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Katropora Owners Thread


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they only blessed me with an iphone pic. :/ but it's looking great: 10/23/14

https://flic.kr/p/pvbfbg'>15426382859_738f492623_b.jpghttps://flic.kr/p/pvbfbg'>IMG_7565.jpg by https://www.flickr.com/people/113969537@N03/'>xMrKleinReef, on Flickr



https://flic.kr/p/oDYUSC'>14869663384_1b2a8999e5_b.jpghttps://flic.kr/p/oDYUSC'>kats whateverata 7_9_14.jpg by https://www.flickr.com/people/113969537@N03/'>xMrKleinReef, on Flickr


hmm....now that I'm back into SPS...kinda REALLY back into SPS, I think I need to get involved with this coral. I know you're done fragging for now Kat, but I'd love to get in line for one even if it's next year.


if you want a piece, i can ask my parents to frag you a piece and set it on the frag rack for you. unless you want one straight from the OG katropora. then i completely understand. :P

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Mr. Microscope

if you want a piece, i can ask my parents to frag you a piece and set it on the frag rack for you. unless you want one straight from the OG katropora. then i completely understand. :P

That would be awesome! I'd love one. No worries about shipping in cold weather then. We could exchange during the holidays when you're back in town. I still have some setosa if you want. By that time, I could probably frag off something else in my tank as well.
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That would be awesome! I'd love one. No worries about shipping in cold weather then. We could exchange during the holidays when you're back in town. I still have some setosa if you want. By that time, I could probably frag off something else in my tank as well.

I have some setosa, but I'll do a little trade if you want. We can exchange at reefwise or something? That'd actually work out perfectly! Pm me so we don't clutter up this tread. ;)

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Why is that Ben??? Reason I ask is because I have 2 frags of strawberry shortcake from 2 different sources. Neither of them look like pics I'ce seen of them. One is a nice rusty brown and neither one has any green at all. I have them both near the top thinking maybe they need the intense lighting??
My SS also browned out but in lower light. It has bits in higher light that is the right color.


What species of coral is it?


hmm....now that I'm back into SPS...kinda REALLY back into SPS, I think I need to get involved with this coral. I know you're done fragging for now Kat, but I'd love to get in line for one even if it's next year.
Roger is hooking you up for now so you're good, I'll post when I'm ready to frag again.


Awesome growth in 3 months!!! I have to say that I think it is the lower alkalinity, closest to NSW levels that this coral thrives in.


Also, your parents can frag? Are they looking for another child? I am adoptable.

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... I'll post when I'm ready to frag again.


yes, yes, and yes....please do. I hope I can be close to the front of the line. I need more SPS and this is a very pretty one.

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Roger is hooking you up for now so you're good, I'll post when I'm ready to frag again.


Awesome growth in 3 months!!! I have to say that I think it is the lower alkalinity, closest to NSW levels that this coral thrives in.


Also, your parents can frag? Are they looking for another child? I am adoptable.

I taught them how to do a lot before I left. :)

But they're doing very well with the tank, I think it's cause they don't over think it like I tend to do. Haha then just feed and do water changes. Somehow the tank only needs 28ml of alk and 24ml cal. Kind of mind boggling considering how much growth I get.

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My starter frag from Zeph was a pale lime green that browned out with the phosphates almost immediately in my tank. That was the reason I installed a reactor with GFO. Took close to 4 months for it to begin gaining color back. And by 6 months it was showing both color and growth. It was under PCs and really started getting gorgeous when I added some LEDs to supplement the light. When I switched to T5s and then a hybrid T5, it was looking great with both color and growth. What you see right now is 385PAR. It sticks out of the water in between the waves. I

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Hi there. It is A. Subulata.

awesome, thanks kat

by the way i'm also trying to get my hands on a WA mandarin pretty much the only good thing about living here if your into reefs

i will grab a bunch of pics of it when i finally get my hands on it

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That sounds like a great plan. I'm quite sad not to include mandarins in my plans going forward, they are my favorite fish as well. I was extremely lucky to have Draco who was a rockstar, and Bella who followed him around. But after those 2 passed, Sam is still hanging in there, skinny as hell and does not do well in a community tank.

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So my Katropora is now Brownopora. Alk spiked from 9 to 10.5 over 5 days before I fixed a dosing issue, now back down to 8.6 and I'm letting it fall .25 a day until 8, then starting to dose again. While the Kat browned my SSC is still gaining color. :blink:

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Aww. You take so much care with your livestock Mark, the Kat should reciver eventually. I would be more worried if you had necrosis showing up. It will take time to.color up again but it does happen.


Thanks, I'll track how long and get a good brown pic here in the next couple of days.

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Crap, sorry :(

Eh, I've about come to expect it. Hopefully the UV sterilizer I have coming will at least be able to keep them at bay. I'd rather not have a 55w device on my tank at all times (I'm a stickler about power efficiency) but if it means I can actually have a 'normal' tank, I'm all for it.

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