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AJ_Tsin's Zeo 47g Shallow. NEW FTS


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how soon do you notice color change after adding new frags into the tank?

I start to notice changes a couple days in, however after a week things start to colour up and settle in.

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So the day before I left for my trip last week my Purple Tang (GF dubbed it Pootie Tang) got too close to my MP-10 picking algae, and he got sucked to the side of the pump. I noticed it getting close to the pump over past few weeks and getting thrown around by the undertow but it didn't seem like anything it couldn't handle.

I don't know how long it was pinned to the side of the pump, as I came home from work and found it... I killed power to the pump and it swam away seeming fine. I fed it some Nori before I had to leave for a few days and all seemed well.

When I came back it seemed a bit despondent and disoriented, breathing was fine, no sign of external illness, or anything but definitely not 100%. it was eating so I did my best to feed it Selcon Soaked Nori and PE Mysis for a few days to regain some energy. It lost an insane amount of weight very quickly, I am not sure if it had some internal injury.

Long story short I lost it yesterday...

It sucks to lose such a beautiful fish. It took me very long to Quarantine it, get it 100% and then a freak accident like this takes it out. Its nice I found it before I left for my trip as I gave it a fighting chance and it didn't spend 4 days decomposing in the system, however I feel terrible and frustrated to lose a fish.


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Sorry to hear about this Aj, but I don't think it was a freak accident, the fish must have been sick or weak for this to happen in the first place, perhaps intestinal parasite, did you PraziPro in QT?

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Sorry to hear about the fish AJ. :(

Thanks. It sucks.


Sorry to hear about this Aj, but I don't think it was a freak accident, the fish must have been sick or weak for this to happen in the first place, perhaps intestinal parasite, did you PraziPro in QT?

I don't know, you could be right. I watch my fish very closely and didn't see signs of any internal parasites, but could have been something rare. The clowns seem 100%.


I dosed Prazipro in QT as well as cupramine. The whole treatment was about 10 weeks. Maybe something got by, but I didn't notice. I have the MP-10 on pulse mode and it moves quite a bit of water so not sure.


... so today it sucked heading into a bunch of Fish stores after losing a fish, but I had a prearranged pickup from Jay at Reef Raft so I bought some corals.


After going through some of my current stock a couple weeks ago with him, much of what I got from him and a few pieces from other shops or other hobbyists, we figured out that the Avengers frag I picked up a few months ago was a knockoff and not the real deal. He keeps track of who he sells to and as far as I know no one in Canada has a piece of the real Avengers that didn't die...


Long story short I convinced Jay to bring me in a piece from his farmer, and I picked it up today, it is a significantly nicer piece than the knockoff I have (which Jay also had, its an unnamed Indo Subulata). Its unfortunate another LFS sold me the fake Avengers piece without tracking the lineage or verifying that it was from Reef Raft, however I think it was their honest mistake as it was brown when I bought it and it did look similar, I also only paid 40$ for the original piece which is an insanely good price for a frag of Avengers.


Sooo today I picked up:

True Reef Raft Avengers

Reef Raft Peacock

Reef Raft CJ's Pinky


Pictures and a June FTS to come sometime soon.

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Thanks. It sucks.


I don't know, you could be right. I watch my fish very closely and didn't see signs of any internal parasites, but could have been something rare. The clowns seem 100%.


I dosed Prazipro in QT as well as cupramine. The whole treatment was about 10 weeks. Maybe something got by, but I didn't notice. I have the MP-10 on pulse mode and it moves quite a bit of water so not sure.


... so today it sucked heading into a bunch of Fish stores after losing a fish, but I had a prearranged pickup from Jay at Reef Raft so I bought some corals.


After going through some of my current stock a couple weeks ago with him, much of what I got from him and a few pieces from other shops or other hobbyists, we figured out that the Avengers frag I picked up a few months ago was a knockoff and not the real deal. He keeps track of who he sells to and as far as I know no one in Canada has a piece of the real Avengers that didn't die...


Long story short I convinced Jay to bring me in a piece from his farmer, and I picked it up today, it is a significantly nicer piece than the knockoff I have (which Jay also had, its an unnamed Indo Subulata). Its unfortunate another LFS sold me the fake Avengers piece without tracking the lineage or verifying that it was from Reef Raft, however I think it was their honest mistake as it was brown when I bought it and it did look similar, I also only paid 40$ for the original piece which is an insanely good price for a frag of Avengers.


Sooo today I picked up:

True Reef Raft Avengers

Reef Raft Peacock

Reef Raft CJ's Pinky


Pictures and a June FTS to come sometime soon.

Send those frags my way :)

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Sorry to hear about this Aj, but I don't think it was a freak accident, the fish must have been sick or weak for this to happen in the first place, perhaps intestinal parasite, did you PraziPro in QT?


I agree, the fish must have had something "hiding", definitely not at 100%. A healthy tang isn't going to get stuck to an mp10 because it picked a little algae off of it, if so mine (and thousands of others) would be decimated by mp40s regularly.


Send those frags my way :)


Send em my way as well :) Shit I'd gladly pay ya the full $40 you paid for a frag of the avengers when it is ready too LOL

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Here are the three new frags and an Undata piece I picked up a couple weeks ago.



Reef Raft Avengers



Reef Raft Peacock



Reef Raft CJ's Pinky



Bali Purple Rim Undata

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Send those frags my way :)

Will do.



I agree, the fish must have had something "hiding", definitely not at 100%. A healthy tang isn't going to get stuck to an mp10 because it picked a little algae off of it, if so mine (and thousands of others) would be decimated by mp40s regularly.

Send em my way as well :) Shit I'd gladly pay ya the full $40 you paid for a frag of the avengers when it is ready too LOL

You guys are probably right. I think I am going to leave the two clowns to do their thing for a few months before I go adding anything else.


If only you guys lived in Canada, I would be happy to sell and ship frags. Ha the 40$ is for the knockoff avengers, the real deal will likely be a bit more... ha.


Great looking goodies man! :)



So dope son!

Damn I wish I could get some of that reef raft stuff here in the states.


Not fair I tell you...not fair

It is a pretty sweet connection.


Here are a few other pictures I took last night.


Didn't get a FTS as I did a water change and added these frags so the water was a bit messy.



RR Orange Passion Slowly starting to encrust.



RR Tierra del Fuego. Definately coloring up, but the teal base is soo subtle its really hard to show in a photo. Looks really nice in person.



FAL Wolverine



The RR Sibulata, (Unnamed) Close to Avengers but a bit different. Still an awesome piece.



RR Pretty In Pink



BS Toxic Sarmentosa



Pink Millepora



Oregon Tort

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Hmm, I picked upn a frag yesterday of something very similar to the Avenger frag for $10, could just be some across though. Tank is looking great so far, I love the dimensions.

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Hmm, I picked upn a frag yesterday of something very similar to the Avenger frag for $10, could just be some across though. Tank is looking great so far, I love the dimensions.

Cool. Have a picture? This picture is pretty rough. It was about 45 seconds after mounting the thing and I find dipping my frags always causes some temporary colour loss. This morning the red polyps were out, I think this thing is going to shape into a beauty.


Also thanks for the compliments.

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Here are a few more shots.



Heres another shot of Avengers from yesterday starting to show its polyps...



Growth and lightening of the Palmers Blue Mille



The RR Nauti Spiral is starting to show some awesome greenish orange phosphorescence



RR Wolverine is kinda looking weird right now as it lightens and the yellow takes over. Interested to see where this one goes.



ATL Triple Red Zoas



Magician Palys



Green Prostrata has fully encrusted and is growing quickly.

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Some seriously nice pieces you picked up. I love the variety you guys have over there. I would trade 10 of the colonies I can buy here for a piece of that pinky.

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New pieces look unreal AJ. :scarry: I'm looking forward to seeing that Undata grow, I really love the texture on them - they're super underrated IMO.

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Some seriously nice pieces you picked up. I love the variety you guys have over there. I would trade 10 of the colonies I can buy here for a piece of that pinky.

Thanks dude. Yea I would rather spend a bit more on some ballin' frags and grow em out, then just buy a bunch of colonies and fill the tank.


New pieces look unreal AJ. :scarry: I'm looking forward to seeing that Undata grow, I really love the texture on them - they're super underrated IMO.

Thanks. I can't wait for all of this to fill in.

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Things are looking good here! Glad to see that these frags are all doing well. I'm really interested to see how your TDF colors up. I have seen a couple in person and they look like red planet too me TBH.

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Things are looking good here! Glad to see that these frags are all doing well. I'm really interested to see how your TDF colors up. I have seen a couple in person and they look like red planet too me TBH.


I picked one up that is basically identical to red planet... Similar price wise so I dont really mind, but the base was a little more yellow than green, and the corralites had a hint of purple, really the only difference I saw.

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Things are looking good here! Glad to see that these frags are all doing well. I'm really interested to see how your TDF colors up. I have seen a couple in person and they look like red planet too me TBH.



I picked one up that is basically identical to red planet... Similar price wise so I dont really mind, but the base was a little more yellow than green, and the corralites had a hint of purple, really the only difference I saw.

I actually think there are a couple strains floating around one that is very similar to RP and one that looks more like the one pictured above.


Are you able to post a picture of yours?


The one I have is a pinkish purple corallites with a very very nice light teal base. Its really hard to capture with this camera and its right under my Purple + bulb which also doesn't help. It is way different than my RP.



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