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Coral Vue Hydros



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I've never actually had issues with any anthias eating. Even with anthias in QT, they usually start eating pellets on day one or two. Lyretail, stocky, Bartlett's, and dispar.



THose anthias are basically your easy ones. When you get into ones like purple queens, ventralis, or god forbid, the ever elusive pictilis male - youre going to need live foods and a god awefull amount of them.

Jedi1138 mentioned Avansis being more difficult to feed, but I disagree. I have purchased literally 100's of them from DD over the past 20 years and they always ate on day 1 or 2, and they always ate almost anything I threw at them, including flake.

Now If yu want to get into the KILLER I CANT BELIEVE YOU HAVE THEM Anthias, youre talking about species like Ventralis, which DD currently has for about $150 each.



or the all time impossible, white whale - Pictillis Anthia, which ONLY WAYNE SHANG HAS BEEN ABLE TO MAINAIN IN CAPTIVITY.

Ive kept females, but the males are basically impossible.




Divers den will only sell females of this species, which is all you want anyway because unless youre Wayne, a reef caught male simply wont live. The trick is to purchase a harem of females and have patience, because given time one of the fems will actually change sex and dominate the group, and then you can be as cool as Wayne and be the only guy in the world that has one.


All hail Wayne, the official clam and anthia god on earth :bowdown:



Yeah the Evansi being picky eaters thing is just something that I've seen on LA's site and a little bit on the forums. I know you haven't had any issues with them Zeph, so I'm taking LA's classification with a grain of salt (instant ocean reef crystals, of course) and listening to you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of them (LA is also the site that told me Eagle Eye Zoanthids need a lot of light... /boggle) Anyway, I'll probably still get the mixed harem Ignitus/evansi because it sounds awesome and I know it works :) And they will be pretty so the girl will be all "oooh look at them". heh


Those super advanced anthias are fraking awesome. I saw the ventralis on LA just the other day. The males are going for 129$ They also apparently like lower temperatures, that'll throw a monkey wrench into things. I don't think either of my reefs has ever been below 77.


I was thinking today while waiting for something to load at work...what's my "dream fish"? Probably a Moorish Idol. I'm not nuts enough to attempt that in this tank, but yeah, off hand that's what I came up with. Lots of people covet Achilles, but I've seen then in stores a lot. I've never, ever seen a Moorish in person and they are almost otherworldly looking. Other's on the list are some of the bigger tangs like blonde nasos and the funky colored triggerfish. Man when I get into a house it's going to be bad news...the basement is going to look like seaworld...someone give me some $ too...

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Moorish idols are actually easy to keep if you get one eating. The ones from Hawaii are the only ones that ever survive. There is not a single one that is reef safe across its life, however, and they eat all types of corals, softies, corallimorphs, LPS, and SPS, but usually at different times in their life. If you get one to eat NLS pellets, that is all they will ever need to eat to stay healthy for as long as you have them.

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Thirty clams in 30 gallons. one clam per gallon. you heard it here first.



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For Banshee,

I will get back to you after lunch to talk training if you want. I have to get ready for a wedding today! Its going to be a LOONGGGG nightttt.

Oh not my wedding, Im in the middle of a divorce. LOL

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A single guy who lifts...? Swoon. No, seriously though. Let's talk training. I've got a running coach but my lifting is seriously in bad shape. :)

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Dig this....I put in an application to the Guiness book of worlds records to see If I can qualify for " The most Tridacnid clams per gallon in a closed system". Im waiting to hear back from them, but in all honesty I doubt they will be interested because they list past applications that have failed, and I was surprised. They even passed on the "worlds smallest egg". Im thinking the big wigs over there don't get as excited over clams as we do, but perhaps I'll get lucky and he or she will have a reef tank..


A single guy who lifts...? Swoon. No, seriously though. Let's talk training. I've got a running coach but my lifting is seriously in bad shape. :)


We will talk :)

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Little old me ??? right now youre talking to a man that cant even get his own pants on!!


Careful how you broadcast that... there's a lot of women around here that might knock on your door and offer to help. :-P

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Zeph, I'm convinced you're the Howard Hughes of the clam and body building worlds.


Good Morning Beebs,

Ok, so although bodybuilding is wayyyyy off topic, it is what I have done for a living most my life, that and real estate investments, and its MY thread so I'm entitled to discuss whatever I want!!!!


So for starters, whats your lifting routine like? days per week, etc....rep range, how many sets per body part?? and how long have you been training with weights, and do you have any injuries you need to work around ???


Zeph, I'm convinced you're the Howard Hughes of the clam and body building worlds.


HA!!! Don't know about that, but I once read a book titled " I swatted flies for Howard Hughes".


Careful how you broadcast that... there's a lot of women around here that might knock on your door and offer to help. :-P


Yea ??? Perhaps I should post my address. LOLLLLLLLL


Why would I offer to put them ON?!


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Good Morning Beebs,

Ok, so although bodybuilding is wayyyyy off topic, it is what I have done for a living most my life, that and real estate investments, and its MY thread so I'm entitled to discuss whatever I want!!!!


So for starters, whats your lifting routine like? days per week, etc....rep range, how many sets per body part?? and how long have you been training with weights, and do you have any injuries you need to work around ???


I think you meant me?


I do strength 2-3x per week. I run a TON (last week was 88.6 miles) so I don't have time for a lot and I can't be too sore to put in mileage the next day. Usually I do something like squats, lunges, wall sits, calf raises, etc one day. Usually i do 3 x 15 for all of these. A core workout like Ab Ripper X another day and then like push ups, pull ups, tricep dips the third day. I try to get in a couple strength/yoga sessions a few nights a week (lots of push ups and holding poses and balancing). I try to take one full rest day each week. I have no injuries. Been training since summer 2008. Basically I would love to CrossFit or at least strength train more but making it to the gym or box is almost impossible lately.


I have a bar with 300lbs of plates, a treadmill, dumbells up to 15 lbs, some kettlebells, resistance bands, pull up bar, stability ball, and medicine balls to work with at home. I need to get a squat rack and bench but that's not going to happen for a couple months at least. :)

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Deleted User 3

Good Morning Beebs,

Ok, so although bodybuilding is wayyyyy off topic, it is what I have done for a living most my life, that and real estate investments, and its MY thread so I'm entitled to discuss whatever I want!!!!


So for starters, whats your lifting routine like? days per week, etc....rep range, how many sets per body part?? and how long have you been training with weights, and do you have any injuries you need to work around ???



HA!!! Don't know about that, but I once read a book titled " I swatted flies for Howard Hughes".



Yea ??? Perhaps I should post my address. LOLLLLLLLL




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I think you meant me? I do strength 2-3x per week. I run a TON (last week was 88.6 miles) so I don't have time for a lot and I can't be too sore to put in mileage the next day. Usually I do something like squats, lunges, wall sits, calf raises, etc one day. Usually i do 3 x 15 for all of these. A core workout like Ab Ripper X another day and then like push ups, pull ups, tricep dips the third day. I try to get in a couple strength/yoga sessions a few nights a week (lots of push ups and holding poses and balancing). I try to take one full rest day each week. I have no injuries. Been training since summer 2008. Basically I would love to CrossFit or at least strength train more but making it to the gym or box is almost impossible lately. I have a bar with 300lbs of plates, a treadmill, dumbells up to 15 lbs, some kettlebells, resistance bands, pull up bar, stability ball, and medicine balls to work with at home. I need to get a squat rack and bench but that's not going to happen for a couple months at least. :)


OMG!! Im so sorryyyy...I was drinking Jack and coke all night at a wedding. MY BADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!! get back to you today!!! how embarrassing!!!

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I love those pics of Big Macs facility in the Polynesian Islands. Dr. Mac is in my neighborhood today, touring with his big clams.

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I think you meant me? I do strength 2-3x per week. I run a TON (last week was 88.6 miles) so I don't have time for a lot and I can't be too sore to put in mileage the next day. Usually I do something like squats, lunges, wall sits, calf raises, etc one day. Usually i do 3 x 15 for all of these. A core workout like Ab Ripper X another day and then like push ups, pull ups, tricep dips the third day. I try to get in a couple strength/yoga sessions a few nights a week (lots of push ups and holding poses and balancing). I try to take one full rest day each week. I have no injuries. Been training since summer 2008. Basically I would love to CrossFit or at least strength train more but making it to the gym or box is almost impossible lately. I have a bar with 300lbs of plates, a treadmill, dumbells up to 15 lbs, some kettlebells, resistance bands, pull up bar, stability ball, and medicine balls to work with at home. I need to get a squat rack and bench but that's not going to happen for a couple months at least. :)


That's allot of training...impressive!!!! I have never been a runner because I lose weight too fast, and I know this is not where I should be, cardiovascular wise. Running burns away muscle tissue, this is a fact. There is no away around it and increasing your protein does not help. You appear to be very focused on your running, and I would encourage you to focus on that for longevity, but for maintaining good posture and bone density into our old age, you HAVE to weight train. The resistance training actually forces calcium into your bones. Be sure to take a good calcium supplement which includes magnesium and Vitamin D.

For strength training you need to go heavier than 15 reps. Muscles respond like so :


strength training= 1 - 5 reps

SIZE training to increase mass = 6 - 10 reps

definition/diet/hardness = 10 - 20 reps


lots of people do not understand the difference between strength training and bodybuilding. Bodybuilders don't care about strength but only size and symmetry. When you step on stage they don't ask you how much you can bench press. Powerlifters are the exact opposite. Their appearance is of very little concern. What many people don't understand is that the VERY heavy weightlifting in the 1 - 5 rep range will make you stronger, but not bigger (unless youre a beginner) and really does close to nothing to increase your metabolism. Bodybuilders are twice the size, but carry half the strength of most powerlifters ( except if youre Ronnie Coleman, LOL)

Women very rarely powerlift or do pure strength training in the 1 - 5 rep range, and I don't recommend it unless you're really into that, but I would suggest a bodybuilders training routine of somewhat lighter weight, that will help you cardiovascular wise, as well as sculpt your physique. Its really a lot more fun, and the results are obvious. Lifting weights that make you fail between 6 - 10 reps, has the best over all effect on your body and musculature. Dramatic increases in muscle fibers (size), and to a lesser extent strength increase also.

You may be running too much to gain any muscle or strength, If I ran like you I would wind up looking like one of those toothpicks that wins the Marathon each year. So you may have to alter your training according to the results you desire.

Protein. Make sure you get your protein, as you're completely wasting your time (and health) with out it. Even people that do not lift weights should be taking protein supplements, and those that do lift need 5 - 6 daily. Im sure you know all this, but every cell in your body is composed of amino acids, and you burn a lot daily to function and maintain metabolism. Protein is not stored in your body in any way whatsoever and is excreted in a matter of hours. WHen you don't get enough protein you age faster, you get more aches and pains and injuries, and can even lead to disease and depression in extreme cases. Carbohydrates get you fat..sugar is the worst of course - by way of insulin. Insulin forces all nutrients into their home cells. so when you eat carb/sugar, your insulin goes up, and fat is forced into the fat cells, and protein is forced into the muscle cells.

speaking of protein, my eggs are ready !!!!

more later...


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