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Justin's Mixed 9G


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been using Coral Acel for almost 2 months now. Every time do a water change I add a splash. I've been noticing some color improvements in my LPS and some great growth out of these two colonies.

15652251977_03ed70343c_b.jpgIMG_7357 by Justind823, on Flickr

15217411794_c4f8ac9a00_b.jpgIMG_7358 by Justind823, on Flickr


It's been awhile since I cleaned the MP10 :lol: ... there's some nice red and yellow coralline(?) encrusting. I took a larger piece of it and placed it in the sump. It's a pretty slow grower from what I've seen.

15651584229_d7703a58df_b.jpgIMG_7354 by Justind823, on Flickr


In other tank news I'm going to create a rock wall in the sump area. That area of my sump is a good collector of detritus so I mostly want to take everything off the bottom to make it that much easier to siphon out. Plus with the rock wall I'll get some added biological filtration. I should be getting a dry rock shipment from reefcleaners tomorrow fingerscrossed


I'm also considering taking out the whole left zoa rock and selling it off. If I get some good pieces from Reefcleaners I'll make a spire to replace that side.

Great shot!


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That's a great picture


Thank you. The Pom Pom has been out so much lately! Probably feeling a bit safer with both her ric mittens on.


Love this little tank. Keep up the great work!




Thanks Dave!


We need more Trifecta updates buddy!


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  • 2 weeks later...

That's just awesome.

She's been a lot more outgoing since grabbing the ric. She's still cryptic but will venture out and wander around in the open now.


In other news I will not be breaking down or downsizing this tank for our move up north. I was thinking of breaking it down but we found the perfect place and expect to be there for awhile. The new place is an amazing little cottage next to a vineyard in Glen Ellen, CA!

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So....some news for this tank.


Turns out the small earthquake the other day was just enough to crack the back panel of my tank. I came home to a wet floor and an empty tank at the end of the day. There must have already been some stress on the back of the tank with the plumbing and combined with the thin glass it didn't take much.


Luckily, since I had already planned to upgrade this tank I had everything I needed to switch the livestock over. I acted fast and didn't loose anything.


Here's the current fts:










I won't be drilling this one. The glass on this tank is thicker but I'm afraid to drill it after this experience. I'll be making a few things to clean up the display.


Anyway, I have today off from work so I've been working on the new stand and other than the inside of it, I'm finished.







Hey J, where did you find this stand? I upgraded from my 5g to a 18" cube but want to use my 5g as a QT tank and set it up next to the main tank. I don't have much room in my current stand for hiding cables so hoping to find something similar to this so I can hide supplies, wires, etc.

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Hey J, where did you find this stand? I upgraded from my 5g to a 18" cube but want to use my 5g as a QT tank and set it up next to the main tank. I don't have much room in my current stand for hiding cables so hoping to find something similar to this so I can hide supplies, wires, etc.


Hey there! Ikea sells a turquoise double stack locker unit. I bought that and took the paint of and brushed up the steal. The wood top you see there is actually an old cutting board. I think the unit is about $100 but it comes two lockers, I just have the other one to a friend.

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Hey there! Ikea sells a turquoise double stack locker unit. I bought that and took the paint of and brushed up the steal. The wood top you see there is actually an old cutting board. I think the unit is about $100 but it comes two lockers, I just have the other one to a friend.


Dang, you're handy, lol. Thanks for the info, I need to head to Ikea soon anyway!

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  • 2 months later...

This tank has seen better days but it's coming around...


Some of you might remember I was debating taking this tank down before the move up to NorCal. I ended up keeping it but unfortunately the move didn't go so well for the tank inhabitants. I've moved tanks before so I'm not sure what happened here but I lost my frogspawn, fiji leather, a bunch of zoos and my fish. All my nano conchs died as well but then they went all Phoenix on me and now I have more than I did before. I'm slowly restocking and nursing lots of bleached corals.


I haven't had a chance to take a recent picture of the tank but here's how it was looking a week after the move.


16183902614_5b35279afd_b.jpgIMG_2237 by Justind823, on Flickr


OH and also...I finally got to setting my ATO back up yesterday and overnight all 2.5 gallons of water leaked out of the reservoir. Today has been damage control.


16620113079_03c2ab840d_b.jpg2015-03-13_03-16-27 by Justind823, on Flickr


To brighten my spirits I placed an order with Vivid. Got a few things coming early next week. :)

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Wow, sucks to see your tank in this state...hope you're able to recover it.


Moving tank sucks! Hope the remaining corals recover soon. What caused the ATO to malfunction??


Yea it sucks. Corals are looking better day by day. Some are looking almost back to normal but other may take a few months.


As for the ATO - I bought a new reservoir and leak tested it for a day and half. No problem. I hooked it up and it very inconveniently sprung a leak at the bottom draining all it contents onto the carpet overnight. Hooray! Clean up wasn't too bad I guess. The tank is in a corner so it was easy enough lifting the carpet up and removing the padding. Wet-dry vac, fans, space heater and dehumidifier combined with the tank being right next to the back door for good ventilation; it dried out pretty quickly.

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Moving tanks, switching tanks, upgrading, downgrading. It SUCKS! Hope everything recovers.


Yep!! MOVING the tank back to it's now moisture free corner today. WOO

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Oh I forgot about the other bad but also good news. The drivers on my light fried so I've been using the light bar from the sump for the DT. I'm done with DIY when it comes to lights (for now anyway) so I bought a new light. I'm sure you guys can guess what I got.

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Oh I forgot about the other bad but also good news. The drivers on my light fried so I've been using the light bar from the sump for the DT. I'm done with DIY when it comes to lights (for now anyway) so I bought a new light. I'm sure you guys can guess what I got.

Has to be a NB Tide :).


Sorry about the moving struggles. Looks like the new tank spot will get a lot of natural light! Any direct sunlight?


How's the reefing scene up north? Find any excellent LFS?

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Oh I forgot about the other bad but also good news. The drivers on my light fried so I've been using the light bar from the sump for the DT. I'm done with DIY when it comes to lights (for now anyway) so I bought a new light. I'm sure you guys can guess what I got.


A small Kessil would probably look great over this tank...or hold out for the new maxspect razor nano.

Has to be a NB Tide :).


Sorry about the moving struggles. Looks like the new tank spot will get a lot of natural light! Any direct sunlight?


How's the reefing scene up north? Find any excellent LFS?



Or this, lol

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