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In Amber Clad


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that's the fun with leather corals :)


That, and the trying to figure out if the reason they look like that NOW is because they are dying or it's just another hissy fit....

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Holy shit this ORA neon sinularia is BRIGHT




The others are mostly starting to warm up. The ones that haven't flipped over from the flow anyways lol. I have some epoxy coming Tuesday to get everything attached, need to figure out between now and then where I want everything.





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Nice sinularia. My Nepthea opened right away so hopefully the bright green one will for you.


What's the one in the last pic? I have it, on a similar frag rock, and it's done nothing since I got it a year ago.

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Nice sinularia. My Nepthea opened right away so hopefully the bright green one will for you.


What's the one in the last pic? I have it, on a similar frag rock, and it's done nothing since I got it a year ago.

The big one or the small one? The big one is a Sinularia leather and the smaller one is a Capnella tree. It actually looks to be two of them mounted to one base, since the smaller stalk is green and the larger is the brownish.

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Broke out the DSLR.


My springeri damsel thinks the big leather from DD is an acropora and is hiding from the starcki damsel within the 'branches' lol




The polyps on this leather are really tiny, and don't have the 'stalks' that toadstool and finger leathers have. I'm calling it an 'SPL' - small polyped leather. :)







This leather will not stop dropping pieces off! I want it to grow to a larger size but instead it just keeps dropping bits off!




Big female clown is back to being all black, the orange stripe is gone.




One of the said babies from the leather.






Love this fish!




And this one!











I love how this fish is so blue and metallic that the camera sensor has no clue what to do, it took probably 15 minutes of fiddling in Lightroom to get to this, and this isn't even close to how good it looks in reality. Very underrated fish.







Basket star I don't know how long it will make it. It almost completely refuses to spread out and take food.




Another of the leather babies. You can see the discoloration in the water from the UV sterilizer going full force 24/7. I am thinking of a small timer to run it only at night and see if the discoloration goes away, it's awful.


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Nice pictures Benny






Your fish selections are always awesome

I always try to stick to the 'unusual' or less common stuff if I can. There are some downright amazing fish out there!


Very nice, Ben! The leather babies are cute ;)

I can't remember, what's the blue fish called? It's beautiful.

The all blue and black is Chrysiptera cf. springeri. It's not a 'legitimate' Springer's damsel, but there isn't enough research to put them in as their own species, so for now they're a 'local variation'. :)





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Nice pics!. Your SPL looks exactly like my sinularia ;) SPL is hilarious. My citron goby used to perch in it like it was an SPS... I miss that little guy :tears:

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Nice pics!. Your SPL looks exactly like my sinularia ;) SPL is hilarious. My citron goby used to perch in it like it was an SPS... I miss that little guy :tears:

I think it may be a sinularia, I honestly can't remember what LiveAquaria said it was. It's settling in more and is opening up reliably and looks better and better :)


The ORA neon green sinularia is not doing so hot, it started showing some tissue necrosis the morning after I got it. Have done a couple of dips in Revive and iodine, now just playing the waiting game to see if it recovers.

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I used to have a devil's hand leather that dropped babies like that. Nice pics BTW!

It took mine almost a year to start, but once it started, it hasn't stopped! I actually lost six or seven pieces in the move from the 80 because I didn't spend enough time looking for them in the holding tank :lol:

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