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Maxspect Razor Owners thread


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Drift Monkey

I think it's because that tank has a ton of surface agitation if the picture is anything to go by.


That has a lot to do with it. My outflow comes out from left too.

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That has a lot to do with it. My outflow comes out from left too.

I was actaully talking about farkwar's. Your's looks really nicely blended. I'd say it has a bit to do with the scape on the left side and also to do with the fact that camera's are really good at picking up nitpicks in a single moment of light.

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Hi all,


Just getting started in this hobby and trying to learn as much as I can before actually starting the hobby. I am considering a JBJ RL 30 gallon and am looking as the Razor nano and the "regular" 120w Razor. The tank dimensions are 23.6" x 19.7" x 16.5". Do you think I could get away with the nano or is the tank too long.



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Got my 120w 16k today and wow it's amazing got it all setup it is 10" off water surface,Here is my automTic setup


1. 7:00 A0% B1%

2. 10:00 A10% B25%

3. 12:00 A40% B60%

4. 16:00 A60% B60%

5. 18:00 A5% B50%

6. 21:00 A0%. b0%

Pic is of both channels at 60%


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So I just set up my 160W 16K Razor, and was wondering what are some good %'s on A& B to start off with. Don't want to fry my corals.


I looked over all 13 pgs and didn't read anything to follow unless I missed something.

As of now I'm only going as high as 35% on the whites and up to 70% on the Blues.

I was thinking about increasing it 10% per week,.. any suggestions would help.

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Depends on your hanging height, mostly. I'd start at around 40% on all channels and increase it 5% per week. I don't imagine you'll need to be near 100% on both channels, but that's just me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just pick up an 20" for my 24x12x12 nano. Haven't got the tank yet Chris from picoaquarium is putting the final touch with it this week. I'm planing to make a hanging rack for it and I like to know what kind of height do you guy think I should put the light at.

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Just picked up my 160 Today from TB aquatics. It is really nice! Well made. I have had AI nano and AI sol previously. I really like the design of the product. The colors are amazing and it is very simple to assemble for plug and play action. I like the fact there is not a separate purchase necessary for the hanging kit. When I get it over my new 40 Breeder, I'll post pics.

Thanks to those who have provided positive input!

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Just picked up my 160 Today from TB aquatics. It is really nice! Well made. I have had AI nano and AI sol previously. I really like the design of the product. The colors are amazing and it is very simple to assemble for plug and play action. I like the fact there is not a separate purchase necessary for the hanging kit. When I get it over my new 40 Breeder, I'll post pics.

Thanks to those who have provided positive input!


Do you have a thread for your tank with the razor? If not please consider starting one. :lol: I would like to see your set up! Thanks!

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Starting soon.. taking a while to build the stand...simple setup, not a carpenter but learning! I will start in next week, thanks!

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Hey guys I currently have a Ai sol and I wanted to upgrade my lighting soon. Im not sure which option would be best for me. I was thinking of upgrading the sol to a vega and buying the new wireless controller, or just get a 120w 16k razor. My tank is 24x24x12 consist of mostly rbta and lps. My sunburst anemone and rainbow acan have changed colors(rainbow to green) and doesn't look as nice as when I first got them.

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  • 1 month later...

I would like to know whats the best set to have a good photoperiod and a bluish light in the evening?


Hey Ralph,


This is my settings I use. I'm still acclimating corals, and have it about 4.5" from the surface of my Nano, so your values may differ a bit, but this gives me a nice Photo Period. It's very similar to a gentleman on RC that has amazing corals and also uses the Razor. If you don't want it quite as blue at night Just have the white channel a little higher at the 7pm mark ;)


Time A B


7:00am - 0% 1%

10:00am - 20% 30%

1:00pm - 35% 40%

4:00pm - 20% 30%

7:00pm - 0% 15%

10:00pm - 0% 0%

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I looked at one on youtube comparing a maxspect to a chinese 120 watt 'knock off" I though both looked great but noticed more shadows on the maxspect side. I


Prolly glare from the chinese one. ahh well. Nice fixture :) oh and there's a bulb on the right.

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Question for other Maxspecters with a nano...


I've just added a BTA to my IM8 with a Razo nano... My peak light prior to adding my new friend has been A:66, B:40. Curious what people think of this? Should I change?



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Just a question for you 40g breeder users. I have my 16k 27" mounted with the included "legs" and have it set to P2, which of course is maxing out A100 B100. Is this going to be overkill? I don't have any livestock or corals in there now, just the scaped rock. I guess I'll need to drop down to perhaps a 60/60 max when I start adding things? I'm a fan of the even coloring for now. Thanks for any inputs!


Extra: I'll only be looking into LPS for the tanks corals.

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