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[CUSTOM] Fishfreak218


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wow. i cant believe u put a blue tang in a 2.5g! hasnt nano-reef.com taught u anything? why dont u just keep him in a 2 liter bottle?


id like to quote a reefer on nano-reef that i have since forgot whom it was.


"its like raising a horse in a closet and saying i will spray him with hose once everyweek"


Also, just to let you know. My friend bought a baby blue tang about 1" and put into his 90g which had a load of semi agressive fish such as a sixline, dwarf lion, naso tang, school of chromis, and even a pseudo at one point and the tang has since survived. Research before making your own little theories up.

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i've held off thus far,and this is all i'll say on the tang situation... the longivity of your tank including the tang will not be very long. although it did get your thread alot of posts,i think you've done your self in for any chance at the contest. just a very stupid idea when it comes to a pico.

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wow. i cant believe u put a blue tang in a 2.5g! hasnt nano-reef.com taught u anything? why dont u just keep him in a 2 liter bottle?


id like to quote a reefer on nano-reef that i have since forgot whom it was.


"its like raising a horse in a closet and saying i will spray him with hose once everyweek"


Also, just to let you know. My friend bought a baby blue tang about 1" and put into his 90g which had a load of semi agressive fish such as a sixline, dwarf lion, naso tang, school of chromis, and even a pseudo at one point and the tang has since survived. Research before making your own little theories up.



first of all...its going into a 210g...and your friends had a lucky tank!!! and a 2 gallon tank is bigger than a 2 liter bottle!!! fish have nothing to do with horses! YOU ARE STUPID!

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first of all...its going into a 210g...and your friends had a lucky tank!!! and a 2 gallon tank is bigger than a 2 liter bottle!!! fish have nothing to do with horses! YOU ARE STUPID!



I dont think my friend has a lucky tank. I think you and ur friend are misguided, disbelieved kids who do not listen to advice given by fellow reefers. Its ridiculous that you are even a member of this forum. What is the point of being on nano-reef if you do not take advice from experienced hobbyists and instead use ur own judgement? Thinking... "oh hes a small fish, so a small tank is ok!"... ignorance. Btw, i was using the horse quote as an analogy for what ur friend is basically doing. And thanks for calling me stupid, that obviously shows how mature u really are. :)

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this is getting stupid...


dont you relise tangs are open water swimmers? there is no open water in a 2.5 gallon tank!


as for my statement that 2.5 is not a gd grow out tank. im not refering to myths im talking about the fact that he will grow much faster in a larger tank due to better conditions such as available food. also being with other fish will produce faster growth from the tang in a quest for dominace. All you will get from keeping a tang in a 2.5 is a under developed runt. it will not have enough to graze on and its muscles will be weak.


but hey you know good job you put a tang in a 2.5 and then you will place it into a 200 gallon system once you have driained it for all its health.


i dont understand your argument its ok because it will go into a bigger tank later?!?!?!


how much of a size diff do you think its going to have before you move it? if it gets any bigger it wont be in your so called scale? how do you intend to grow out the fish and keep your "scale" so it can remain "happy".


is you wernt so close minded you would relise scale doesnt work on mechanical things! if you scale a engin down its doesnt produce the same horse power. so why because a fish is the equivlent scale in a 2.5 to a adult in a 90gallon tank do you exspect that every detail such as stability, avalible food and swimming room etc..(this list can go on for ever) will be to enough to sustain this fish?


imo you are plain wrong to place that fish in your tank, its like locking you up in you house and say its ok because i will let you out sometime in the future......


i think you placed the tang in your tank for 2 reason, glory and trying to wind people up. i also think that you arnt prepared to listen to view from people who actually know what they are talking about. you have a very closed mind and your small groupe of followers are so imature its unbelivable. grow up the lot of you and have some respect for the creature you keep. they didnt ask to be brought to your tank so the least you can do is look after them!

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I think all of the F-ing Tang police need to keep there mouths shut. The kid is not keeping the damn Tang in his tank, and it is going into a larger tank. I've been keeping and raising fish for about 12 years now and if I can help it I always remove the youngsters and grow them out in smaller tanks. Nobody needs to hear you " do your research" Bullsh*t. There's no way that a tang under 1" needs a 90 gallon tank when it's that size. All the Tang police can blow there Vote out there A$$, I like the kid and his tank. Its people like the Tang police that thought nano reefers were irresponsible hobbyist for trying to keep a nano size tank in the first place.


BTW. I tried to get myself a dime size Tomini Tang ( not an easy fish to find or at least a good looking one ) for my tank but it was sold. And had I put it in my main tank at home, my bruiser of a clown would have certainly killed it.


I've had my clown for over a year now and it's still 1.5", the same size as when I bought it. How fast do you think a fish will grows really? I have about few hundred free swimming fry in another one of my tanks and I have not been able to catch them. lucky for them they have Tons of space to move around and for the next year they get the chance to become fish food for some of the other adults.

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as for my statement that 2.5 is not a gd grow out tank. im not refering to myths im talking about the fact that he will grow much faster in a larger tank due to better conditions such as available food. also being with other fish will produce faster growth from the tang in a quest for dominace. All you will get from keeping a tang in a 2.5 is a under developed runt. it will not have enough to graze on and its muscles will be weak.


One might say that Fish that could get up to 12" would get pretty week and be unhappy in a 100 gallon tank wouldn't you say. I mean a tank that's 6' long and 2' wide isn't much room for an adult fish to cruise so how is that not cruel.


Anyways, if the haters on fishfreaks blog don't want to vote for him then don't, but everyone on this site has heard your rants and raves about cruelty so shut up and leave him alone already.


I don't need your votes either. I could care less about winning.

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ok, minimalist will do ;) im guessing you havnt read my thread

there is no way that a 3/4" tang needs a 75g. tank.. also i have a few things to say. first of all invert, he gets dried marine algea (green and reds) everyday and also gets Mysis soaked in Garlic Supplent every other day, so please tell me how he isnt getting enough food.. as far as loosing strenght.. i have raised the current in my tank.. he swims against the current and also swims around my tank. im sure alot of you have seen a 1" tang swim across a 90g. REALLY FAST! but hell i can run from one end of my house to the other end of my house to.. but runing on the treadmill will get me the same amount of excersice.. (might be a bad analgy) .. my point is the current gives him more excersise.. ALSO

thank you Shivametimbas for the support, you @$$ whipe.. this has nothing to do with the longevity of my tank... also this wasnt all about winning.. it was about the challenge and seeing how good/bad i did against some of the more seasoned reefers.... i could honestly care less about the $100 gift certifact or w/e it was ($85 ??? $50??? ) i spent more money on this tank than that... i mean it wouldnt hurt to win but.. its not all about that..anyway i think (since.. well i know my tank) that it is running smoothly except for that one shrimp lost to a molt...



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Its people like the Tang police that thought nano reefers were irresponsible hobbyist for trying to keep a nano size tank in the first place.
completely agree.


this isn't some kid with no recourse once the tang outgrows the tank. he has other options available. also he hasn't been stating that this is a recommended procedure for beginners or anything (quite the contrary with the backlash i've peripherally read).


but tang police and their ilk is one of the reasons i and many others don't post too much about our own (other) tanks. imo there's a wealth of knowledge that is still shuttered just like it was when nanos first hit the scene. "if you don't have a 40g long tank, you shouldn't be doing a reef." yada yada yada.


well, we don't even consider 40g tanks nanos around here. they're BIG tanks. :P


give the kid a chance. i think he can tell once the tang's unhappy and then move it out. heck, it might not be until a year from now that the fish outgrows that tank (if he even keeps the setup the way it is).


btw fish, i'd be more worried about filtration/handling the bioload than swimming space. keep an eye on the nutrient levels and your food inputs. good luck!

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thank you Tiny, some GREAT stuff there.. i wil be watching my water constantly! Water Changes (i was doing 'em every day.. but I think its to much [like TINY water changes... such as like maybe 5% ] anyway what about a tiny water change every time i feed mysis.. or should i stick to what i was doing b4 anyway its time for me to feed JAWS and Dory

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The dory comment is going to send em bazzzzerck!


HAHA! Fishfreak since coming into this hobby has done a lot of research. I agree the the tank size isn't going to be the battle however the bio load. Good luck FF and don't pay attention to the haters. It may not be the best suitable tank for now but it sounds like from the bit I have read is you have plans for it later on down the road.


The dory comment is going to send em bazzzzerck!


HAHA! Fishfreak since coming into this hobby has done a lot of research. I agree the the tank size isn't going to be the battle however the bio load. Good luck FF and don't pay attention to the haters. It may not be the best suitable tank for now but it sounds like from the bit I have read is you have plans for it later on down the road.

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thats the way to think!!! people are like thats too smalll...put him in a 90 with full grown fish...he will get lost and stressed...and probabally attacked


:huh: well, you have that right... at least in the 2.5g you know he won't be getting lost ...

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jeez i cant believe it went from page 13 to page 18.. lololol thats ALOT... and those pics werent posted to long ago
nothing draws attention like a car wreck.


or a lynching.

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hahaha, wow, its like i red this thread two days ago and now there are like 50 posts i had to catch up on today! Fishfreak, im impressed man, keep up the good work. Its threads like this and chances that we take that help us to learn more about this hobby. You know your stuff, keep up the good work


tang police.... pshh, who needs em ;)

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I dont think my friend has a lucky tank. I think you and ur friend are misguided, disbelieved kids who do not listen to advice given by fellow reefers. Its ridiculous that you are even a member of this forum. What is the point of being on nano-reef if you do not take advice from experienced hobbyists and instead use ur own judgement? Thinking... "oh hes a small fish, so a small tank is ok!"... ignorance. Btw, i was using the horse quote as an analogy for what ur friend is basically doing. And thanks for calling me stupid, that obviously shows how mature u really are. :)



ok you must be so mature...and also you are over reacting to the situation...and i was backing my friend up on what he did!!

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Once again NOBODY FREAKING READS!!! Thee stupid Tang police are just as bad as Hitlers SS! Just pull out the luger ad fire, no questions asked. Two whole pages ago I READ...



well today i did a water change.. i also put the heater in the HOB..and i rippped out alot of the Plant life.. broke some rocks.. and kinda sorta re-aquascaped ...... corals are in some diff. places... anyway Dory and Jaws are already out... im sorry but i kicked up alot of gunk..an my tank is in need of some nice corals.. so... it is not currently presentable.. lol... pics later.. i wanna give it time to settle and stuff.. now all i have to do is add a packground.. replace most of the sandbed.. and add more coral....


wait so dory and jaws are going to the30???



no... just Dory.. and then (if the upgrade happens) Jaws will go into the 12g. Aquapod


The way I understand this is that "dory" is already in the 30gal due to re-aranging of the pico... And still for 2 pages you people go on ######ing about a tang in a 2.5gal.


Screw the tang police, what we have here are tang Nazis!!!


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Once again NOBODY FREAKING READS!!! Thee stupid Tang police are just as bad as Hitlers SS! Just pull out the luger ad fire, no questions asked. Two whole pages ago I READ...

The way I understand this is that "dory" is already in the 30gal due to re-aranging of the pico... And still for 2 pages you people go on ######ing about a tang in a 2.5gal.


Screw the tang police, what we have here are tang Nazis!!!




LMAO your funny!!!! and so right!!!!

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It doesn't matter if the Tang Patrol read that or not, they will still tear into the poor kid for getting a Tang within 10 feet of a tank smaller tank than 90 gallons. Even though Fishfreeks thread has gone off course of the contest " press is Press " and he has certainly had a lot more visitors checking out his tank. : ) I like the tank and think it's incredible what he's done especially considering his age. My little sister cant keep a Betta alive.

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