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I like the two island look. Very nice! Don't we all have so much to learn?


i just checked out yours- very nice! I actually love full aquascapes, and yours is filled in so well with your corals.


it's funny because i messed with mine until i had two islands in my 20L, and then i wanted more height difference between the two when i moved into this tank, but now it just feels so huge and open. I'm sure thats a good thing for my fish- and I keep telling myself that i'll be thankful I've left so much space in a few months when things start to really grow in. but i see full reefs like yours and kind of sigh inside haha

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Thanks! Its not filled in too well yet. I like your scape a lot! Grass is always greener right? If I were to do it again it would be a more minimalist approach with a few islands like your reef

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Thanks! Its not filled in too well yet. I like your scape a lot! Grass is always greener right? If I were to do it again it would be a more minimalist approach with a few islands like your reef


aw thanks! I think it just comes down to we get tired of staring at the same thing every day. which is why forums like these are so great. reefing vicariously.

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sorry for duplicates- it was a huge number of photos to upload! haha

I like the zoas, white mouth, dark face, green skirt


thanks- those and the fruit loops? i think? came on a little piece of rock- one polyp each... and now i have tons :) they are my favorites too


i like all the corals =)


thank you :)

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I love the underside clam picture! Great perspective!


Oh, and the gif! So cool!


Thank you!

I also liked the pulsing Xenia gif... I could stare at those corals for hours.

thank you! i had them all over the back wall of the 20 long. it was a cool effect, but hard to contain them.

Beautiful tank. Love the clean look.

thank you!

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Very nice! And just for the record, I happen to like your green and white RFA :)


It's actually not a twin of mine after all, though. Mine has a green skirt and white on the inside. So they're opposite twins :lol:

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Is that montipora Stellata? Beautiful!

yes :) i love how the skin is violet under the radion- under the halides where the mother colony is, it looks more tan.

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Hi Morgan,


Just caught up with the whole thread and it lived up to my expactations :D .

Can i ask you a question about your fish? I really like the whole tang and anthias theme but aren't you afraid that they will outgrow the tank?

I saw a tank on a BRS video and it featured a similar tank with a similar livestock, just love the look of it and i kinda wanna do the same but my tank will be a bit smaller (reefer 170).


Anyhow i will keep a close eye on this thread B) .





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This tank is gorgeous. Love the scape.

thank you!


Hi Morgan,


Just caught up with the whole thread and it lived up to my expactations :D .

Can i ask you a question about your fish? I really like the whole tang and anthias theme but aren't you afraid that they will outgrow the tank?

I saw a tank on a BRS video and it featured a similar tank with a similar livestock, just love the look of it and i kinda wanna do the same but my tank will be a bit smaller (reefer 170).


Anyhow i will keep a close eye on this thread B) .





Thank you thank you!

As you've read, there was a TON of debate about the blue atlantic tang in this tank. as it is, he's a baby, and when he grows i will have to re-home him when there begins to be signs of stress. the yellow tang is already full-size, and will probably be alright, as are the carberryi anthias. one is smaller than the other, so that will probably remain the female. they arent expected to get much larger in size than they currently are, so i'm not too worried. in any case, i have a good LFS that will help rehome any/all of them if i experience issues.


Off to follow your thread back! :)

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Been following since the beginning. I just wanted to pop in and say that I really like your tank. I am filling up a SCA 50 gallon right now. I hope to replicate your two island scape.



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thank you!


Thank you thank you!

As you've read, there was a TON of debate about the blue atlantic tang in this tank. as it is, he's a baby, and when he grows i will have to re-home him when there begins to be signs of stress. the yellow tang is already full-size, and will probably be alright, as are the carberryi anthias. one is smaller than the other, so that will probably remain the female. they arent expected to get much larger in size than they currently are, so i'm not too worried. in any case, i have a good LFS that will help rehome any/all of them if i experience issues.


Off to follow your thread back! :)

I have read that indeed, don't want to stir things up again :D . Thx again for taking interest in my thread to. It will take a while before my tank will eventually be up and running but in the meantime i can enjoy yours (and others i've been following closely) :happy: .

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Been following since the beginning. I just wanted to pop in and say that I really like your tank. I am filling up a SCA 50 gallon right now. I hope to replicate your two island scape.




thank you so much! I really like how open it is, i allows lots of swimming room and room for corals to fill things in as they grow as well.

i'm excited to see your islands! i'll follow back :)

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so it would seem that the diatoms i have been puzzling over are actually cyano bacteria- i saw some on the rocks yesterday, siphoned as much out as i could, and dosed with chemiclean. tried dialing down the skimmer because i remember in the past when i used this in college it causes things to foam a lot. eventually just had to turn it off entirely.


should be cleared up in 36-48 hours, but i'll keep monitoring accordingly. was going to do a big floss replacement/water change this weekend anyway, so i suppose this was good timing to have cyano.

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  • thecoralbeauty changed the title to Anthrax & Gangs! *mimosa clams are here*

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