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Coral Vue Hydros

Pili's 40g Breeder


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I'm proud of myself though. I resisted impulse buying a cherub angel today. I swore to myself that i never would do that again because of the damn bicolor ordeal.


YES!!!! They are so awsome!! No shimmy lines but they are much stronger than my halide ever was and they make all the primary colors really pop!!!


I probebly could get better growth in my sps if i added a GE Sunlight bulb (6500k) because they have a ginormous amound of PAR but i like the color too much now.

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I impulsovly bought a frag of green/pink Frogspawn from coralcrazy today, not knowing if my tank is ready :lol:


It's done well the first week and I did a 35% water change today, it should be fine by the time the coral arrives, I hope...

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boo, of coarse when i actually want to take a picture of the shrimp, they dont come out :(. Will be dont with the post processing in a little while with the pics i have.

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YES!!!! They are so awsome!! No shimmy lines but they are much stronger than my halide ever was and they make all the primary colors really pop!!!


I probebly could get better growth in my sps if i added a GE Sunlight bulb (6500k) because they have a ginormous amound of PAR but i like the color too much now.



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So what would happen if you slapped a few GE 6500k bulbs in there for a couple months and then switched over for nice color?


Would you be able to frag sooner? :D

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Dear Pili,


Your 40g is so much more awesome than mine.







:P Just thought I'd share that w/ you. ;) I'll get some pics of mine up soon, hopefully. I had all my SPS on the rocks already so I couldn't stack up like yours. Mine reminds me of how Tigah's 30gal was before he took it down. Pretty bare. How do you like the fish now that you've had it for a while? Seem pretty good in the 40? I really want a tiny purple tang... or maybe just a yellow tang... tiny so I can keep it for a long while before removing it... Just thought I'd share w/ you that your tank pwns mine. :)

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Mike: Yes, House of Fins.


Travis: Give me 5 minutes, i just have to upload them. I spent the last hour editing them.


Maeda: Haha, yeah, i would probebly be able to frag sooner but then i would have to live with an ugly color for a few months :P

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See Below post for reposted pics...YashaHaze-Nov12.jpg




Hehe Kogut, thanks. The fish seems like it doing great. Doesnt pace around like a tang or other anthias would but more hovers in one spot, then darts half way across the tank, and then hovers again. I like him alot and he is always out in the open.

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Thanks Rob.


I really have to figure out why the colors in the pictures look so dull though. The real pics look so much more vibrant and sharp, especially the blastos and the rics pictures. It just annoys me.

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Edited Pics with color problem fixed...










I call this one "Hermit Trek"




i was playing around a little in photoshop and i though this one came out cool.




Lastly, very very bad pic of my yasha haze goby. He stays in the back alot so it is hard to get a good angle.



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