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[CUSTOM] Fishfreak218


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ok, just in case everyone didnt read the last page and this page, this is a temporary home.. he has a place in our friends 210g. tank (more space then alot give them..) and this is his temporary home.. im shure some of you have seen a Tang at the LFS sit in a 8" cube for a month or two... with less hiding spaces... also Baby Tangs like to hide.. their not EXTREMLY active.. seriously if you havnt owned this small of a tang you wouldnt know how un-active they are (not saying there not active but less active then people hype them up to be...) also he is 1" maybe even less go take a ruler and look at 1 inch.. also i figure its like putting a 12" blue tang in a 6ft tank.. would any of you complain about that???? Seriously let his actions speak louder then my words.. lets see what happens.. if he gets ich or dies.. then go ahead and say all you want.. but until then he is doing fine.. i watch him everyday from a distance peeking from behind my bed or behind my door post to see what he acts like when im not around


FF, a 30g is still way to small, you need at least a 60 gallon, so I suggest you get a job and buy a bigger tank, or sell it to some one who can properly care, and I do mean CARE, for the fish.


Da, i know that... even a 60g. is to small for a full grown Blue Tang... i can go out and buy a 75g. tank right now for $750 if i wanted to but i have limitations.. for some of you it may be money, or even space, for me its my parents... they dont like going to the LFS every weekend for a new _______ (you fill in blank)... obviously you didnt read the whole last page.. he is going into our friends 210g. tank

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I should kick your butt!


But I am going to take a big risk and trust you. Keep it happy and alive. Then move it to something bigger (60g+) when you can.


I think your judgment was a little poor on this one, but you have shown you are not an idiot.


Just don't disappoint me!



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LOL!!! im not.. im feed everyother day, and then do a very small water change.. i feed him assorted Algea in the morning and then feed him MYsis soaked in Garlic supplement.. he eats like a PIG!!!! He has a spot in our friends 210g. tank.. where he will be VERY happy.. with alot of space..

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well, if you read the whole FRIKIN thing you would know.. lolololol.. jk..there is a few reason..


Its b.c. if he got ich (which im sure you know Tangs are kinda prone to) it would be harder to treat with my bigger tank.. AND

Im pretty sure he would get blown around alot...



also i just measured the tang.. he is about 3/4 of an inch..

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thanks you petsunlimited,

ya.. that guy was a little bit um.. FREAKED about it.. but w/e my WQ is fine.. not nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, PH is good, and alk. is good.. i watch him and he doesnt look cramped at all. he is (as of right now) proportionally fit in the tank..

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You've put a blue tang in a 2.5 gallon tank -- ipso facto, you are a moron. QED


The fact that you attempt to reconcile this action with eating meat proves that you just don't 'get it' do you! Even if this were a logical analogy of yours, all you'd have done is proven my point that what you are doing is cruel.


Here is a hint for you, free of charge: If you want to disprove my point that this is cruel, try to liken your actions to something that (even by your own dismal standards) is NOT cruel. Do not, as you have done here, try to equate your actions with something else that you infer IS cruel.


Like I said before... MORON!!!

And for the record, yes, i do eat meat. But, do I go around purposely harming other animals for no other reason than my own amusement, or to antagonise a bunch of faceless people on the internet colloquially called "The Tang Police" for kicks? NO!


GET THE HELL OVER IT IT'S A FREAKING FISH! yeah, so it was wild caught, but at least his tank is healthy, the survival rate of fish that size in the isn't exactly 100%. proportionally speaking, the tang has plenty of room. it's getting moved to a much larger tank eventually, and even if it wasn't, it's his money, his fish, his property. if he wants to keep it in a freaking juice glass, its his business. caution all you want, but calling him a moron, etc. is just being an @$$hole. don't like it, don't read the thread.


awesome tank fishfreak. the tang looks cool in such a tiny tank, and i'm sure you can tell when he needs to be moved. good luck!

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Sigh.... shoulda seen this coming fishfreak..

Alright, Ill give my two cents. Being "cruel" to animals simply a point of veiw. In my honest opinion, eating meat is not cruel as that is simply the "circle of life" playing itself out (grass eats us who eat cows who eat grass). This is simply a fact of nature.


As for keeping a young tang in a 2.5, this is simply telling the petstore owners that people will spend good money to buy a small tang instead of a large one to fit it into there small tank. In general, fish stores will tend to buy two fish for every fish that is bought. That way, they can keep up with supply and demand.


The problem is now there are a bunch of small tangs in the aquarium industry that are sent to an almost unavoidable death. Then, the same person who bought the tang goes out and buys another small tang to shove into there small tank and watch it slowly die again. Meanwhile, the stores see all these small tangs that are bought, and order hundreds more to keep up with supply and demand.


So fishfreak, though you yourself may only kill one tang, in theory you will have killed two more as well. Not only that, but you are one of the thousands of people simply incouraging these pet stores to buy more small tangs.


Whew, thats alot of typing.. This is simply my opinion. It is your choice to follow it or not.





oh my gosh...seriously...get a life, hes not keeping it forever, also would you rather have him eat it or have him keep it in a 2.5 that will go in a month to a 30 then will go to a 200+ gallon later on!..........give him a break, honestly you wasted all that time typing for nothing




personally id rather have him live...oh btw circle of life, LMAO, it didnt intend for huimans to far surpass the intelligence/evloution of other animals, lol in old ages we wouldnt swim miles out into the ocean to get a tang to eat...HONESTLY, GIVE IT A REST

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lol, ok well, eating meat isnt cruel but to make it go quicker (not their death but to kill more at a time) they do stuff like electacute them and since they want as much profit as they can get..if a chicken brakes its leg they dont care for the leg.. they chicken sits their.. getting whatever food he can until the farmer realizes it and beats it to death... or sends it on the machine... where they will be tied up by the legs dipped into boiling water just to get the feathers off of them.. (while contious.. still awake ) then they will go through and get there neck slit.. O no.. that isnt cruel at all right.. its just a chicken... right?? they feel pain just like we do.. so if you are going to be all "your cruel to animals" then dont talk unless your a vegan (not just vegatarian) b.c. dairy animals suffer too...

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lol, ok well, eating meat isnt cruel but to make it go quicker (not their death but to kill more at a time) they do stuff like electacute them and since they want as much profit as they can get..if a chicken brakes its leg they dont care for the leg.. they chicken sits their.. getting whatever food he can until the farmer realizes it and beats it to death... or sends it on the machine... where they will be tied up by the legs dipped into boiling water just to get the feathers off of them.. (while contious.. still awake ) then they will go through and get there neck slit.. O no.. that isnt cruel at all right.. its just a chicken... right?? they feel pain just like we do.. so if you are going to be all "your cruel to animals" then dont talk unless your a vegan (not just vegatarian) b.c. dairy animals suffer too...





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Fishfreak, all I've got to say is that you are takin' the heat really well. You definitely don't seem like a moron to me. At least you have put some thought into what you are doing and have a plan for the Tang as it grows up. When I saw your pics (reading the thread for the first time), I could not believe that this was a pico reef. The proportions of the fish vs. the tank made it look a lot bigger than 2.5G and the 3/4" Tang did not look too cramped to me. I'm a newb, and I heard all about the tang police and have read lots about Tang tank size requirements, so take it for what it's worth.

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I think that there is a fine line between abuseing animals, and eating them.


In your case FF, I think that you have taken the proper precausions (being able to move the fish to a larger, happier home). For other people that intend on keeping a blue tang in anything as small as a nano for an indefinat amount of time are actually abusing the tang.


As far as "eating animals is cruel", I think we all have those canine(spelling?) teath for a reason. Which ever belief you have, God, other god, or evalution, you can not deny that we all have been made or have become able to eat meat. The point is that meat is a main stay in the human diet and if the means by which we obtain that meat offends you, don't eat it, go vegitarian, and get a fatty liver... In the end, the animal dies anyways.



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Agreed, in no way am I a vegetarian.. i go on peta sometimes.. just for my knowleage.. so i know whats happening.. and i honestly dont have a problem with eating meat (i LOVE Filet Mignion) but for him to say i abuse fish is tottally contradictory to what he does every day, and probably doesnt think twice about doing so.... also thank you reefpeace.. stuff like that is good... thank youfor the compliments... i prearanged its "reservations" :lol: into their 210g. before i got him... Getting this Baby Tang and getting it to grow up is a challenge i want to take on.. so now i am doing so....this will be another challeange puting it in a pico but seriously he seems ABSOULTLY fine.. he swims great, eats great, no sign of parasite/disease/pest.. so as of now everything looks good

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i mean i know that the fish dies either way...but you shouldnt kill it...HOW BOUT WE FEED YOU TO THE WOLVES...while still alive, now how do you feel!




also you do have to take in consideration that the tang is kept in there for an unselfish reason, he doesnt want the tang to get hurt in the 30, so he does have a point, plus he does have a future to the fish!

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thank you Samoyed^^^ see people who plan to give the fish/invert/coral back to LFS when it gets too big/harder to care for etc. make me MAD! thats what pi$$es me off.. but when people know that they are upgrading or find a future home in advance.. i think its fine..

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.. so if you are going to be all "your cruel to animals" then dont talk unless your a vegan (not just vegatarian) b.c. dairy animals suffer too...

Don't forget that honey is bee slavery too! ;)

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Make sure your friends 210g does not have any established Tangs or similar looking fish and/or aggressives. The Hippo tang is not the most aggressive tang and will have a hard if your friends 210g has any of the above. I have a Hippo in one of my six foot tanks and they are a great fish, they generate a lot of waste so monitor your water params closely.

Also most tangs enjoy current, so if you were concerned about too much current in your larger tank you shouldn't be. Personally I wouldn't keep a Hippo in a 2.5g since as a juvi its extra fragile and needs the best conditions to stay strong and to grow. If you intend on keeping it in the 2.5g for an extended period of time (lets say a few weeks), make sure you are doing daily water changes and take care to monitor the little guy closely.

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what are the rules about suitability of livestock ifor tank size for the contest?


considering the contest is a couple months and isn't over the lifetime of the fish - the fish will be fine until the end of the contest - but they do need lots of flow to keep they healthy until then - and they don't grow fast enough to out-size the tank by then either.

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Dear goodness, you people and your tang drama... Honestly, FF knows what he's doing, and if people would just read, then we wouldn't have any problems. Seriously, I read that he had gotten a tang when he posted the other night, looked at his plans to move it to a 30 and then a 210, and figured that if the fish makes it through growing up, then he'll be a happy fish. Other people seem to hear the words NANO and TANG mentioned within the same sentence, and out come the flamethrowers, no questions asked. I bet that right now I could post a topic in the general fourm called "I got a blue tang!" and put into the post the that he was going to live in my 30gal until he was done with QT and then move to a 2000 gallon tank in my basement, and I would still get called an idiot and a morron for puting a tang in something as tiny as a 30gal! My god, how could I be so cruel???


Honestly Fishfreak, I'm rooting for you on this one 100%. It's a chalange, and I'm glad that you are approaching it in a profesional manner and have thought it all the way through to the day this fish keels over dead from old age.

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What are you guys on? We all know the usual arguements about eating meat, fueling the industry etc but you cannot dismiss an arguement by elevating other wrongs. Why not flip that arguement on it's head - just because someone eats meat, does that give them the automatic right to be an irresponsible fish keeper?


I fail to see how it's ok to raise a tang in a 2.5 because it will end up in a 210. If fishfreak wants a tang for his 210(or someone elses 210), then they should get one for their 210 when they are ready. It's not rocket science.


None of us are saints, but at least most of us make an attempt to follow some sensible guidelines.

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fishfreak! hell ya buddy, someone with enough guts to stand up to these psycho tang police. I like the way you have it set up, and im with you all the way....... well done, well done

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