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Cultivated Reef

Two Cats and a Reef


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Sorry to hear of your break up. :( Finding the one and only one is a very hard thing. So much better to wait and find the right one than settle for the wrong one. Saves so much heartache. Praying for you. :)

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New tank! Yay!.....not so much on the other part....keep your head up

I think it's for the best. i wasn't happy a good part of the time, so as much as it sucks it means i'm have time to keep looking for someone great. and reefing, of course. and at least i got a fun new hobby out of it!

Sorry to hear of your break up. :( Finding the one and only one is a very hard thing. So much better to wait and find the right one than settle for the wrong one. Saves so much heartache. Praying for you. :)

exactly! it's better to learn this at 3 months instead of 3 years down the line. thank you for the kind words and the prayers. things like this are so much easier having friends (even on-line ones) to lean on!


..and corals. corals make everything better.



also, i think i'll formally begin my search for a slightly bigger tank. i'm not in a hurry, but if a good deal comes up (harry.. cough..) i'll be keeping my eyes open for it

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I think it's for the best. i wasn't happy a good part of the time, so as much as it sucks it means i'm have time to keep looking for someone great. and reefing, of course. and at least i got a fun new hobby out of it!


exactly! it's better to learn this at 3 months instead of 3 years down the line. thank you for the kind words and the prayers. things like this are so much easier having friends (even on-line ones) to lean on!


..and corals. corals make everything better.



also, i think i'll formally begin my search for a slightly bigger tank. i'm not in a hurry, but if a good deal comes up (harry.. cough..) i'll be keeping my eyes open for it

Lol I'll keep my eyes open! :lol:

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totally bombing in but nice tank you got there, and I don't think you'll have issues with finding someone of your dreams-u like tanks, animals, plants, archery-what's not to love?!



ps-your you looks don't hurt too

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Harry's 18 soon... (insert clam joke) lol

har har. no.


totally bombing in but nice tank you got there, and I don't think you'll have issues with finding someone of your dreams-u like tanks, animals, plants, archery-what's not to love?!



ps-your you looks don't hurt too

HAHA thank you, this was really sweet. i've had a lot of troubles, but im hoping one day someone will be worth it! :) and if nothing else, i hope i can end up with a few archery buddies and of course, all your crazy reefing people.


This should cheer you up.


oh. my. gawd.

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Well, you know in your heart whether it's working or not, always trust that.

But this moose, don't you wish you could take him home? His mouth is adorable.

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So the millepora bleached out overnight- rtn again. whatever it is about millepora, it doesn't like my tank, apparently.



maybe i'll get a piece of cali tort to fill that space on that rock instead.

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Hey Morgan! Brush the xenia sprouts with a toothbrush, and you can dislodge them and/or prevent them from growing. Procrastination here will be trouble! If it's too big to brush off, you can always snip the colony with scissors. They'll grow back, but it'll give you some time.


Just FYI, xenia releases toxins when it dies, so try to limit the amount you kill in one session. I had my fuge full of the stuff, and their mass die-off was a big part of my tank crash.

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its not the back thats the trouble... the've budded onto some of my rockwork, etc.

just a small patch. maybe i'll hit it with the toothbrush before my next water change.

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its not the back thats the trouble... the've budded onto some of my rockwork, etc.

just a small patch. maybe i'll hit it with the toothbrush before my next water change.


tooth brush for starters, then if you want it to stay gone you might consider a thin covering of epoxy...Week or so after and you can peel it off again... or just wait til the xenia migrates back over and peel it off then

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Xenia is a pain- just when I think I got 'em I see another stalk. Try working a corner and peeling them off with tweezers to remove as much as possible- this has worked the best for me- I have mine down to about 10% of the population- it's a constant battle but my wife loves picking at that and bubble algae so I am lucky there. Careful not to remove to much at once as they release toxins when stressed- Good luck! Fight the good fight ?. Have you been back to AA - things seem to be better there again. Are you going to Fragtober?

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Xenia is a pain- just when I think I got 'em I see another stalk. Try working a corner and peeling them off with tweezers to remove as much as possible- this has worked the best for me- I have mine down to about 10% of the population- it's a constant battle but my wife loves picking at that and bubble algae so I am lucky there. Careful not to remove to much at once as they release toxins when stressed- Good luck! Fight the good fight . Have you been back to AA - things seem to be better there again. Are you going to Fragtober?

haven't heard of fragtober?! and yes i was just there.. things look much better! picked up some cali tort and hawkins echinata. :)

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I'll send you the build the specs that I just told not until we a buy a house... I'm doing to win this eventually. She picks her battles wisely. And this one isn't worth fighting for her

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I'll send you the build the specs that I just told not until we a buy a house... I'm doing to win this eventually. She picks her battles wisely. And this one isn't worth fighting for her

ah, relationships.


comments like that make me kind of happy to be widowed. the only person i've got to make happy right now is myself. which seems to be my problem in relationships. I invest so much time and energy in making THEM happy and when they don't reciprocate i feel pretty crappy haha.


please do send me your plans though!

i've decided i'm going to try to find chris's CAD lights. i like the 45 g shallow. and I can just use my 20L as the fuge, with all the xenia on the back wall and what not. lol

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Doesn't metrokat use the cadlights 45?

not sure- i think so. i just realized the shallow was discontinued, so, i may end up with the 42. it comes in white, which i like.

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Kat has the Artisan 50g, they don't make that particular one anymore (unless you ordered it custom). The Versa 42 is a decent setup now that they don't use their shitty Chinese 'bulkheads', but they still use a single 1" drain and a 1/2" return, which is baffling since this isn't the 90's anymore :lol:

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