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Coral Vue Hydros

William's Red Sea Reefer Nano - The Final Countdown


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My KPA Red Snapping shrimp has made himself one ugly house...... he has somehow managed to use some sort of sponge as a glue to glue together all sorts of different shells and sand, including a feather duster. I need to see if I can get a razor blade back in there to clean up the glass a bit. Still, it is incredibly fascinating how he is able to use the sponge like this. 





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So with June on the horizon, I get to replenish my quarterly aquarium stipend ? (Covers elective purchases). I am wondering which direction I should try to take my aquarium. 

  1. Vastly increase the number and variety of gorgonia and  ricordia, maybe add a sponge,  pearly jawfish, and a sailfin blend, AKA a KPAquatic order 
  2. add 5-10 Rock flower anemones, AKA a VIP order 
  3. add some various LPS, SPS, and leathers,  and maybe a fu Manchu lion or a Midas blennyAKA a live aquaria order 


let me know what you think 



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  • 3 weeks later...
Thunder Goose
On 5/24/2017 at 6:22 PM, William said:

So with June on the horizon, I get to replenish my quarterly aquarium stipend ? (Covers elective purchases). I am wondering which direction I should try to take my aquarium. 

  1. Vastly increase the number and variety of gorgonia and  ricordia, maybe add a sponge,  pearly jawfish, and a sailfin blend, AKA a KPAquatic order 
  2. add 5-10 Rock flower anemones, AKA a VIP order 
  3. add some various LPS, SPS, and leathers,  and maybe a fu Manchu lion or a Midas blennyAKA a live aquaria order 


let me know what you think 



Hmmm... It's a toss up. Either go with KPAquatics (love me some ricordia) and expand on the style you've got (love my sailfin blenny btw) or mix it up from Live Aquaria. Either way you can't go wrong with 1 or 3. 


As far as 2 - I just don't see enough surface area for thos guys to grow and thrive. Then again I don't have any experience with RFAs so I could be totally wrong.

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I vote for # 1! You already have the gorg look going and I think some more additions would look awesome, especially a corky sea finger.  Also I think the rics would add some good color, so KPA all the way.

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2 hours ago, debbeach13 said:

Why not sell it or get a store credit.

it is attached inside my main rock and would be impossible to remove, I guess I could cover its main opening and see if I could get it to move first. 

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My Gulf Coast Ecosystem Order:

  • Purple Frilly Gorgonian
  • Purple Brush Gorgonian 
  • Elephant Ear Sponge x2
  • Stocky Cerith Snail x 10
  • Red Finger Sponge

and I added a Zebra RFA, skunk cleaner shrimp, and two emerald crabs to my Kush Corals order! next week should be fun 

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1 hour ago, William said:


I think I will place one of the gorgs behind the green acro sticking up and slightly back and another one slightly behind the birds nest sticking left laterally. for the RFA I will prob put one (assuming it will stay where I put it) at the base of the front purple ribbon gorgonia on the right. and another one on the right inner entrance to the central cove. the last one will prob go at the back of the cove in the center. I will most likely put the sponges toward the back on the sides.  The milli will go on the SPS ridge up to as well, and the mushroom will go with the other low flow corals on the left side. 

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She is getting soo fat.... I wonder if she has eggs inside her? I could not find any information on their spawning habits... 


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So I pulled the trigger and used aptasiax on the curlicue anemone. I used to small amount, so I'm hoping that it just injures it and makes it smaller, if not, it had to be done. 

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Enjoy seeing your start.  I have a white 170 on order.  Enjoying reading while I wait.  Would love to see how you mounted your controller and equipment.   And look forward to watching your system grow.  

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