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The Pastel Garden: Drop-Off


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The kitties are so grown up now! Still adorable.


Is that an Anthropologie window display? Definitely looks like one. They always have super elaborate window displays. My sister did an internship there while she was in college being the designer for the window displays.

They are so grown up now! I love them just the same :wub:. They have great personalities. Working on Nicky as he's a little bit skittish. Hopefully he grows out of that :).


It IS an Anthropologie window display!!!!



I went to my store today :happydance:. Bought a few things LOL. Checked the store window display and not fun like these. I've seen some amazing ones on Instagram. I don't think my store has a big enough window. I want to check out the one in Pasadena and also at The Grove. I bet the one at The Grove is spectacular! They were setting up the center court Christmas display at the outdoor mall that my Anthropologie is in. So festive!!!!!


I applied online for my store. Still waiting to hear. They say it can take a while as it goes through the system. They are hiring seasonal help right now which works out perfectly. I don't want a ton of hours. Just an excuse to hang out at my favorite store for a few hours LOL.


So awesome that your sister interned there. What does she do again for a living?




I have some fishy stuff. Took a few pics. I had to trim my neon trumpets yesterday. These things are SOOOO neon green that when I was fragging the colony there was fluorescent green flesh still on the towel I had laid them on OMG. It was pretty bizarre.


I think the "hair algae" in my tank might be bryopsis :o. Which would really suck. As it is I have to scrape the rocks weekly. Maybe I'll see about getting an urchin just to help me out a bit. Bubble algae is getting under control which is nice.


Always pregnant LOL








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Always surprised by how clean your aquarium is with the white back ground - great job. Tanks looking really impressive! On my way to Anaheim for the weekend for a work conference - looking forward to enjoying your warm weather........we're a little chilly in Denver?

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Always surprised by how clean your aquarium is with the white back ground - great job. Tanks looking really impressive! On my way to Anaheim for the weekend for a work conference - looking forward to enjoying your warm weather........we're a little chilly in Denver

Thanks! it's elbow grease :). It's actually getting easier. I just have to remember to baste the rocks daily. I think that makes a difference.


I don't like that it's warming up again LOL. I want to wear my fall and winter clothes! It's like 80 today and tomorrow is supposed to be upper 80s. It's actually gonna be a really nice weekend. You will enjoy it :).

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Yep, definitely looked like an Anthropologies window display :) My sister has an industrial design degree. She's working for a company right now doing product development and design for outdoor apparel.


Lovely new photos! What algae? I don't see any! Urchins are fun, I'm loving having one again. You'll just have to trade it to another reefer or give it back to the store once you run out of algae. That's what I did with my first one, once it got rid of all the algae. Hoping this new one is just as efficient :)


Btw, I'm going to be down in Orange County for the long Thanksgiving weekend. Not sure what all our plans are yet, but maybe we could meet up for lunch or something one day.

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Thanks you guys :wub:.

Yep, definitely looked like an Anthropologies window display :) My sister has an industrial design degree. She's working for a company right now doing product development and design for outdoor apparel.

Lovely new photos! What algae? I don't see any! Urchins are fun, I'm loving having one again. You'll just have to trade it to another reefer or give it back to the store once you run out of algae. That's what I did with my first one, once it got rid of all the algae. Hoping this new one is just as efficient :)

Btw, I'm going to be down in Orange County for the long Thanksgiving weekend. Not sure what all our plans are yet, but maybe we could meet up for lunch or something one day.

Oh that's right! I remember now about your sister's work :).

Yeah, I think I'll order from KPA. I don't think I'll ever run out of algae LOL. It's definitely under control with my weekly maintenance. That's why you don't really see it. But if I were to slack on my duties :wacko:. But I'm pretty OCD with maintenance so I should be good.


Let me know if you have any free time next weekend. Hopefully we can work something out :). It's that crazy time of year where traffic will be 100x worse than normal :wacko:. It's already starting!

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Can you not just pick up an urchin locally? My favorite type is the tuxedo urchins and I can usually find those locally. I guess having to pay shipping for one urchin will give you an excuse to justify buying other items :)


You're so much better than me with the algae removal. I've been so busy that I'm really lazy about it. This is why I now have an algae eating fish and an urchin. :lol:


Yeah, hopefully we can figure something out. The traffic will be insane though, so we'll see. I also don't really know what we're planning to do yet. If we head up your way, I'll definitely let you know! Otherwise I know its a long drive between Burbank and Orange.

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Anthropologie...My girlfriend goes crazy for that store! I've spent way too much time in there because of it. I can't complain too much, I did end up finding a cool octopus cabinet knob for my tank stand.


Your Fox coral is looking great! Seems like you have it in a good amount of flow huh? Mine seems to be on the decline and I can't figure out why.

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happy belated birthday/good luck on the seasonal job! i loooove anthro!!!


it's nice....well i guess i shouldn't say NICE because it's not so nice for you...but rather refreshing to see somebody with such a nice tank that is well-regarded, etc. talk about dealing with issues like bubble algae and stuff....to know that crud happens to the best of us.

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Can you not just pick up an urchin locally? My favorite type is the tuxedo urchins and I can usually find those locally. I guess having to pay shipping for one urchin will give you an excuse to justify buying other items :)


You're so much better than me with the algae removal. I've been so busy that I'm really lazy about it. This is why I now have an algae eating fish and an urchin. :lol:


Yeah, hopefully we can figure something out. The traffic will be insane though, so we'll see. I also don't really know what we're planning to do yet. If we head up your way, I'll definitely let you know! Otherwise I know its a long drive between Burbank and Orange.

First off :ninja:. I just love this little secret LOL. That's all I'll say about that so no one even ask LOL.


Yeah, might have to throw in a gorgonian with that order. I'm sure I could find something else to include. I just want one of the pink/white/purple colored urchins and I've only seen the tuxedos locally. Otherwise I would just pick one up here.


Traffic was insane yesterday when I was running around last minute birthday shopping for my son :wacko:. He had a successful birthday though :).


Anthropologie...My girlfriend goes crazy for that store! I've spent way too much time in there because of it. I can't complain too much, I did end up finding a cool octopus cabinet knob for my tank stand.


Your Fox coral is looking great! Seems like you have it in a good amount of flow huh? Mine seems to be on the decline and I can't figure out why.

Your GF has great taste :).


It's actually not in that much flow but it's so delicate that it gives that appearance. I wish I could turn the flow off completely. It looks so pretty with no flow. Opens up so wide. I wonder what's up with yours? Mine wasn't looking super happy...not full. Then I removed the GFO from my HOB filter and it perked back up. I also have a porcelain crab living in it 24/7. I don't think that is bothering it, but time will tell I guess.


happy belated birthday/good luck on the seasonal job! i loooove anthro!!!


it's nice....well i guess i shouldn't say NICE because it's not so nice for you...but rather refreshing to see somebody with such a nice tank that is well-regarded, etc. talk about dealing with issues like bubble algae and stuff....to know that crud happens to the best of us.

Well thank you, thank you!!!! :happy: That's very sweet of you to say. I've always been plagued with something in my tanks. I just learn to live with it. It's so much easier dealing with issues in a smaller tank though!


Why oh why does it have to be in the 80s today? Give me 60s please :).

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Oh my gosh- so beautiful! looks as clean and clear as on day 1. SUCH A CUTE pregnant little banded buddy. :)

sorry I missed your birthday. and the kitties are getting so big!!

Good luck on the job- I love that store as well!

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Oh my gosh- so beautiful! looks as clean and clear as on day 1. SUCH A CUTE pregnant little banded buddy. :)

sorry I missed your birthday. and the kitties are getting so big!!

Good luck on the job- I love that store as well!

Thanks, Morgan!!!! :) No more falling in the tank incidents here. I think she learned her lesson LOL.





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What a cute kitty! She looks mischievous in that first photo :)


Glad your son's birthday went well! Yuck about the traffic though. I am so not looking forward to getting in that mess next week. Thanksgiving is fun but its always such a madhouse.

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She is such a sweetie :). Look what Nora and I started today!!!!! I still haven't gotten all of my ornaments out and on the tree. This is just the beginning :).






I think this is the earliest I've started my decorating. The weeks go so fast. I need to get as much enjoyment out of it as possible.

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Beautiful! My son's birthday is December 3rd so we can't start decorating until the 4th :)

My son just had his last Friday :). 16 omgomgomg


How old is your son going to be?


I don't usually start this early with my decorating. I usually start the day after Thanksgiving. But this year is different..the whole Christmas mood...after my mom's passing. It's just different overall so why not change it up a little :happy:.

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