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Ninja's 12g PicO S III ~ Tank Leaking Taking it Down ~


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One of mine is out more but the other one is always hiding. He came out when I fed the new food and I was so relieved. He hasn't eaten for days. But at night, they are still cuddling in the same spot.


That's the same with mine. When I first introduced the second one, they were best buds for a few days. Then the original started hiding. Hid for more than a week. When he finally came back out he was noticeably thinner. But then he ate and stayed out for about a week or so. Then went back into hiding and I haven't seen him since. I can't even see him in the spot he used to hid in. I used to be able to at least see his tail. I don't see anything. But a harlequin starfish hangs out in that rock and never used to. I have a feeling I know where mr. ff went.
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That's the same with mine. When I first introduced the second one, they were best buds for a few days. Then the original started hiding. Hid for more than a week. When he finally came back out he was noticeably thinner. But then he ate and stayed out for about a week or so. Then went back into hiding and I haven't seen him since. I can't even see him in the spot he used to hid in. I used to be able to at least see his tail. I don't see anything. But a harlequin starfish hangs out in that rock and never used to. I have a feeling I know where mr. ff went.


noooo...i hope he's just hiding in a new spot. they are hard to find especially since you have more rocks. weird thing with mine are that they came out when i was doing a water change. they didn't mind all the stuff going on inside the tank...

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ARGH! Went to pick up some corals from a local reefer and got into a car accident. Totally not worth it. *sigh*



Hey Your tank is really awesome ! I was wondering what size of vida rocks did you chose ( pico or small ) ? Thanks !


pico for both! i got the small before and it was way too big for my tank

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what does the iodine do for zoas??


how do you know how much to dose?

I read it's good for softies. I just follow the instruction on the bottle. Since you cant accurately measure it, I guess it can be dangerous to overdose.



Yikes, what happened and are you ok, and your car???


Backed into someone on a ramp =(. It wasn't major, but my wife not too happy that I just incurred maybe a thousand dollars in repair cost for a $20 frag....

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I don't miss the driving in Chicago, it's bad enough out here. It's amazing you're at a stop light and you can count one by one as people turn by, how many are on their cell phones.

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Ugh, sucks about the car accident. Glad you're all ok (maybe not the wallet...) though. I need to hunt down some of this Larry's food. I have Rod's and am not pleased since it floats all over the place and most of the corals don't grab onto it.

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Thanks a lot! Really sorry about the car accident... I can't tell you enough how beautiful your tank is !

thanks! it's definitely still a work in progress. i been thinking about removing the tree rock on the left to free up more room...

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Yeah it could be really nice but i gotta say i love the coral garden on it, it works perfect with the bonsai style!

If you remove it, would you still have enough biological filtration ?

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Ugh that sucks about your car accident. The one and only one I've been in was when I was backed into in a Costco parking lot. Not worth it for a $20 frag and definitely not worth it for a $1.50 hot dog. ;)


I'm glad you are having better luck with your zoas. Those pictures are crazy good. And your foster dog... so stinkin' cute. Any idea what type of mix he is? His eyes and markings almost remind me of my bostons, but obviously not the long hair.


I just got some of the Larry's food yesterday and fed it for the first time tonight. That stuff really is awesome. I've never seen such a feeding response before. I swear my acans were completely inside out reaching for food. Fish loved it too. I had to drive like 45 minutes to a store I'd never been too before to get it.

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I just got some of the Larry's food yesterday and fed it for the first time tonight. That stuff really is awesome. I've never seen such a feeding response before. I swear my acans were completely inside out reaching for food. Fish loved it too. I had to drive like 45 minutes to a store I'd never been too before to get it.



I know what I'm gonna go out and get this weekend!!

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I know what I'm gonna go out and get this weekend!!


A little goes a long way. In the beginning I overestimated and the tank got a real treat! Looked like it was snowing.

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Ugh that sucks about your car accident. The one and only one I've been in was when I was backed into in a Costco parking lot. Not worth it for a $20 frag and definitely not worth it for a $1.50 hot dog. ;)

I actually work for costco and I see car accidents on a weekly basis, the rules of the road seem to fly out the window once your in the costco parking lot. We actually had an employee get t-boned by someone in the parking lot, his car was totaled and he was hospitalized...

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I actually work for costco and I see car accidents on a weekly basis, the rules of the road seem to fly out the window once your in the costco parking lot. We actually had an employee get t-boned by someone in the parking lot, his car was totaled and he was hospitalized...

Geez, how fast were they going? Mine was nothing like that. You couldn't even tell I was hit because I have a metal truck bumper, but it left a dent in his minivan. It was an off-duty police officer and he never reported it to his insurance agency. :lol:

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Backed into someone on a ramp =(. It wasn't major, but my wife not too happy that I just incurred maybe a thousand dollars in repair cost for a $20 frag....

So sorry to hear :(.


This reminds me of the time when we were first married and had very little money. We hardly ever ate out and didn't get to do much for entertainment so we decided to go to the mall to just walk around, get a coffee and maybe a cinnabon LOL. Came out to the car and the rear bumper was on the ground!!!!! Hit and run. I'm sure the idiot that parked next to us clipped the side and pulled the whole damn thing off. Ended up costing us a few hundred dollars to get it repaired :(. Still upsets me now to think about that LOL.

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Geez, how fast were they going? Mine was nothing like that. You couldn't even tell I was hit because I have a metal truck bumper, but it left a dent in his minivan. It was an off-duty police officer and he never reported it to his insurance agency. :lol:

Apparently a guy in a high end luxury car was speeding early in the morning and didn't yield at one of the intersections in the parking lot, hit my coworkers scion tc and spun him out. We had to put larger "stop" signs because the other driver said he didn't see the sign lol. That sucks about the accident though.

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Ugh that sucks about your car accident. The one and only one I've been in was when I was backed into in a Costco parking lot. Not worth it for a $20 frag and definitely not worth it for a $1.50 hot dog. ;)


I'm glad you are having better luck with your zoas. Those pictures are crazy good. And your foster dog... so stinkin' cute. Any idea what type of mix he is? His eyes and markings almost remind me of my bostons, but obviously not the long hair.


I just got some of the Larry's food yesterday and fed it for the first time tonight. That stuff really is awesome. I've never seen such a feeding response before. I swear my acans were completely inside out reaching for food. Fish loved it too. I had to drive like 45 minutes to a store I'd never been too before to get it.


He's suppose to be a Havanese but we suspect he's a mix of Havanese and Shih Tzu due to his small size and flatter face. But he's sooo cute. If our condo doesn't have a 3 dogs limit, we would totally keep him.


Larry's so awesome! I fed the corals again last night and blastos LOVE Larry's. And the pinkish blasto I got for free went from 5 heads to 7 recently =).



I actually work for costco and I see car accidents on a weekly basis, the rules of the road seem to fly out the window once your in the costco parking lot. We actually had an employee get t-boned by someone in the parking lot, his car was totaled and he was hospitalized...




So sorry to hear :(.


This reminds me of the time when we were first married and had very little money. We hardly ever ate out and didn't get to do much for entertainment so we decided to go to the mall to just walk around, get a coffee and maybe a cinnabon LOL. Came out to the car and the rear bumper was on the ground!!!!! Hit and run. I'm sure the idiot that parked next to us clipped the side and pulled the whole damn thing off. Ended up costing us a few hundred dollars to get it repaired :(. Still upsets me now to think about that LOL.


Same thing happened to us with our first car except the person that hit our parked car was very nice =). Went to the mall for some Christmas shopping. Came out and there was a police report on my windshield. Insurance covered everything.


We took our car yesterday to the shop. They wanted $1500 to replace the bumper and fender plus another $600 to put back on the clearbra. My jaw dropped. So I told them to just pop the dent out as best as they can. $70 for that. It' not perfect. I still see scratches. I still see a dent. And my wife is still mad at me since she loves the car. But oh well.

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Same thing happened to us with our first car except the person that hit our parked car was very nice =). Went to the mall for some Christmas shopping. Came out and there was a police report on my windshield. Insurance covered everything.


We took our car yesterday to the shop. They wanted $1500 to replace the bumper and fender plus another $600 to put back on the clearbra. My jaw dropped. So I told them to just pop the dent out as best as they can. $70 for that. It' not perfect. I still see scratches. I still see a dent. And my wife is still mad at me since she loves the car. But oh well.


Bumpers are stupidly expensive, especially if they have those rear backup sensors. I know cause I got into an accident with my mom's van once... NOT MY FAULT THOUGH! :rolleyes:

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