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Coral Vue Hydros

Kat's Ol' Max


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Ahhhhh...yes...it was indeed a privilege to visit the Batcave this weekend, and even more of a privilege to meet Mother Batgirl, as beautiful as she is. Im guessing Kat gets her looks from her Dad.

Hardyyyyyy Harrrr harrrrrrrr!

My mother has been kinda curious about you. You might be the biggest guy that's walked in my front door. :rolleyes:

I wonder what my clams would look like when the tank goes psychedelic like that with the leds. It really is a whole nother world.
:) blew your socks off eh?
it really is a beautiful little treasure chest

Thank you.

Oh yea....I REALLLYYYYYY had my eye on that yellow tubbs birdsnest of Kats !! I was just afraid she would have a heart attack when she noticed it MISSING

It just got back to its original yellow fron being brown, now it's showing a touch of green also. I'll get you a frag when it's ready.

Maybe you can grow out my BOP, it's getting bitten on the frag rack....

Edited by metrokat
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Thanks Tron. Still having some issues with a Nasuto frag I have, it is doing much better but no where near the coloration it was when I first got it.


I think my tank is good with all but very sensitive SPS corals.

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You're a gentleman and a scholar. I'll be sure to put a little extra in your pay next week. :lol:


Awww..thanks. I can use it. Im still spending all my cash on fish stuff and sleeping on the floor!


My mother has been kinda curious about you. You might be the biggest guy that's walked in my front door. :rolleyes:

:) blew your socks off eh?


Thank you.


It just got back to its original yellow fron being brown, now it's showing a touch of green also. I'll get you a frag when it's ready.

Maybe you can grow out my BOP, it's getting bitten on the frag rack....


Wait till mother sees how much I eat, then she will understand. I would love to grow some bop out for you, just remember my growers fee or its NAP CITY like last time.

( I know how to keep Batgirl at check now ;) )


Edit: I forgot to get pics of the new clam today. Tomorrow for sure.

Edited by ZephNYC
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Edit: I forgot to get pics of the new clam today. Tomorrow for sure.

##### please. get a thread.



Also, you'll be happy to know several things:

  • My nitrate is 0.75ppm, and I have not dosed sugar in almost a week.
  • My alkalinity is still above 9dKh. You said with adding carbonate alone, it would not stay high, only temporarily, then drop back to normal, which has not happened.
  • I ordered golden pearls. w00t

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##### please. get a thread.



Also, you'll be happy to know several things:

  • My nitrate is 0.75ppm, and I have not dosed sugar in almost a week.
  • My alkalinity is still above 9dKh. You said with adding carbonate alone, it would not stay high, only
    temporarily, then drop back to normal, which has not happened.
    - Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day! You said you cooked it.
  • I ordered golden pearls. w00t
    - Awesome!

Edited by ZephNYC
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- Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day! You said you cooked it.

Yes, and I said that was the original plan, and you said it wouldn't work! :P



(at least I'm pretty sure I said it was Na2CO3 and not NaHCO3, but either way, :P)

Edited by jedimasterben
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I never check the potm section......I'll go and vote for you......unless I see something better.


HaHa, great pic, too funny! I didn't know you had that in there. I may have to try that.


I did vote for you.

Edited by Spirofucci
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Yes, and I said that was the original plan, and you said it wouldn't work! :P



(at least I'm pretty sure I said it was Na2CO3 and not NaHCO3, but either way, :P)


I dont have a clue about cooking baking soda and what the results would be. Educate me !!!!


Agenda for today: salon visit.


Oh I guess I should glue down the favia frag before the manicure.

And I suppose I have to test my own water since Zeph is slacking.


Did y'all vote for my photo?


GEEZ its only been one day !! Gimme a break or I will remove my vote!!!

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I never check the potm section......I'll go and vote for you......unless I see something better.

HaHa, great pic, too funny! I didn't know you had that in there. I may have to try that.

I did vote for you.


:D Thanks!

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I've been deliberating on which fish to get for my display fuge. Lorax the YCG was banished to the fuge and he decided to jump into the skimmer chamber and has since then not been seen (weeks have passed). I would love to have another YCG but not if he's going to jump on me.


The volume is about 8-10 gallons. Let's go with 8. What can I put in there that will be happy with low flow?


A blenny? What kind?

Goby? What kind?

Something else?


I was considering a pair of yellow neon gobies

or a pair of rusty gobies

or a cute blenny of some sort, maybe a tail spot


I would love to get a goby/shrimp pair - already have a yasha/randallis in the DT, some other option?


Would a goby shrimp pair and a pair of gobies be better


A goby/shrimp pair with a blenny?


What about a citron goby? Or a trio of clown gobies (all different varieties, yellow, green, black)


Actually, let's go with 10G, I just realized I keep my water level at least 1 inch above the baffles

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What about a mantis??? Seriously. I'm thinking of doing that when I get a sump. You can even put a fish in there with no problem I'm told. B)

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@Ben They're cute but the species I would want are the nano sized that do not grow above a couple of inches, and I'm not sure my LFS could get them. (Anglers/frogfish)


What about a mantis??? Seriously. I'm thinking of doing that when I get a sump. You can even put a fish in there with no problem I'm told. B)

no but I put my hand in there! no it's going to be fish

Edited by metrokat
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Different clown gobies sound awesome. Personally, I want a small mantis in my sump. Hopefully fish jail will actually be intimidating to them for once.

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Get a panda goby! They stay tiny and soooooo much cuter then other clown gobies

Tail spots are cool too, great personalities

If you were to go with gobies I'd do a group of eviotas or green bands

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What about a mantis??? Seriously. I'm thinking of doing that when I get a sump. You can even put a fish in there with no problem I'm told. B)

As long as the fish are in there first there shouldn't be an issue. Anything added after the fact is fair game. ;)


@Ben They're cute but the species I would want are the nano sized that do not grow above a couple of inches, and I'm not sure my LFS could get them. (Anglers/frogfish)

They should be able to get a warty in, but they are pretty uncommon (all anglers are), so they can probably only get them in few and far between.

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Dude, if Manhattan Aquariums can't get you a warty in a week... Then stop going there.

You sure? Wartys are hard to come by. And if they are not, I need one of you to ship one to me, damnit.

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You sure? Wartys are hard to come by. And if they are not, I need one of you to ship one to me, damnit.



MA has a lot of strings they can pull. If there's one available on the East Coast, I can't imagine them not able to get their hands on it pretty quickly.

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