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Pili's 40g Breeder


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Calcium Reactor - I have talked with several of the local reefers in my area, and the ones who use Calcium Reactors have low Alk. Do a search on RC, you should find some good info.

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yeah, i changed my mind again. Just going to go with the tunze osmolator and a kalk reactor from aquatic system design. Simple and I think it will work fine for me.


I just have to figure out how i am going to modify the osmolator bracket things so that those big longs mounting things arent in the tank.

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Reefer Addict
Calcium Reactor - I have talked with several of the local reefers in my area, and the ones who use Calcium Reactors have low Alk. Do a search on RC, you should find some good info.

Some people use both methods in order to limit the PH swings.


Here is a post by a jdieck over at RC.


"There is a popular misconception that the Calcium reactor adds Calcium and the Nielsen (Kalk) reactor is for Alkalinity.

In reality they both individually add Alkalinity and Calcium in a balanced way and they both are set up and adjusted in a way to maintain Alkalinity. Once alkalinity is stable at the desired level then Calcium is adjusted to the desired level using a calcium only supplement. After that Calcium is maintained as a result of maintaining the Alkalinity. Once in a while the Calcium may drop a bit so another adjustment of Calcium only supplementation is required.

So from the point of view of the function both reactors provide the same thing with two differences:


First: A Calcium Reactor has a tendency to lower the tank PH because of the use of CO2 and some of it lingering in the effluent. A Kalk or Nielsen reactor has a tendency to increase the PH of the tank given the high PH of the Kalk solution (Limewater). Here is the benefit of using both. A Calcium reactor 24/7 plus a Kalk reactor only at night can help maintain the tank PH very stable.


Second: Capacity limitations, A Calcium reactor capacity is only limited by it's size and the larger it is the less possibility you have to impact the tank PH as you will insure that most of the CO2 has reacted to dissolve the media (Calcium Carbonate, Aragonite or crushed coral). On the other hand the Kalk reactor is limited to an addition of saturated limewater solution no larger than the amount of evaporation in the tank. Often a Nielsen reactor can not cope with the Alkalinity consumption because of this limitation forcing to additional manual supplementation or to the installation of a Calcium reactor."

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Thanks RA, thats a big help.


I definatly cant go with both a Ca reactor and kalk reactor but i hope that going with the osmolator over other lower quality float switchs will help so that smaller amounts of topoff will be added more often than lots all at once.

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Tanks looking amazing. That anthias is HUGE!


Good choice on the osmolator. I have mine set-up in a sealed container, using a VERY mild kalk solution. My PH stays stable through-out the day, and drops only slightly at night.


This is kinda risky though, especially when figuring out how much water the Tunze doses at once. It usually varies.

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WOW. great FTS. can't wait to get started on my 40br. that anthias is spectacular. i like to see a new fish in this forum every once in a while. most people just have clowns and firefish. wish you all the best with your set up and inhabitants. i also like the fact that all your plumbing is HOB. that's what i'm gonna do too. as soon as i get started i'll inform you so you can give some pointers.

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Thanks everybody.


BelowH20, i am going to try topping off with straight kalk to start with but i'm going to tee off the line so i can top off with part kalk and part RO. I'm hoping that i wont have to do that so i can get as much calcium as i can.


I love the anthias, its such an awsome fish. I agree that the tank is probebly a little small for a full sized one but he seems perfectly happy in there and eats like a PIG!!! Seriously he could eat and eat and eat some more.


scarf_ace, the HOB everything was not the way i planned the tank and i do like having a sump but it is simple and works well for now. Definatly let me know if you need any help.


malawi, post some pics of your tank. Your alway complimenting mine but i cant compliment yours :P

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haha, no purple monster. It doesnt have a "name" but it should because its awsome.


I have to find a different version of photoshop or somthing like that though because my trial one ran out. I will post more pics then.

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What fish do you have in there? Do you dose any addatives? Sorry if these have allready been answered but I cant be bothered reading the whole thread.



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Pair of Ocellaris Clowns

Sunburst (Fat head) Anthias

Yasha Haze Goby



I dose B Ionic 2 part Cal/Alk and Ecosystems Reef Solution ( i think thats what its called) every day. I am upgrading to a Kalk reactor soon though so that should significantly lower the amount of 2 part i will have to dose.


I have also started to do very small water changes every other day and i have seen a significant improvment in the health of my corals. It is much easier to do small water changes more often than it is to do larger water changes.

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Nice looking tank Pili. I recently went with a Korallin 1502 Ca reactor for maintianing Ca/alk lvls you might want to check those out before you continue , they claim to have no excess C02 bulid-up in the effluent. Just my 2 cents.

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Thanks Tigah!!


Reeferbarra, i thought about the Korralin reactor and others but i just dont have enough money right now to set it up with all the moniters and regulators, etc.


Your so close Malawi!!! Alright i'll tell you, its an encrusting montipora danae!! Purple with purple polyps but it is the purplest peice of sps i have ever seen (in person)!!!

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