it yet? I can't seem to find it anywhere. 

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I like the bird better too!


Sorry about your kitty, glad she is feeling better. There is a website online that lists whether a plant is cat safe or not. I only buy the safe ones unless I can put them out of reach since my kitties like to chew on the plants at times. I could not keep spider plants at all, while safe, they apparently can have a catnip like effect on some cats. 

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34 minutes ago, TFish77 said:

Cloches? Dongs? Succulents? What is this place :blink:


Seriously though new tank looks great. I love the concept. Have you guys shown how you do water changes on it yet? I can't seem to find it anywhere. 

Hehehe. @Mariaface said she was on a mission to get both of us the ban stick from @Christopher Marks. Repeatedly.

Some of our, er, commentary and nomenclature is pretty raunchy. :lol:


I took a brief video when I was re-doing the pico yesterday. When I upload it I will tag you. Thanks for asking.

12 minutes ago, schgr.cube said:

Yeah these containers both look a lot better, I like!


36 minutes ago, Christopher Marks said:

It looks great, that’s a nice upgrade in volume!

Thank you.

36 minutes ago, Tamberav said:

I like the bird better too!


Sorry about your kitty, glad she is feeling better. There is a website online that lists whether a plant is cat safe or not. I only buy the safe ones unless I can put them out of reach since my kitties like to chew on the plants at times. I could not keep spider plants at all, while safe, they apparently can have a catnip like effect on some cats. 

Thanks Tam, she may have been high on the spider plant then, she loves playing with it and might have ripped off a leaf. Maria and I were going to identify the succulents I have and see if they were toxic but we didn't get a chance. At least they are out of her reach for now.

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On 10/21/2017 at 10:15 AM, metrokat said:

Today is the day we are going to do a water change and add some corals. omgomgomg

My hot date got cancelled unexpectedly so @Mariaface agreed to come over yesterday and drink my wine instead. :D 

We also went shopping which turned out to be an epic fail :( she should post about that. 


The kitten was sleeping pretty much all day yesterday. I was worried that she might be sick but she wasn't warm, she was just unable to stay awake. This is very strange for a kitten who normally never stays still for any length of time. There were 2 things that were different yesterday - I had a bunch of catnip out and she licked it and I had also played with her a lot at about 6 am. And I brushed her teeth with a chicken toothpaste (yuck). Maria and I figured she was just really really high. She couldn't keep her balance, she was woozy when she was perched on something. Her eyes were sleepy, she's normally very wide eyed. This went on for the whole day till bed time so I was very concerned.


I slept on the couch last night, I'm not sure why but I wanted to be in one room with her, so that maybe she would want to sleep and feel comforted.

WELL! She's been getting into my succulents! :o

I saw her lick the jade plant and when I googled it it says it causes problems. I woke up this morning and there was dirt on the window sill where I keep the plants, she's been getting into them for sure! It is warm this week so I moved all of them except the spider plant outside to my balcony and I'm trying to figure out a way to keep them indoors and protected from Calleigh. @gena


She seems better today but I hope she hasn't eaten something that will be really bad. Hopefully Maria will help me identify the plants I have. 

I've seen people use basic standard aquariums as terrariums to hold plants, I wonder if something like that might work?  A glass box of some sort and a mesh or other cover to keep kitty out.  20H seems to be a popular size for it.

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5 hours ago, metrokat said:

Hehehe. @Mariaface said she was on a mission to get both of us the ban stick from @Christopher Marks. Repeatedly.

Some of our, er, commentary and nomenclature is pretty raunchy. :lol:



I mean, it's basically just a matter of time!

5 hours ago, Orangutran said:

Still have no idea how this thing works. I failed physics in high school--no joke.


Don't worry, we've got your back! :ninja:

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