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Coral Vue Hydros

Kat's Ol' Max


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Awww Yes!!


Hmmmm I need Veng to video this or take the paparazzi photos for the gif. She babble talked. All. Day. Long. I'm exhausted. LOL

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When I toss chloe up in the air shed gets the super evil genis baby reaction below. Well unless you drop her a few times of course. That any parent knows way to well..




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I'm at a trade show in New York Harbor these days. Come home pretty much when the light is on sunset on the tank. I did a water change and cleaned out the fuge of a LOT of macros. Then I was just checking stuff out with a flashlight and saw that a lot of my SPS were suddenly hairy. Polyps out the wazoo! So I quickly mixed up 3 kinds of SPS food (reef roids, TLF zooplan, NLS Nutricell) and threw in some live phyto into the mix. Added tank water till I had a good bit of food soup and crop duster target fed those hungry SPS. Pictures after I fed them below. For the record I have NEVER seen the Miyagi tort ever show a bloody polyp and look at this guy: Filament city!





Pink Orchid



I took more pictures but they weren't in focus. Needless to say, I love happy corals.

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Hehe, my maze brain is like that at night most days... Still I have to wonder how you can feed soooo much without being mobbed by algae. Perhaps you are simply accepting of a small amount of algae and have the inverts to clean what little pops up.

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oh I've got algae! I don't do enough water changes but I prune the algae all the time. I am really trying to get better with water changes. Did a 5G tonight.

Mexican turbos help. But I'm also getting lettuce nudis and a blue spotted sea rabbit next.



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Naw, those got chewed up. I have a ton of chaeto that never gets enough light but is a big wad thats been alive for over 2 years. I have dragons breath,3-4 kinds of Caulerpa, halimeda. I threw out a softball size red titan today.

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Perhaps that's the other small miracle in this tank. When something goes wrong, you shrug it off very quickly and keep pressing forward.

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Perhaps that's the other small miracle in this tank. When something goes wrong, you shrug it off very quickly and keep pressing forward.
Yes and no. The bryopsis is worrying me right now. I can't raise the magnesium suddenly and quite high because of my SPS. I yank it out, epoxy over it, burn it off with peroxide and baking soda too. But it comes back. In spots. So before it spreads like wildfire, I'm going to invite a lettuce nudibranch to dinner.


I worry the most about fish. Who is eating. Piggy used to call me a worry wart. :lol:

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I always say, it don't stay alive in the ocean, so what makes you think it's gonna stay alive in your tank. This is an expensive philosophy.

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Careful with the sea hare. They're like black holes for algae/macros. I think the only thing they don't eat is chaeto and halimeda

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I'm at a trade show in New York Harbor these days. Come home pretty much when the light is on sunset on the tank. I did a water change and cleaned out the fuge of a LOT of macros. Then I was just checking stuff out with a flashlight and saw that a lot of my SPS were suddenly hairy. Polyps out the wazoo! So I quickly mixed up 3 kinds of SPS food (reef roids, TLF zooplan, NLS Nutricell) and threw in some live phyto into the mix. Added tank water till I had a good bit of food soup and crop duster target fed those hungry SPS. Pictures after I fed them below. For the record I have NEVER seen the Miyagi tort ever show a bloody polyp and look at this guy: Filament city!


This is what I saw with the Nualgi dosing, however it happened only after the pumps came back on and stuff was flushed out of the pipes. The same week though I also dosed live phyto and copepod samples from reefgen but since I haven't been able to replicate it again, i'd have to say it was the foods and not Nualgi.

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The plan is to allow the bunny to graze in the DT which doesn't have too much for it to eat. After he's demolished that I'll put him in the fuge after removing the macros I don't want him to eat. The fuge has caulerpa, gha and turf algae.

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This is what I saw with the Nualgi dosing, however it happened only after the pumps came back on and stuff was flushed out of the pipes. The same week though I also dosed live phyto and copepod samples from reefgen but since I haven't been able to replicate it again, i'd have to say it was the foods and not Nualgi.

But you also stopped dosing Nualgi right? So could that be why you haven't been able to replicate the reaction?

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But you also stopped dosing Nualgi right? So could that be why you haven't been able to replicate the reaction?

I dosed for a week after I stopped seeing the reaction. I guess one way to know is to dose phyto and see if they respond the same.


could it also be a biofilm on the inside of the pipes that gets shot into the tank when the return kicks back on? i dunnos

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Pinner Reef

If you're gonna get a bunny don't get the blue spot edition. The standard mottled green ones have a much more varied diet. Also, they will eventually eat until all the algae is gone and they starve themselves to death.

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Okay. I'll go for the regular bunny. But yes I k ow they're going to starve without algae. I'll have to trade him in, or have a caulerpa farm.


I did have a small bunny earlier. He didn't care for the caulerpa though. So I don't know. I know the blue spots eat bryopsis.

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Lilies & Lace

Echinata trying to make a meal out of the porites. :angry:

I'll have to move the echinata. Again.



It already ate the encrusted brown coral next to it and looks like it's munching on zoas too. Bad Echinata. I've been trying to sell this thing for a while. I even fragged it.



Banish it to the Pico?

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Banish it to the Pico?

I'm not sure if the pico light could sustain this guy. Echinatas dont need too much light though so I don't know.


Oh, I can't remember if the regular did any good on the bryopsis. Hmm

bluezoo doesn't list bryopsis as part of their diet but my LFS said they eat it. I'll have to Google.

Oops. Edit. LFS said blue spots eat bryopsis. But that's what the nudibranch will be for.

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If it was bio film it would happen often no? I shut off my pumps about twice daily on average.

I don't normally shut the pumps off unless i'm doing a water exchange.. or on rare occasions when i want to get top down photos. I've got a good amount of piping (surface area) that would allow for biofilm to build up and the pump is rather forceful when it turns back on. I'll try turning the pump off when I get home and see if I can replicate the feeding response. It could just be detritus, but I do need to try and figure out what makes them do it, cuz then I can spot feed some other goodies.

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If you're gonna get a bunny don't get the blue spot edition. The standard mottled green ones have a much more varied diet. Also, they will eventually eat until all the algae is gone and they starve themselves to death.


Yeah, I've read that the blue spotted ones are pickier. From what I've read the green/poop colored fuzzy ones are the best, like this guy:



I actually rented one of these guys from a local reefer. He DEMOLISHED my turf/GHA. And then in like a week the reefer I rented him sent the hare to another reefer cuz my tank had been wiped clean and he had no more food

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