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Coral Vue Hydros

FS: Florida Ricordia group buy

Reef Chicks

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I am kinda lost here. Why are you gonna send more ricordeas out? They were sent priority mail and you are not responsible for DOA. Are you just trying to lose more money making something right? I would personally not replace anything. Don't sell anyone any rics that did not receive DOA's. You are setting yourself up for more problems stop the bleeding now.


What is up with the paper towel method? I shipped rics in as much water as possible any NEVER priority. To risky nano reef is the only place I see people ask for priority shipping.

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I would also ship in water. I have seen large rocks of ricordia wrapped in wet newspaper before, but it wasn't always with good results. I wouldn't recommend shipping using paper towels esp if you are doing two day shipping.


If you are shipping to areas where it is 65 degrees or colder than you should not agree to ship 2nd day because the odds of the corals arriving doa is much higher. Superior Shipping Supplies sells 30 and 40 hour heat packs which are better for shipping corals. Many people do not take into account when they ship that it is also cold on the air plane during shipping, so 2nd day shipping to cooler areas is hard on corals.


It is very important to wrap the heat pack in a little bit of paper and put plenty of packing material between the heat pack and the corals. When using heat packs and cold packs, they are only used to maintain an ambient temperature in the box, not to actually keep the coral hot/cold.


Sorry this has turned out to be such a problem for everyone, best of luck.

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while we wait on my box, here is a pic of my 38 gallon totally overgrown with green star polyps. I have a 55 gallon sump wthl ive rock in it, its also 100% covered in a big sheet of green star polyps, so my tank is filtered by green star polyps and an in sump skimmer, I have not done a water change in over a year.


all fish have been in the tank at least 2 years, the clowns and the big domino damsel host in the star polyps.







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Yeah I think if anything just do cash. I wouldn't chance it again. It's great to see your staying in and people being more understanding.

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I would like 6 more rics please. But I DEMAND to pay the full $7 each for them. I was the one who requested the heat pack. I was the one who didn't pay attention to the weather. I see no real fault of yours here. You worked your butt off pulling this together for us and I for one thank you for that.


On a "funny" side note. I told my girlfriend to open the box yesterday and put the bags into the tank to float for me since I wouldn't be home till later. She did just that...including the heat pack!!!!!! So I get home last night to a floating wet heat pack in my tank!!!!!Ouch!!!!!


haha, that ole heat pack again :P

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Aly I wouldn't send out more rics. This is asking for more losses and headaches. I mean it's 70 degrees here now but it's supposed to be 47 degrees on Tuesday. The weather is too iffy.


Attention people! If you opted for Priority and/or a heat pack then it's your fault. Everyone knows Priority is not guaranteed so suck it up.


Greg, I like how you have ignored all of Aly's attempts to apologize. Even posting negative comments after her first apology. Be a man and publically accept her apology. Or be a ##### and hide behind your attorney.

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The last thing I want is more losses, and more unhappy people. I just want people happy. And I know that will be impossible to do. But I don't have the money to refund for all these losses, and if it were me on the other end, I'd want a resolution. What do I do then?


That being said, I researched my friend's method and found this: http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2005-11/eb/index.php

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shut up longpig go pull some hair algae out of your aquarium lol, I did apologize, she knows that I am cool and don't care. Hell, I will send her some green star polyps, its all good. I'm sorry Aly


Hey Aly, since you are down there, can you get any chaeto, mangroves, alqae, shells, crushed shells, snails, crabs etc.


I used to live in Stuart/Jenson beach. I miss being able to run down and get stuff for the tank.

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shut up longpig go pull some hair algae out of your aquarium lol, I did apologize, she knows that I am cool and don't care. Hell, I will send her some green star polyps, its all good. I'm sorry Aly


Hey Aly, since you are down there, can you get any chaeto, mangroves, alqae, shells, crushed shells, snails, crabs etc.


I used to live in Stuart/Jenson beach. I miss being able to run down and get stuff for the tank.


Hey Greg, go drown yourself in your ####ty star polyp infested sewage plant. I can't ####ing believe you had the nerve to ask for more items and for her to go collect them too.

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I'm not asking for anything long pig, I'm just wondering if she has access to it, I'm not looking for a replacement item. I would like to have a source for maybe something in the future. As you can see my tank is full, unlike your tank which looks like a brakish tank. :) My tank is algae free, I dont have to clean the glass, I over feed, and got 3 huge tangs, 2 clowns, a chromis, a damsel.


Blue Hippo, had it since it was a baby

Red Sea Sailfin, had it since a baby

Naso vlamingi , had it since a baby


Those 3 fish right there tell you my tank is primo clean, healthy, doing it right

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shut up longpig go pull some hair algae out of your aquarium lol, I did apologize, she knows that I am cool and don't care. Hell, I will send her some green star polyps, its all good. I'm sorry Aly


Hey Aly, since you are down there, can you get any chaeto, mangroves, alqae, shells, crushed shells, snails, crabs etc.


I used to live in Stuart/Jenson beach. I miss being able to run down and get stuff for the tank.


LongPig doesn't have any GHA, and nobody I know has a tank covered in the easiest coral to grow on earth like GSP either. Heck, that is a weed. So lay off my boyfriend okay. Prune some GSP.


Otherwise I'm going to have to pull out my beating stick.

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Getting really tired of seeing this thread topic at the top of the Home page.


Just checking in to finally post and say don't worry about reimbursement / shipping more rics for my DOA's. Things are too hectic right now. If some time in the future you have something for sale that catches my eye, maybe we can work something out. If not, meh. Good luck. Give it a week. Things will blow over.... I think.

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yeah I know, you are right about that, I tried to control the green star polyps a long time ago, I gave up. It looks totally kewl as is right now. Xenia will do the same thing, once i had a half a tank full of pulsing xenia and it was amazing to watch.


shhhh dont tell those guys over at reefcentral I have 3 two year old tangs in a 38, they will come after me with a vengence. :P

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Ok guys, calm down. Let's stop fighting so we can figure out the best way to fix this awful mess!


Greg, I sent you some chaeto, which should live despite the heat pack. I have more if you need it. I also have about a dozen mangroves, mostly all rooted, which I can send you, as well as Nassarius vibex snails, blue leg hermits, and turbo snails. The mangroves and Nassarius vibex will live thru anything, but the blue legs & red legs need to be overnighted, and even then some will perish. I occasionally come across other algaes also.

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Aly, if you decide to sell some algae please make a post of what you have.. I'm always looking for new macro's to grow out for my display.

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1. Ask for a refund THRU ME PERSONALLY by posting on here. You need to be able to let me recover financially from this mess though. I will mail your refund out to you for the rics only (no shipping or heat packs will be refunded) within 2 weeks from today (that's my next check).


2. Ask for a substitute coral from those I have to sell, which I wil list this weekend. You will be responsible for shipping charges, but I am working with someone trying to help me with this mess to see if I could use their FedEx account to ship overnight at a reduced rate.


3. Ask for replacement rics. I just spoke to the diver and he is willing to help me out by selling me 100 more at $7.00 each. Since I think this is BOTH our faults (yours and mine), I will eat up $3 on each ric, leaving you with only $4 per ric to pay. I also will be packing and shipping these differently, using a method that is guaranteed to work. They are shipped wrapped in a wet paper towel, no heat pack, and using Priority small box flat rate which is $5. This method came from a friend who owns an online business and ships rics from FL to CA and has had ZERO losses in the past 5 years (since he started his business).


If you decide none of these solutions work for you and you wish to file a Paypal claim, so be it. But please know in advance that if that is the case, since they will go into my own personal account, and hold funds until the claim is resolved, I cannot help you any further at that point.


As I requested, please post your losses and preferences for resolution here. Thank you for working with me. I appreciate it.[/b]


I'm confused by all the BS. You stated you'd offer replacements now everyone it talking you out of it? Is this still an option?

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Aly, I'll say it again. You are WAY too nice for your own good. Why you're sending this massive troll more stuff despite all the problems he made for you is beyond me, but hey do what you want.

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see, an alternative way to make some lost money up, sell other things that will ship better. We are all a team, see how easy that was :)


So who wants some Green Star polyps, and how will they do shipped priority, they are free.

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I'm confused by all the BS. You stated you'd offer replacements now everyone it talking you out of it? Is this still an option?



Yes. I am sending out a few "test runs" with no heat packs to see if they do better.

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Yes. I am sending out a few "test runs" with no heat packs to see if they do better.


Ok cool. I will pay for overnight shipping if need be. Thanks Aly.

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i got 2 takers on the free green star polyps, I will cut some that are attached to rubble from my sump this weekend and send out some test orders free of charge, i think they will do fine just like poeple send out cheato in sandwhich sized bags. sorry to high jack your thread, just adding some positive energy to it.

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