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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Terry's 15gal column office desktop tank


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still not sure what it is but it getts some crazy extension



doing better than this morning



my most anticipated one, can wait


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and i swung by petco at lunch to cee what they had


and they hang a nice juvenile yellow banded coral shrimp with bright blue legs so it acclimating in my tank. It was cleaning a clown when i saw it so the deal was done

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came in this morning, snails did a number on my frags lol. my zoas were upside down in the sand, my orange polyp acro isnt looking to good, the heater fell off the glass and was laying on my monti, and the GSP has pretty much already shown signs of a total takeover. I'm really excited about this monti. Its a beautiful bright florescent pinkish orange and is already starting to encrust over the sides from Friday.




I had peppermints in my first tank, they were nice and friendly but i think they ate all my little feather worms and stomatellas so ive had a sour taste for them since then...This tank has a 18k LED on it, color pop is the name of the game, hints my attration to the blood red.


How's eve?

Eve is doing well. She had not eatten well yesterday and I began to worry but last night I saw that she had finished her meal after all. This morning she ate great and her ulcer is very slowly continueing to shrink.

The tank is looking good Terry!

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got the BRS rodi hooked up. but a little annoyed, they advertised a built in autoshut off, but the waste line doesnt shut off and i dont see a check valve anywhere.


My tds going in are between 6 and 10ppm. chlorine test at 2-3ppm.I ran it about an hour now im starting to fill can #1

Auto shutoff is on the clean output line, once it triggers the waste will stop a minute or two later

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Auto shutoff is on the clean output line, once it triggers the waste will stop a minute or two later


Thanks, i found that out after a day or two. The check valve is built intot he 90° coming out of the membrane. Since mine was still new with water in the DI, it took about 3-4 minutes to pressurize all the air enough to shut off. Once i cracked open the DI canister and let air out, the shut off has been much quicker, and seems safer. I forgot a couple time to turn the needle valve off after the auto shut off, and since then i dont touch it really, beside the flush valve every so oftern, I been using the crap out of it. In a month I almost used up my new bucket of salt.

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Thanks, i found that out after a day or two. The check valve is built intot he 90° coming out of the membrane. Since mine was still new with water in the DI, it took about 3-4 minutes to pressurize all the air enough to shut off. Once i cracked open the DI canister and let air out, the shut off has been much quicker, and seems safer. I forgot a couple time to turn the needle valve off after the auto shut off, and since then i dont touch it really, beside the flush valve every so oftern, I been using the crap out of it. In a month I almost used up my new bucket of salt.



Nice. I have my first RODI system as well.


I have one check valve BEFORE the input (to control on/off of house water) and one check valve on the end of the clean output line.


The float switch shuts off the RODI system, and then I shut the AFTER OUTPUT line, disconnect from RODI container, and then shut off BEFORE IMPUT so it is off and no risk of leaks

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Nice. I have my first RODI system as well.


I have one check valve BEFORE the input (to control on/off of house water) and one check valve on the end of the clean output line.


The float switch shuts off the RODI system, and then I shut the AFTER OUTPUT line, disconnect from RODI container, and then shut off BEFORE IMPUT so it is off and no risk of leaks

Oh they're great. I set mine up with two trash cans, upper can has fresh water, lower can salt water. There's a heater in the FW and a heater and pump in the SW. With some minimal strategic pipes and vavles I'm able to easily and quickly make new SW and do my water changes. Since then i have been changing a lot of water out in my neglected 90 and the GHA is dying off quickly. It might be ready for corals in another couple weeks



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Your post with the large clear tentacles may be a galaxia. In any case, you may want to be careful of placement of that coral, since those are sweeper tentacles and will sting the dickens out of anything they hit.


I forgot what a small tank you're working with, a watchman definitely wouldn't work for long in there.


Coral banded shrimp can be a little predatory at times, so just be careful with small gobies.

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Your post with the large clear tentacles may be a galaxia. In any case, you may want to be careful of placement of that coral, since those are sweeper tentacles and will sting the dickens out of anything they hit.


I forgot what a small tank you're working with, a watchman definitely wouldn't work for long in there.


Coral banded shrimp can be a little predatory at times, so just be careful with small gobies.


i started to think its a tooth galexia too. I moved it to the outcropping, hoping it just mounds up out there in solitary


i want to go back for the $5 gorgonians next, and one more small fish and crab. couple more weeks, then that should complete (temporarily) my collection

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I'm going to start looking into a HOB for holding phosgaurd and carbon again. I thought about a canister but remember now how my old one used to blow line crud intot he tank every time i cleaned it. A HOB would be much easier to clean too, something like a AC50 or smaller. minimally invasive

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really nice setup, I really love the nee frags, reminds me of my lfs's pipefish tank :)



Thanks, Suns out so i might make the treck back out to Aquaqorld for a couple more frags, I want to get a gorgonian and something else for in the sand, Or i might get another zoa and move the button LPS to the sand. What are nee frags?

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Have you considered a hot magnum? It has some advantages over an AquaClear in that it is silent and there is no salt spray. I maintenanced a customer's 10g hex tank with one. You do need to take care to rinse the foam cover sleeve well and i would used a tooth brush on the media basket. Anyway its like a cross between a canister and a HOB. It did not blow gunk into the tank when cleaned properly.

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welp, went to aquaworld. spent $26.71 and didnt get a gorgonian, they only had one variety and i didnt care for it, too purple, i got enough purple but i did get


An giant green polyp duncan (feel free to correct me on any of these)



some blue/green zoas



and Yellow Starburst that is still a little pissed



A favia of some sort, still dont know what to do with it



some pink ring, purple lash, green mouth Zoa's of a larger variety



A what i think is a slightly less vibrant Superman monti



which actually looks like this in person...


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Have you considered a hot magnum? It has some advantages over an AquaClear in that it is silent and there is no salt spray. I maintenanced a customer's 10g hex tank with one. You do need to take care to rinse the foam cover sleeve well and i would used a tooth brush on the media basket. Anyway its like a cross between a canister and a HOB. It did not blow gunk into the tank when cleaned properly.


I look into that, but im affraid to google "hot magnum" at work

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Yes, best to wait until you get home to look it up.

I looked it up last night. Its a pretty nice unit, I may have a space issue with it though. Its the perfect width but may be too tall.

I would be hanging it on the side, its abut 4" to the wall and 10" from top of glass to that trim. I have about 7-8" of width available so that should be ok. Theres also no luadry tub type sink in this building, all my maintance cleaning is down in a popular bath room and in its tiny sink. I was hoping with a HOB i can simply just pull out the media basket and turkey suck out and detritus and never have to remove the filter



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quite the popular corner this morning



Glad to know I'm not the only one who has psycho corner snails... Your tank is taking shape really nicely, going to follow this.

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few more pics. 500hp Subaru's, Reef Tanks, Photography and my Kids are my passions so expect a lot of pictures. Expect even more once i get a macro lens back. The ole Pentax 50mm F1.4 will have to do for now













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current layout



still not sure what it is but it getts some crazy extension



doing better than this morning



my most anticipated one, can wait


The one with the long sweepers is galaxea
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I think you are right about a HOB being a better option with the lack of a laundry tub type sink. Also the 4" from the wall might be too tight as well. O well.

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ok, i'm going to go with the AC70, the 50 will do but the 70 gives me room to expand, as long as the current isnt too



now im trying to find media baskets to hold carbon and gfo for inside it

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Spotted my shrimp today, well and antenna. I havent seen it since thursday. I didnt know i could lose a coral banded shrimp in a 15 gallon tank. Almost wrote him off, he was from petco after all.

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OK! So i plan to go pick up an Aquaclear AC70 this week and I have at home a Aquaticlife 115 skimmer. Should i use the skimmer in the 70 or put carbon and maybe floss in there???


im not very good at things like buying new carbon packs all the time so im leaning towards the more noisy skimmer with giant cord hanging down and splashing my wall with salt

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