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Where's the cycle talk coming from? When switching my tank over I used 20 gallons of water from my old tank, 30 gallons of fresh, kept everything submerged the whole time, 2 hours later things were moved and most corals didn't even close up.

I'm sitting here thinking, I guess removing your old sand from the bacterial pop might cause an issue I didn't have any risk of. So i might be off base

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I hear New York is lovely this time of year... Where abouts?

Meh. Its raining/snowing right about.now.as I head out to dinner. What's the point of getting all dolled up if im fonna look like I dragged myself in.

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Where's the cycle talk coming from? When switching my tank over I used 20 gallons of water from my old tank, 30 gallons of fresh, kept everything submerged the whole time, 2 hours later things were moved and most corals didn't even close up.

I'm sitting here thinking, I guess removing your old sand from the bacterial pop might cause an issue I didn't have any risk of. So i might be off base

It's not a cycle but a bacterial bloom. It is by itself.not problematic except for the oxygen it consumes. Fish will likely die in this situation of course but not sure about corals.


I changed 5g of water this weekend, added it from my old tank to the new. Adding organics.


There is no sand in the new tank. Ive been waiting to add my rocks first, burrowing fish could tumble them other wise. Can't add the rocks because theyre encrusted with corals. I intend not to have a cycle or a small one since I am starting with new sand (live sand) but all old rock. Not sure now, I have bacteria but no ammonia, it will be either a 3 month slow cycle or a sudden harsh quick one when I move stuff over.


I'm leaning towards adding the new sand, adding some old to seed. Use eggcrate as place holders for the rock islands. I think I might do this tomorrow.

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Where's the cycle talk coming from? When switching my tank over I used 20 gallons of water from my old tank, 30 gallons of fresh, kept everything submerged the whole time, 2 hours later things were moved and most corals didn't even close up.

I'm sitting here thinking, I guess removing your old sand from the bacterial pop might cause an issue I didn't have any risk of. So i might be off base

All the film algae and bacteria that are on all the surfaces suddenly aren't there. Walls, over flows, plumbing, etc. If you're using mostly new water there is little in the water column either, and nothing on the filter sock. I had some issues with my move, but some of that was the GFO overdose.

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All the film algae and bacteria that are on all the surfaces suddenly aren't there. Walls, over flows, plumbing, etc. If you're using mostly new water there is little in the water column either, and nothing on the filter sock. I had some issues with my move, but some of that was the GFO overdose.

Yes that's correct, all new water. The plan was to do water changes from the RSM.

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You are the nicest, sweetest person ever!! :flower:
Ahh wouldn't go that far now.


A long nitrogen cycle would give you time to save up money to add livestock. Although, no one wants an empty tank during Christmas..
Pfft save up money lmao she is RICH with a butler.
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Just caught back up..... awesome sauce! More pics please.


I know the return 90 fitting has a page of discussion, can I ask?

Why not just eliminate the 90 fitting all together and run just a vinyl tube in its place? It would eliminate everything in between. Im just curious is all.

Nice to see the tank wet, following.

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Your tank are like catching a baseball and stealing a homerun. I love what your doing awesome it just a pain in the hand comparing yours to mine.


Maybe im in the crowd and catching the other teams ball.


whats next????

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Hello hello. Yummy dinner and delish apple hookah. Good call. Walking Manhattan in the rain in heels. Not so much. Dr. Tim for dinner eh Benny? Like a live post by post update of a reefing discussion? I would love to!

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Ahh wouldn't go that far now.





Oh that's right, I've shown my claws a time or two.


#1 for hookah.



Nice sump, so clean.


I finally upgraded to the Jebao 6000, running it at 33%. Great set up. like your turf scrubber.

Thanks! I'll check out your thread.


Just caught back up..... awesome sauce! More pics please.


I know the return 90 fitting has a page of discussion, can I ask?

Why not just eliminate the 90 fitting all together and run just a vinyl tube in its place? It would eliminate everything in between. Im just curious is all.

Nice to see the tank wet, following.

Well there is the issue of too much pressure on the bulkhead with a single piece of pipe without the elbow. So then the Q was why not hard plumb it which I can now but haven't yet. Everything went to shit when the actual tank and sump arrived. It didn't have all that much room to make this manifold on account of how enormous the fittings are, holy mother of pvc.


So did you try a bacteria additive? I have never had a bacterial bloom in a sw tank but have had them in fw numerous times.

I did a dose of Dr Tims one and only on Friday. Today I threw in some waste away which some forum posts said helps. Dr Tims says the bacteria in waste away chews up the food source of the bacteria I have. We shall see, it could all just be a waiting game.


Your tank are like catching a baseball and stealing a homerun. I love what your doing awesome it just a pain in the hand comparing yours to mine.


Maybe im in the crowd and catching the other teams ball.


whats next????

Sand. Tomorrow.


I feal like going to see your tank live. Well right behind the new world trade center. I thought there was only one before the plane flew into it. And well now there is only one.



Where's dat FTS of the main tank doe Metro? -_-

like a billion pages back. I'll take a new one with the token cloud when the sand hits the tank tomorrow.


I had a bacterial bloom in my 40 that I couldn't get rid of..had to purchase a UV sterilizer.

An option I will consider if I can't get it under control. However the empty tank bacterial bloom is different from the OMG clean that filthy tank bacterial bloom. But still, if it helps, it helps.

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Pope and Bobby episode was awesome.


How does Pope kill Bobby if Pope is dead? I'm currently on ep.3 of season 7. Had to pay $35 for the season in HD, while seasons 1-6 were free....sucks, but worth it :).

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