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A Maiden's Voyage- town house pics, getting more organized


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I feel like I'm a toddler struggling to find one foot in front of the other learning how to walk. You've already done so much but I was hoping you call could do one more thing???. Could you help me pick a light?


First off :wub: right back at ya, Annette!


Second, the lighting choice... If only Raleigh was closer to Asheville! I have Kessils set up over the frag tank and a NanoBox over the 8. But I realize that isn't feasible, so I will try to give a comparison of the two lights as best I can. I think much of your decision will come down to spectrum of the lights though, so if it is at all possible for you to see a NB light in person, I think that would help tons!


If you are going for a 40B tank, I think you will actually need 2 Kessils or a NB Quad, since that tank is 36" long. Just keep that in mind.


Anywho. Kessils. You are familiar already with how they make great shimmer lines. They have a pretty good form factor -- though TBH I personally like the form factor of the NB more. (I see more cables than I like and I feel the hanging solution isn't as elegant.) IDK if you use the spectral controller, it is pretty straight forward to set-up and I like how you can program acclimation in. The fans on my Kessils are louder than the fans on my NB lights, but I did buy these Kessils used, so IDK if that plays a role. The overall spectrum of the Kessils is bluer than the NB lights, even when the spectrum is turned to as "yellow" as it goes. Just looking at the Kessils all by themselves, it isn't as noticeable. Seeing the Kessil side-by-side with the NB it is very noticeable. I also think there is a little more shadowing with the Kessils compared to the NB.


NanoBox. Also makes pretty shimmer lines. Customizable form factor and overall pretty damn elegant. (Sorry, I'm a fan girl. I am trying to reign it in though!) The Bluefish controller will require a smartphone or tablet interface to use, but has a lot more functionality than the Kessil spectral controller. Location simulation. Storms. Photo mode. Way more controllability in the spectrum. The NB itself will give you a lot more customizability with spectrum too since you will either have 2 or 4 controllable channels rather than the Kessil's 1 channel. You can also get a moonlight with the NB (so your future RFAs can make love by the moonlight ;) ). Overall with the different LED array the NB uses the quality of the light just looks "cleaner." You can crank up the blue channel if you want, but if you want to run more like a daylight spectrum that doesnt have the windex hue, this will do it. I guess it is the lime in the array? I'm sure Ben could help out with explaining with real technical words. But, this is how seeing the light in person really helps.


So in short - NB wins in terms of controllability, form function, and IMO spectrum. But I think it really boils down to personal preference.

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After seeing both in person I can definitely recommend the nanobox. The shimmer is a bit more intense with the kessil but nanobox wins in every other category as Mirya has already mentioned. I think one of the best things about LED's is the controllability/customization as it relates to spectrum and intensity....nanobox does this the best IMO. Not to mention Dave does everything with his fellow reefers in mind and pretty much does it all by himself. Shout out to Dave..

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And one more thing, I rinsed the mini gravel before I put it in but do you think I should stick w/ this black mini gravel idea which is lovely because you can clean it like you would a freshwater tank with a siphon or go with crushed coral? And keep the name Midnight Garden? I had to find something more sturdy for babies, hopefully babies, to attach. But I was also going to go sumpless so the skimmer plus being able to truly vacuum would be a benefit. And as with Gert's tank I will be putting macros in to help with the water quality as well. Just unsure now.


I think you should go with crushed coral since have had so much success with getting your RFA's to reproduce. The crushed coral is just alot easier for the babies to attach to. JMO

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I have a 360 also on my Fusion 20 and to be honest I would go with the NanoBox......I think it will give better coverage and also the controllability factor is there. Plus Dave is here on the board and also half the people here have one so questions are easily answered :lol:


As for the sand black would probably make things pop on the sand bed. I have never had it as I am just a traditionalist and always use the plain old white stuff :)


Good luck in your choices and keep us in the loop on what happens! Oh and Pictures are a must B)

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I vote NanoBox too! I think you'll love the coloring and I also think that the duo would work over the 40. the edges will be more shadowed but if you put lower light corals there, I don't think you'll have any sort of problems. Just my .02 :)

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I wish the best for you, sorry to hear about this. It's such a great community of people from all walks of life that really take the time and care for each other. I can't say enough about the support I personally have had from pretty much anyone I ask a question to or just visiting their thread and say hi. I've lurked on your thread from time to time but I will enjoying following along as you no doubt rebuild a beautiful tank. Now if you put some Sps in there we can be friends ?. go for the Nanobox ??

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I know there are hobbies, but then there is this one. What an affectionate group of reefers. Thank You, thank you, dziekuje (Polish).


I love that you all do give your unbiased and biased points of view for your favorites. You all do a fine job of pointing out the good, the bad, if there's an ugly.


I'm still in awe right now of all of this. I'm not going to rush in, never have. So I'll definitely get the right size light. And I do want to have control over it. And I need to look into flow again. The Jebaos only lasted 2 yrs before no amount of cleaning could help regain the power they lost. So, open to suggestions for that as well. What do you all like on your 40?


And, hey Mirya, as long as the weather is fine, I can make a trip there and see them in person. It is hard to decide on a light without having seen one before.

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So many wonderful comments to help me. Nano-box seems to be winning by a landslide! And I think too I'll go back to crushed coral on this one. I love it in Gertie's tank, hers was originally half sand and half crushed. I resupplied with all crushed in doing her tank over.

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Nanobox tide+m

Running on the blue spectrum about 30% Royal blue, violet, and Cyan and 15% white


Black/black gooseneck nanobox tide +m over nuvo 8




Running at 50% all channels

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Glad we could get you on your feet. We all know how stuff like this goes.


I think you should get an ATI T5!


Way to go Braap stir the pot a little :lol:


Though a 36" Sunpower would be pretty sweet!

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I can't really weigh in on the lights because I've never owned either of those brands, but I love that the Nanobox lights are customizable with all the color choices. That would be so fun to match it to the decor in your new home :)


In terms of the flow, I know they're expensive, but I love my MP10's. The Jebaos are great for the price, but like you said, they only last so long. My Jebao WP10 that I use for mixing my water just completely went out on me a few weeks ago. I have two MP10's on my 40B and that seems to give rally good flow. Since you don't need quite so much flow for the flower anemones, you could probably get away with just one.

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So many wonderful comments to help me. Nano-box seems to be winning by a landslide! And I think too I'll go back to crushed coral on this one. I love it in Gertie's tank, hers was originally half sand and half crushed. I resupplied with all crushed in doing her tank over.

So people are STILL sending in (more now that people that I couldn't fit into two group conversations of 20 people each are reading this thread now!). Crazy.


The NR community raised over $500 in... 18 hours?


Seems like was destined to have a "Midnight Garden" :)

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You guys, you're making me cry again. A few more showings of love came through. :o I don't know how to show my gratitude except pay it forward the next time another reefer meets an unfortunate situation. :) . One day I'm going to see this again. They're just so sexy!




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We'll get all the thank you we need by seeing all the sexy flower anemones again! I don't have any myself right now, but they're just so beautiful and you had such a great collection. I always love admiring them :) I hope you can get a wonderful collection going again!

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The other day when we were talking and I said you probably should hang onto the 40 because you may want to breed those rock flowers one day. Little did we know it would be sooner than later :).

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