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[CUSTOM] Fishfreak218


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OMG how can you not get flamed.........................I GET FLAMED FOR ASKING FOR A 1-2" lion (lmao and i didnt even really want it...i was just seeing responses) in a 12 gallon....this is gay...AND I WAS CALLED RICH AND SPOILED...even though all my money goes to my fish tank and girlfriend!

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well, because not alot of people have seen it yet, BUT replying bumps it up onto home page where it will get looked at more...lol... i already did (well not really..sorta) from jmorris

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I think the reason people get mad about people buying fish from the LFS because they were in a small tank is because the LFS CAN put them in small tanks. Assuming it is a well known place, they will probably sell the tang in a week or so, thinking it will sell to somone with a big tank. I, personaly dont see a HUGE issue with having a tang in a 2.5,for a while (while being a month tops.)


Just my thoughs.

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yes, the reason why he is in my 2.5g is he cant be in my 30g. b.c. he would get blown around.. this is temporary..and plus every 1 joked about it.. so someone had to do it... lol

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Blown around by the flow? I doubt that he would get blown around, (unless its somthing REALLY high, like 100x turnover.) IMO, I move him to the 30.


Anyhow.... I do like the macro algae, nice growth, and mixture, its like a salad. :)

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LOLOLOLOL ^^ a salad^ LOLOLOLOOL ... anyway i dont really know about this.. i really do think he would gte blown around and/or picked on.. also if he got ich it would be harder for me to get the fish out of my 30g. then to get just the tang and Yellow Clown Goby out of the 2.5g... about the MAcroalgea.. im removing it.. hopefully this weekend..

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grandmaster fish

You have put a blue tang in 2.5 gallon glass box. Nice one buddy!


When i thought about this, my first reaction was, obviously this person is STUPID!


Reading your replies to other peoples concerns, as well as your motivation for doing it, it is now also clear that you are a dead set MORON of the highest order! Not to mention ARROGANT, ANTAGONISTIC, and just plain old-fashioned CRUEL to animals. Nice one buddy! Way to "show everyone"; that'll learn 'em to mess with you!

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i know what i have done... you didnt have to tell me that... how am i a moron??? I dont think he will do good in my 30g. and so he is in the 2.5g for now.... how does this make me a moron????? and do you eat meat??? I'm betting you do.. SO, you are also Cruel to animals.. so STFU... lol...

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grandmaster fish

You've put a blue tang in a 2.5 gallon tank -- ipso facto, you are a moron. QED


The fact that you attempt to reconcile this action with eating meat proves that you just don't 'get it' do you! Even if this were a logical analogy of yours, all you'd have done is proven my point that what you are doing is cruel.


Here is a hint for you, free of charge: If you want to disprove my point that this is cruel, try to liken your actions to something that (even by your own dismal standards) is NOT cruel. Do not, as you have done here, try to equate your actions with something else that you infer IS cruel.


Like I said before... MORON!!!



And for the record, yes, i do eat meat. But, do I go around purposely harming other animals for no other reason than my own amusement, or to antagonise a bunch of faceless people on the internet colloquially called "The Tang Police" for kicks? NO!

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Sigh.... shoulda seen this coming fishfreak..



Alright, Ill give my two cents. Being "cruel" to animals simply a point of veiw. In my honest opinion, eating meat is not cruel as that is simply the "circle of life" playing itself out (grass eats us who eat cows who eat grass). This is simply a fact of nature.


As for keeping a young tang in a 2.5, this is simply telling the petstore owners that people will spend good money to buy a small tang instead of a large one to fit it into there small tank. In general, fish stores will tend to buy two fish for every fish that is bought. That way, they can keep up with supply and demand.


The problem is now there are a bunch of small tangs in the aquarium industry that are sent to an almost unavoidable death. Then, the same person who bought the tang goes out and buys another small tang to shove into there small tank and watch it slowly die again. Meanwhile, the stores see all these small tangs that are bought, and order hundreds more to keep up with supply and demand.


So fishfreak, though you yourself may only kill one tang, in theory you will have killed two more as well. Not only that, but you are one of the thousands of people simply incouraging these pet stores to buy more small tangs.


Whew, thats alot of typing.. This is simply my opinion. It is your choice to follow it or not.

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Casabubu, very valid points. This is how I view that situation.


You are correct about the influx of small tangs. However, either way you look at it, buying the tang large or small will fuel the desire for the LFS to buy more. The most animal friendly option in this regard is to NOT buy a tang from the LFS. I think you would agree.


Most of us have also been here long enough to know, all the reprimands will mean nothing here? He did ask for it. He never said it was right to put a tang in a 2.5. Never said it was staying in this tank. Heck, the tang is smaller than the ricordia in there. There is no competition with larger fish so it gets all the food it needs, and hopefully it survives to move to a larger tank. Possibly the 30 gallon would be a better temporary housing.


And, Grandmaster...I don't think his plan was to purposly antagonize a bunch of faceless people on the internet. Your probably the nameless face who b*tches to people on the internet yet wouldn't say a word to the LFS owner who repeatedly buys 20 of these little fellows to stuff in a ten gallon holding tank. So far sir, YOU have been the most antagonistic poster in this thread. Congratulations!


This thread is getting WAY off topic. If FishFreak218 requests, we should change the subject out of courtesy. Maybe some more pics...WITHOUT the tang this time. Don't want to ruffle any more feathers :)

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lol^^ good point BelowH2O .. i dont want to get this thread closed or anything. so any complaints PM me about them, but i have some last things to say.... this Tang was going to be bought anyway.. wether it was by me or by someone else, and they are ALREADY in high demand... ever since Finding Nemo... anyway I think regardless of 1 person says something.. its there (LFS's) bussiness.. my dad builds houses.. some people say something like.. O well i think this house isnt worth $x amount ... doesnt stop my dad from raising the prices AT ALL! b.c. there is always someone else who WILL buy it.. so that might be a bad analogy [sp] but w/e.... IMHO there will ALWAYS be someone else, wanting/buying these... and they might have to put laws on them one day.. they are now Lagoon Raising them.. also i think meat is a perfectly good example of being cruel.. I am putting a Tang in a 2.5g BUT chickens are being dumped into boiling water just to de Feather them.. while they are still awake/alive.. please someone tell me how that is not cruel??? Whenever you buy chicken you are supporting that.. then Publix/Winn Dixie whereever u buy from.. orders more.. thats not going to go away.. but it is still cruel.. IMHO being cruel is being cruel.. so if you could watch the Tang swim around my tank.. I can say that he (im not going to say Happy) but .. he SEEMS content with it for now.. so untill he looks cramped, which he doesnt, he willl be in here.. also according to the crew at Wetwebmedia.com Baby Blue tangs hide alot in the rockworks.. and are not AS active as when they are when they get larger...


anyway I will post pics of the new Aquascape.. etc. when i get it done and water clears up! :lol:

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How's the new Signature ???? Also 1 Last thing for me to say about the Tang... like my sig. says "Whats nice about this hobby is that nothing is permanent." (Quote Millerlite).. Lets say the tang is in my Pico for 1-2 months (prob. somewhere around there depending on how fast he grows) .... ok, now what if he sits at the LFS for 1-2months (not uncommon for the LFS i bought him from... since well.. they have THE WORST LOCATION!!! ) .. so anyway... you go to the LFS and see a new shipment of Baby Blue Tangs.. 1 of which in a 6" cube... it sits there for 2 months.. i bet you wouldnt complain....

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Hmmm....I wasn't going to comment but Josh just brought up a good point. My LFS was sent from their distributor an uncommon type of Boxfish by mistake. The LFS didn't order it and was told by the distributor to keep it because of the stress on the fish. Well this poor little guy has been at the LFS for over two months. It just kills me to see him still there in this little tank. I would love to buy him because he's such a cute, cool little guy but I don't have a future home for him when he gets big. I would like to think he'd prefer my 12 gallon (soon to be 20L) with corals and rocks over the LFS's 8"x8" box with nothing in it. I don't know what is worse, letting him die there so that they know better next time or to take him home to at least have a shot for a bit of a happy life. :huh:


I think that if you have a future home for the Tang then he is fine for now. You'll have to keep a close eye on your water params because such a small new tank with two fish is going to be difficult to keep stable. I have just the coral and shrimp in my pico and I worry about the bioload. You could wake up one morning and he could be gone. Man, then you'd really hear complaints! :o

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I think that if you have a future home for the Tang then he is fine for now. You'll have to keep a close eye on your water params because such a small new tank with two fish is going to be difficult to keep stable. I have just the coral and shrimp in my pico and I worry about the bioload. You could wake up one morning and he could be gone. Man, then you'd really hear complaints! :o

OH, from here untill the tang is gone i will be, being VERY CAREFUL!!!!


FF, what the hell are you doing?


Just when I thought you were losing your "n00b" appearance...


This has nothing to do with me being a noob... if i said "look at this cool new fish i got, shes a Blue Tang.. is it a good fish for a pico reef??? "


than i would be newbish... but i want him for my 30g. and since he looked so healthy and small i thought i would get one.. once i got home I realized that he would prob. be nocked around by the flow in my 30g. or picked on, and if he did get ich, it would be harder to treat it in my big tank...... so IMO its not noobish.. its a BIG risk.. but noobish.. naw.. i knew what i was getting into when i decided to put him in the 2.5g

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FF, a 30g is still way to small, you need at least a 60 gallon, so I suggest you get a job and buy a bigger tank, or sell it to some one who can properly care, and I do mean CARE, for the fish.

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