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The more you open your mouth in this thread the more respect for you I loose. While MOST of your technical advice is sound, your method of delivery is completely rude. Everyone else in here is trying to help her current situation, in a respectful manner. You should do the same. This kind of shit is why alot of people bad mouth this forum. To amke matters worse, you are a respected TOTM holder. I thought you had a bit more class than this.


Sorry I forgot can only say positive things on forums............ So I'm sorry you put way too many fish that didn't belong in way too small of tank that was few weeks old and now they are dying and sick. I don't understand why fish get sick like this.The good thing about this that there are plenty more fish In the sea.

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well, we're in a lock-down. cant dismiss kids for the day. not getting home on time. could be a while.

pictures and good food will have to wait. :(


Everything ok?

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Meanwhile Harry is wondering whether D Z is really considering selling his ATI 6x24w...

Why the lockdown? :(

Very much considering it....trying to decide over the next month or so whether to go radion, Ati sirius, or hydra 52 hd....

Sorry I forgot can only say positive things on forums............ So I'm sorry you put way too many fish that didn't belong in way too small of tank that was few weeks old and now they are dying and sick. I don't understand why fish get sick like this.The good thing about this that there are plenty more fish In the sea.

You have every right to be negative, just do it respectfully. Did she do anything to YOU to warrant your hostility?

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Very much considering it....trying to decide over the next month or so whether to go radion, Ati sirius, or hydra 52 hd....

I'm not familiar with your setup but in my opinion Radion is amazing for Montipora, LPS, even acros in a SMALL tank. The coverage from a Radion is not as extensive as advertised- even with wide angle lenses I struggle with acro shadowing once they are more than 8" away (horizontally) from the puck.


I have been looking for an ATI to get rid of shadowing and for faster acro growth... When you're interested in selling it PM me!

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Everything ok?

we heard lots of sirens.... didn't last too long though... i'm guessing this is what it was:




kids were fine.


I found this picture of the tiny tiny clam before I had it shipped. How's it looking now? I can't tell which it is



he's gotten so big, he was so tiny back then!!! It's the only gold one i have, harry. blue in the middle, gold lips. :)

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Different clam hammock but still had grown a ton!!


Fish still ate like pigs last night. Only one or two specks left on each of the tangs. Very strange.


Sorry no time for photos. :( potentially tonight

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Have we confirmed it's ich yet?

It's unlikely to not be. The description matches the parasite's behavior to the T.


The foods we feed are nutritionally poor

This is not a correct statement unless the food is frozen and is not stored properly, it begins to break down when thawed. Pelleted food is nutritionally dense.


suggestions to what may be the best foods? I've read garlic, so yes, i'll mix that up with it in the blender, but also maybe clams/squid pieces? I know i was reading recently where jedi used to make his own foods... and for pretty cheap too.

Buy fresh, not frozen if at all possible. I would avoid whole foods, though, as their food is no different than what you can get at other retailers for much less. A local seafood market is the best option if available.


  • Buy a couple of clams, oysters, mussels, whole table shrimp, and a combo pack of PE mysis and calanus. Squid is another option you can add, but remember that the longer this mix is in the freezer, the less nutritional it will be, so I wouldn't make more than you can use in about three months. If you can find fresh fish roe, then add that. You can also purchase it from an Asian market as long as you rinse them extremely well beforehand, there does not seem to be any negative effects of what is left of the soy sauce, etc on them.
  • Put your entire blender in the freezer. Yes, you're reading that correctly.
  • Chop the fresh stuff up a bit, it will blend better.
  • Set aside a small portion of each type of food.
  • Take the blender out of the freezer after an hour or so and insert the larger portion and use the blender on-off-on-off-on-off to chop it all up into much smaller bits. Do NOT blend it, these will be the small bits that your fish will eat.
  • Remove the now chopped bits and place them into a bowl. Place the bowl and the blender into the freezer, leave them in there for around 10 minutes, just long enough for the blender to cool back down, and to bring the food's temperature down a little bit.
  • Take the blender back out and add the smaller portion. Add the frozen calanus and a little bit of frozen RO/DI to help it blend and to help keep things cool.
  • Blend the everloving shit out of it, being sure that it is still kept as cold as humanly possible, every degree the food rises breaks it down further.
  • Remove from blender and add to a bowl along with the larger portion of small bits. Add VERY slightly thawed PE mysis, thaw them ONLY enough to break the cubes or flat pack apart.
  • Mix everything up very well. Either place on a flat pan between two pieces of wax paper and freeze, breaking a piece off when you need to feed, or place wax paper on a flat pan and use a piece of eggcrate to separate the food into cubes for easier feeding.


what on earth is selcon!?

Selcon is a vitamin/carbohydrate/etc mix that is claimed to benefit fish and corals, etc etc, but realistically it's just fluff. It has certain amino acids that provoke a feeding response in corals, but you can get something like Kent Coral Accel in a much larger container for much cheaper overall and will elicit the same response. I do recommend using a product like that about an hour before you feed this food mixture, as if you just feed it without giving time for your corals to prepare for it, it will be mostly removed from the system before they can get it.


geez, i've never seen that carried anywhere local either.

There are four locations near Denver that sell LRS foods. Elite Reef, Aquamart, Neptune's Tropical Fish, and Tropical Pet Oasis.


I think they grow faster when they are smaller then start to slow down once they hit 3 or 4 inches or so. I read that in that clam book. I think.

At a certain point they start adding mass to thicken their shells more than they add to their length.

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It's unlikely to not be. The description matches the parasite's behavior to the T.


Buy fresh, not frozen if at all possible. I would avoid whole foods, though, as their food is no different than what you can get at other retailers for much less. A local seafood market is the best option if available.


  • Buy a couple of clams, oysters, mussels, whole table shrimp, and a combo pack of PE mysis and calanus. Squid is another option you can add, but remember that the longer this mix is in the freezer, the less nutritional it will be, so I wouldn't make more than you can use in about three months. If you can find fresh fish roe, then add that. You can also purchase it from an Asian market as long as you rinse them extremely well beforehand, there does not seem to be any negative effects of what is left of the soy sauce, etc on them.
  • Put your entire blender in the freezer. Yes, you're reading that correctly.
  • Chop the fresh stuff up a bit, it will blend better.
  • Set aside a small portion of each type of food.
  • Take the blender out of the freezer after an hour or so and insert the larger portion and use the blender on-off-on-off-on-off to chop it all up into much smaller bits. Do NOT blend it, these will be the small bits that your fish will eat.
  • Remove the now chopped bits and place them into a bowl. Place the bowl and the blender into the freezer, leave them in there for around 10 minutes, just long enough for the blender to cool back down, and to bring the food's temperature down a little bit.
  • Take the blender back out and add the smaller portion. Add the frozen calanus and a little bit of frozen RO/DI to help it blend and to help keep things cool.
  • Blend the everloving shit out of it, being sure that it is still kept as cold as humanly possible, every degree the food rises breaks it down further.
  • Remove from blender and add to a bowl along with the larger portion of small bits. Add VERY slightly thawed PE mysis, thaw them ONLY enough to break the cubes or flat pack apart.
  • Mix everything up very well. Either place on a flat pan between two pieces of wax paper and freeze, breaking a piece off when you need to feed, or place wax paper on a flat pan and use a piece of eggcrate to separate the food into cubes for easier feeding.


Selcon is a vitamin/carbohydrate/etc mix that is claimed to benefit fish and corals, etc etc, but realistically it's just fluff. It has certain amino acids that provoke a feeding response in corals, but you can get something like Kent Coral Accel in a much larger container for much cheaper overall and will elicit the same response. I do recommend using a product like that about an hour before you feed this food mixture, as if you just feed it without giving time for your corals to prepare for it, it will be mostly removed from the system before they can get it.


There are four locations near Denver that sell LRS foods. Elite Reef, Aquamart, Neptune's Tropical Fish, and Tropical Pet Oasis.


At a certain point they start adding mass to thicken their shells more than they add to their length.

was at whole foods because of the gluten-free birthday cake (and no time to bake it myself). their prices are crazy.


i love your directions! haha


Neptunes is closest to me, though I'm not a huge fan of them. I had followed that link and saw that they sold it earlier yesterday before you replied, jedi- sorry you had to go through the work of looking it up as well. i just didnt have time to go there last night.

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was at whole foods because of the gluten-free birthday cake (and no time to bake it myself). their prices are crazy.


i love your directions! haha


Neptunes is closest to me, though I'm not a huge fan of them. I had followed that link and saw that they sold it earlier yesterday before you replied, jedi- sorry you had to go through the work of looking it up as well. i just didnt have time to go there last night.

Eh, took all of 10 seconds to find it lol. Let me know if you give the food a shot. I am out of LRS and PE mysis, so I think I'm going to make my own again. I got really lazy when LRS came out :lol:


Damn Benny, too much work.

What is?

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was at whole foods because of the gluten-free birthday cake (and no time to bake it myself). their prices are crazy.


i love your directions! haha


Neptunes is closest to me, though I'm not a huge fan of them. I had followed that link and saw that they sold it earlier yesterday before you replied, jedi- sorry you had to go through the work of looking it up as well. i just didnt have time to go there last night.

You have got to get some Larry's Morgan. They also make a blend with seaweed in it, which would probably be good for the tangs.(not sure if you already feed nori on a clip or not) Larry's food is this fresh:


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that guy has a death wish. it's fresh for sure but i would not eat it.

Why is that?



(and if you watch the video, he doesn't eat the end product ;) )


(wait, I remember, he actually does, nvm lol)

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that guy has a death wish. it's fresh for sure but i would not eat it.

LOL Kat, they saute it in a pan before they eat it....watch the video :slap:


The point is, it is fresh enough before they freeze it that it is safe for them to do that. I personally wouldn't do that with anything on the market, but he feels safe enough to do it with his own product and that is good enough for me to buy it.(for my fish to eat of course)

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I can say that when I thaw Larry's, the water stays clear. When I thaw Rod's, water turns brownish. I especially like Larry's Nano package for the smaller pieces.

I'll have to look into Larry's. i use rods, but agree. the water gets pretty gross.

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  • thecoralbeauty changed the title to Anthrax & Gangs! *mimosa clams are here*

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