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Premium Aquatics Aquarium Supplies

Tigahboy's Reefaroni (67g+30g prop)

reef hugger

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haha. like i said. open spaces helps. 18" tall is the height of uchiha's via aqua.


oh, and it helps to have smaller pieces of LR. larger pieces make it look smaller as well.

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I like your aquascaping, but some constructive cridisism, the arch/cave on the right could look better, it looks good now, but, I think it could look better. just a though.




Dude your tank is awsome! The FTS looks like an acan city! that musta cost alot of moolatay (aka $$$) ;)

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It would be nice if you really crowded in some sps along the top of your wall... couldy cause some calcium issues though, so you'd have to get around to putting togather that calcium reactor (don't think we've forgotten), that or just dose a glass of milk, morning and night... high in calcium, does a reef tank good.


I think your aquascape looks pretty perfect on the right side... can't wait for the left to come togather.


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Originally posted by Cloudy

so you'd have to get around to putting togather that calcium reactor (don't think we've forgotten


hahah. scarrry. can u say "stalker"? =P

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You know, I was actually going to ask you that the other day, but I forgot. :P Now I know. Good question, lgreen. ;) I like the aquascaping, especially the cave on the right and the open look, because of the type of stuff you keep, Tigah. I'm suprised you didn't go w/ more of a "breeder" style tank (long and deep w/out the height) for the LPS. I still love your tank and think that your design fits what you like very well. If you were a big SPS junkie, I'd tell you your design sucked unless you were getting all staghorns. ;) Your aquascape does give an incredible illusion of depth and size which is something that I try to match in mine all the time. How much rock is still left to be cured for the tank, anyways?


(And good luck on those "rare blue rims w/ pink centers blastos" sales. ;)) lmao.

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thanks kogut. i was gonna go for a shorter tank (around 16" tall), but socal pointed out that it would cost the same to beef it up to 18" since same piece of acrylic, so I figured 18" tall by 18" deep was still legit. =)


I still got 45lb of premium fiji curing. dont know if I'm gonna use all of it tho.

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If I were you, I'd take whatever rock doesn't get used, break it up into rubble, and just put it in the prop tank, somewhere. Would make a great pod habitat and would act as a bit of filtration. :P So are you still thinking of another fish?

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man. y'all just wanna cram the fishies up in my 67g, huh? haha.


havent been thinking about fish actually. but maybe I'll change my mind if I see something cool. =)

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